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The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy
The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy | Mackenzi Lee
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I performed in a dance recital last night. It‘s been about 20 years since the last time that happened! It was a pirate-themed tap number, which culminated in a sword fight, and if that sounds ridiculous to you, please know that you are correct in your assessment of the situation. 😅🏴‍☠️

Ruthiella Honestly my first thought when I saw the picture was Buffy cosplay. Awesome! 👍 1y
monalyisha @Ruthiella Oh, be still my heart! What a compliment! 🤩 1y
Tamra Fun!! 🏴‍☠️ 1y
monalyisha @Ruthiella Ironically, I quit tap when I was 14 because I wanted to watch Buffy with my BFF on Tuesday nights and tap interfered. Priorities! 😅🙈 If technology had just advanced a *little* faster, I could have a professional dance career by now (jk - but really, how might things have been different if we could‘ve DVR‘ed or streamed at our leisure? 🤷‍♀️ I‘ll never know!). 1y
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I loved this sequel! Not quite as funny as the first, but just as fun. I definitely plan to finish the trio.

#BBRCYeahBabyFixedProblematic I think it‘s interesting that a series dedicated to including diverse characters in history generated controversy about erasure. I‘m not sure I found the author‘s apology to upset readers entirely satisfying, but I appreciate that she acknowledged peoples‘ concerns, and shared her thoughts. @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan I didn‘t know there was controversy around this book. I‘ll have to go look it up 2y
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Very good! Strong female characters. Great adventure at sea. Am now looking forward to reading book 3 in the Montague Siblings series.

Loved the historical notes at the end of the book.

#20in4 #readathon #NewYearSpecial @Andrew65
#AestheticallyMatched #ReadingChallenge @Clwojick

majkia The Momtagues are such fun! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
Clwojick Great match! 3y
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Currently reading yet another book from #MountTBR, but not what I wanted to read for the #20in4 #readathon. @Andrew65

But I found "celebrate" ??? #TreasureHunt

#AVeryMerryReadathon @TheSpineView

Andrew65 Yay! I‘m listening to one which wasn‘t on my plan. 3y
TheSpineView Awesome! 3y
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Your beauty is not a tax you are required to pay to take up space in this world.


Thanks for the tag, @eggs!

Eggs Good one 🙌🏻 3y
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Using my three hour gap between clients to sit in Tesco and catch up on some reading

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Felicity Montague wants nothing more than to become a doctor. She desperately wants to enroll in medical school. Then an old friend of hers is getting married to a doctor she idolizes. So Felicity travels to Stuttgart in order to make a connection with the renowned doctor. A mysterious young woman travels with Felicity disguised as her maid. Felicity soon becomes part of a perilous quest that leads them all over Germany and beyond.

Cortg My kiddo and I were just talking about when the next book would be published. Looks like later this year! I loved this one :) 3y
suvata @Cortg It is a very entertaining series 3y
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1st and probably only book completed for the #20in4 #Readathon since I am inundated with dogs this weekend.


A feminist adventure with medicine, pirates, and sea creatures. This was a re-read for me in anticipation of the third Montague Siblings book that was just released. Felicity is one of the best written asexual characters.

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 3y
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The Montague Siblings always manage to find the action. Felicity is out to become a doctor, despite England's refusal to let women go to school or practice medicine. So, she invites herself to a friend's wedding to meet her hero. Well, that leads her and her brother into all sorts of trouble, including dragons and pirates, not to mention bad men.


#bookspin April #TheAromaofBooks

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April's #Bookspin selection #TheAromaofBooks

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For me, March is the easiest time for me to knock out audio books at work. So when I remembered this, I immediately put my hoopla app to good use 😊

Finally finished #GideontheNinth, also finished my audio reread of the #HisFairAssassin books by finally knocking out #IgnitingDarkness, reacquainted myself with my fav movie #PansLabyrinth with its book version, and I'm currently listening to the tagged book. Up next is #TheLostApothecary

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I don't know if it's just my recent mood or what, but I can't get into this one. I really enjoyed The Gentleman's Guide, but after about a third of this one, I'm gonna set it down. If I'd bought it, I'd probably soldier on and try to finish, but since it's a borrow, I don't feel compelled to finish it.

