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That Kind of Mother
That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
50 posts | 46 read | 77 to read
From the celebrated author of Rich and Pretty, a novel about the families we fight to build and those we fight to keep Like many first-time mothers, Rebecca Stone finds herself both deeply in love with her newborn son and deeply overwhelmed. Struggling to juggle the demands of motherhood with her own aspirations and feeling utterly alone in the process, she reaches out to the only person at the hospital who offers her any real helpPriscilla Johnsonand begs her to come home with them as her sons nanny. Priscillas presence quickly does as much to shake up Rebeccas perception of the world as it does to stabilize her life. Rebecca is white, and Priscilla is black, and through their relationship, Rebecca finds herself confronting, for the first time, the blind spots of her own privilege. She feels profoundly connected to the woman who essentially taught her what it means to be a mother. When Priscilla dies unexpectedly in childbirth, Rebecca steps forward to adopt the baby. But she is unprepared for what it means to be a white mother with a black son. As she soon learns, navigating motherhood for her is a matter of learning how to raise two children whom she loves with equal ferocity, but whom the world is determined to treat differently. Written with the warmth and psychological acuity that defined his debut, Rumaan Alam has crafted a remarkable novel about the lives we choose, and the lives that are chosen for us.
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Just when I thought I was going to bail I was up until all hours riveted. And then it went no where. Then, again, up til all hours, riveted just to have the story petter out to .... nothing? I don't know. I didn't like writing, things that could've been something were nothing; things that were nothing tried to be something. And yet . . . Yeah, I don't know. I didn't hate it, but I'm not sure I liked it.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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"The book lied."


Just started this and I'm not sure I like it ?

ShyBookOwl Darn. Good opener though! 14mo
TheBookgeekFrau Lol - yes it is. I'm hoping it pulls me in more than it has so far. 14mo
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Hmm…this book wasn‘t particularly good per se. However, what I found most interesting is the male author did a remarkable job describing motherhood, in particular, early motherhood. I would have liked to see the racial dynamic explored more.

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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This was a beautifully written book but maybe the point was out of reach for me. I enjoyed it but I think the actual plot will be forgettable for me; however, I would read more from this author because of the excellent writing. Just okay for me, and I will definitely give the author another shot.

Cathythoughts I have this one … must give it a try 3y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Hubs out of town for 6 weeks so this is how the kid and I are reading now. We‘ve been reading the nights away this week, very little tv. It‘s been a nice break and I‘m finding my reading stride.

EvieBee That sounds lovely! I‘ve been complaining about not reading nearly enough but my tv watching time has tripled! I need to take a tv break. 3y
Reagan @EvieBee it‘s so hard though, I love movies and I have shows I want to watch. I just need more time 😂 3y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I wanted to like this one, but I just didn‘t care about the main character. 🤷🏼‍♀️

DivineDiana Too bad. 😕 3y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

I did not like the way that this book was written. The characters were one dimensional and not easily related to. I forgot that I have read other books by Rumaan Alam and didn‘t like them either.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Slow & introspective. Alam writes beautifully and has created such an interesting character in Rebecca, dwelling on her privilege and subtly pushing on her "white saviour" complex, with an implosion towards the end that should have given Rebecca pause but I'm not convinced it did...

Book 6/6 for #AwesomeApril (thanks to some #audiolaundry)

Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This month‘s book club pick! I really liked this book. The main character was believable and compelling. I liked the long arc of the story, and the themes of motherhood and racism were very thought provoking! I was also impressed how well Alam (a male author) wrote from the perspective of a female.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

7/10 Decent read, too much and not enough happening all at once. There is a thread of a story, but it almost feels like you can't really get into it because the substance just isn't there. Interesting concept of a book, but left me wishing for more depth.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Story of an over-privileged and vapid poet/mother in Bethesda (!) who adopts the baby of her African American nanny, who has died in childbirth. Nice story but implausible, and hard to love the poorly-developed main character. I enjoyed it but it‘s not memorable.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This book has been on my radar for a while, so I snapped it up as soon as I found it on hoopla. It's an exploration of race through a white woman's perspective as she navigates a dual race family. I admit a few sections the pacing felt off and there were times the main character was frustrating, but the section where she reflects on how in 1999 things are certainly getting better and we live in a prosperous and equal time, was spot on.

Insightsintobooks I saw that this book is on sale on kindle this month and I've been contemplating getting it. Thanks for the review. 5y
8little_paws @Insightsintobooks it's good. I prefer his first book, personally. Both his books are character studies.... not a lot happens in them. If that's your thing, consider reading him. 5y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Another fabulous house seen on my #audiowalk today. Book is alright so far. A bit slow to start but it's picking up.

AlaMich The town where I live has a lot of old houses with gorgeous porches like that, and it seems like I never see anyone using them. If I had a porch like that I‘d be out there all the time! 5y
Mimi28 My therapist asked me if I won a million dollars where would I settle down at and I said- Oak Park. She said not California or somewhere warm? I said nope, mudslides, flooding tornadoes, lol. She just kind of nodded in agreement, lol. 5y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This novel is too soap opera for me. How is a modern urban white MC not aware of racism and driving while brown/black? Especially one raising a black son. (90s - 2000s) Doesn‘t seem very plausible. We‘ve been having these conversations with our kids since they were about 8. 😡😞

Velvetfur Ummmm.... I feel like a bit of a