Vansa It's a TERRIBLE book. It reads like a bunch of characters popping up to spout feminist empowerment slogans, with no plot and no character development. Huge disappointment after the previous book which is genuinely fun and moving in parts. 4y
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Alright managed one more bingo! Happy new year! ❤️🎆 #littenlisten @aperfectmjk

#wintergames2020 #readnosedreindeer @StayCurious


I was not keen on Felicity's character development (which was nil) in the first Montague Siblings book but this one really impressed me. Gone was the “I'm right and you need to just realise that“ undercurrent that turned me off her in the first book. She is abrupt because she is awkward and has no idea how to act in polite female company and the inside line to her thoughts and psyche made her hard exterior all the more appealing.
4/5 Stars

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Book #35: Had to check out the sequel to A Gentleman‘s Guide to Vice and Virtue!

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Second in the Montague sibling trilogy, Lady‘s Guide follows Felicity in her journey to become a doctor, unfortunately things don‘t go as planned, once again. She teams up with her childhood best friend, Joanna, and Sim, the daughter of a pirate king 🏴‍☠️ to take down her former idol before he could ruin the greatest secret of the age. Monty and Percy are there too.

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When prejudiced men tell Felicity Montague that she won‘t be allowed to study medicine, what else is she to do but join up with a pirate to find someone willing to teach her?

In a story about one woman chasing after her dream, we see amazing female friendships, ace/aro rep, and different ways of being a woman that are all considered valid.

Although there was a bit too much deus ex machina going on with people popping in when needed. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑

BookmarkTavern And look, I understand that Mackenzi Lee is a pretty well established author, but please someone give this woman an additional job as a casting director for audiobooks. Because, good grief the narrators for both of her books that I‘ve listened to are so forking brilliant and perfect I want to cry. 4y
AlaMich I haven‘t listened to this one yet, but the narrator for Gentleman was amazing! 4y
BookmarkTavern @AlaMich They were both amazing. Like, they sounded like they were siblings. And the voices fit so well with the characters. A+, will search out these narrators again. 😁 4y
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AlaMich The actor who read Gentleman played Tom Riddle in the HP movies. 4y
BookmarkTavern @AlaMich Are you serious?! 🤣🤣 4y
BookmarkTavern @AlaMich OMG I just looked it up! 🤣🤣 That‘s so funny! 4y
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Celebration part 2! Youngest sister‘s second COVID test has come back negative!

Of course, while we were waiting on that, two of the middle sister‘s pharmacists that she works with have gone in for their own tests. So now we get to wait for those results to come in. 🤞🏻

As an addendum, if your physical and mental health allow, wear your goddamned mask when you‘re in public. 😷

AllisonM89 Any occasion to celebrate right now ❤️ 4y
Onceuponatime This! 👆🏼 I really don‘t understand why so many people do not wear masks in public! It‘s still so important and actually disrespectful not to. 4y
Lovesbooks87 I don‘t get why people are making sure a big deal about wearing a mask. Just do it. There are so many cute ones out there! Yay for your sister! 4y
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Karkar I love Rice Crispy treats homemade. ❤️ 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Woot woot!! Glad she‘s in the clear for sure! ❤️❤️ Hope for the best for the other tests too! YES TO MASKS! 👍 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I concur!! And I want some rice crispy treats!!! 4y
Megabooks 🎉🎉🎉🎉 4y
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Felicity is one of my favorite characters I‘ve hung out with this year!

A Moment I loved:

Felicity watches her traveling companion hold a dagger to a man‘s throat and in her mind explains why she‘s doing it wrong, and what the best angle would be to slice a throat in order to quickly kill and also silence by severing the vocal chords, while at the same time she feels horror at the fact that her companion had a boot knife and would use it.

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick That scene was so good! 💜 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Stacked!! I love her name!! 4y
Soubhiville @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks this is book 2, id recommend starting with the first one, but it‘s not absolutely necessary. 4y
Soubhiville @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks the first focuses on her brother Monty. It‘s fantasy YA queer lit. I love them. I‘ll get the third book, a novella, soon: 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Soubhiville awesome!! I think I have the first one stacked but going to check!! 4y
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♠️ Aces! ♠️

#pridemonth #bookflag #asexual

Megabooks Yay!! 4y
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Celebration cookies because my youngest sister‘s COVID test came back negative!

Well, the nurses recommend she come back in a week for another test, given that APPARENTLY one can get a false negative if someone is tested pretty quickly after they know they were exposed.

And she was exposed on Thursday. So, good news until next Thursday, I guess? 🤷🏼‍♀️

annahenke Good news for now! 4y
Grrlbrarian Celebration cookies are definitely in order. And then hopefully Celebration Cookies Part II! 😊 4y
ChasingOm I agree with @Grrlbrarian! 🍪🍪 4y
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ravenlee We‘ll take the good news! Hooray for good news now! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yay for good news!! Hope it stays that way! ❤️❤️ Yummy looking cookie dough! 🤤 4y
wanderinglynn Definitely celebrate! 🎉 And 🙏🏻 it stays negative. 4y
Deifio Cookies! Celebrate, yes! 🍪 4y
bookaholic1 Glad to hear it..take care covid is a scary virus 4y
JoScho Yay!!! 4y
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This is the sequel to one of my all time favorite books The Gentleman‘s Guide To Vice and Virtue, so I was very excited to start reading it. While not as good as the original, this book was such a fun read.

#readyoursign (Libra, smart character) #firstpost

wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 @litsywelcomewagon #litsywelcomewagon — Also @Chelleo did a video of Litsy tips: https://youtu.be/mH6Xdr_CACI 4y
JillsBookshelf Thank you so much! ❤️ 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 4y
JillsBookshelf @Eggs Thank you 😊 4y
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Loved: feminism, diversity, inclusion, and aro/ace MC. What bugged me: characters just popping up when utterly convenient, repetitive phrases, and the journey was like one stop too long. It dragged for me in the second half, but had a little fun with it.

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So good! Loved this sequel 😍 The setting, characters, story, all fantastic! Makes me want to run away and be one a pirate!

Soubhiville Nice! I hope to read this one soonish, I loved the first one! 5y
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Current commute #audiobook Loving it!

Verity I read this last week! Look forward to hearing what you think. 5y
readordierachel I loved this, and the first one. 5y
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I have to say I think I loved this installment more than the first. I mean I loved Monty and Percy but even in the first one I really enjoyed Felicity. It was nice to see how Felicity grew from the first book and came into her own through this second adventure. Joanna was a great foil to Felicity and showed that there is more than one way to be empowered as a female. I did this in audio and found the narration fantastic.

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1. So many things can make something a 5 ⭐️ read (tagged one from last year). As long as I was completely engrossed, moved, or enthralled in one way or another it earns the 5 ⭐️ from me
2. I do a few rereads a year and usually my rating is the same but I have changed my mind on one or two.

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 🤩 5y
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I didn‘t love the first book in this series, but this is a lot more fun. Feisty women with ambition ! Pirates! Adventures. Lovely stuff.

Andrea313 I'm glad to read your review! I also thought the first one was merely OK and haven't really wanted to pick this up. Now I think I will! 5y
Verity @Andrea313 I nearly cancelled my hold for this one because I didn‘t like the first that much, but this was much more my thing 5y
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One of my favorite reads (listens) of 2019! I loved Gentlemans guide to Vice and Virtue and the second point was even better. I loved the feminism, strong women characters, and adventure that came with this book. I loved the character development, world building, and some mystery as well! #auldlangreads #favreadof2019 #bookreviews

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛📚🎊 5y
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
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I simply loved this book. Felicity Montague is such a strong and wonderful heroine. The story was beautifully written and the message was persistent.
I especially enjoyed the author's note that includes information about the roles women played in the medical and scientific field in the eighteenth century.

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The countdown has begun! Spending my morning with Felicity, Johanna, and Sim.
1 hour down
#24b42020 #readathon

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"and you should not be frightened of the darkness, but instead be sure that the most frightening thing in it is you"

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First night of winter break! Luna and I are enjoying it in style!


Not as funny as the first book, but every bit a great adventure. I liked the message of strength looking many different ways, that someone can be "soft" and traditionally feminine and still be strong. I thought that was nice.

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I sling my knapsack over my shoulder, rest my weight upon the rope to be certain I won't fall to my death is the plaster is ripped from the wall (well death is rather grand- perhaps fall to my two broken ankles, more accurately). Then I brace my feet against the casements and rescue myself.

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Currently reading (of course!)

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What a fun read! Felicity and Percy were my favorite parts of Gentleman‘s Guide - so I was thrilled that this book focused on Felicity. And it says a lot that although we‘ve come far from the time period this is set in, women still have to work harder and do more just to be seen as being equal to men in many fields. There were so many quotes in this that I loved and I saw so much of myself and women I know in Felicity, Johanna, and Sim.

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Pirates? Dragons? Bad a** women? What more could you want? Didn‘t quite love this one as much as the first, but I did really really enjoy it! I was glad she brought back Monty & Percy, but didn‘t make them a main part of the story.

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Fantastic! Totally different from The Gentleman's Guide, but equal parts amazing and a great sequel. Think a lot less romance, and a lot more laugh-out-loud smashing of the patriarchy. Incredibly well done, with interesting characters and important themes, all wrapped up in historical fiction that feels authentic but still fresh and modern 👏🏽

LapReader Love those tequila sunrise nails. 5y
IamIamIam @LapReader Right?? Her nails are always the best! 5y
swishandflick Haha, thank you! 🤗 @LapReader @IamIamIam 5y
BellaSingsSongs Wasn‘t sure if I was going to indulge in this one but after reading your review it sounds worth it! 5y
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Got in some quality hammock reading time today with a new book 👏🏽

Leftcoastzen Hammocks are lovely! 5y
merelybookish And a cute selfie to boot! 🙂 5y
MrsMalaprop Great pic! We are just getting into hammock season here in Western Australia. Will be commissioning mine soon 👏🌞. 5y
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rachelsbrittain This looks absolutely lovely (and what a great selfie too!) 😍 5y
marleed I love your photo! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Great selfie 🤳 🤗 5y
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Really enjoyed this book and the women in it. I like that Lee loosely modeled Felicity, Sim, and Johanna on real women who didn‘t fit the mold and struggled against inequality in their respective fields.

Felicity and her companions were flawed, scared, brave, determined, and true to themselves. Loved seeing her interact with Monty and Percy. Even at the end, the women stayed true to themselves, and were determined to live on their own terms.

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Finally reading this one! I loved the first one and got sidetracked from reading #2. I was overall disappointed with The Historian, so I‘m hoping this is good.

JulietReads I love a cat's intense yet steady stare. 😺 5y
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5 ⭐
This is amazing 😍 You've probably heard great things about The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, but this sequel is even better! Felicity Montague is courageous and witty, intelligent and flawed - an absolute hero!

CarolynM I really enjoyed the first one. 5y
Sarz @CarolynM I think you should give this one a go. It's so good! 5y
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#letstravelaugust #ship

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 Another fun romp through Europe aboard a pirate ship with Felicity but I didn't think it was quite as fun as Gentleman's guide. I felt that Felicity lost some of the snark that I loved so much in the first book. Still, a fun read and it was great to have Monty and Percy back.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🚢📚👍🏻 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🛳 5y
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All the women in this book are absolutely fantastic. I love this book series and I just wish I had more. #audiobook

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I loved this one just as much as the first one!

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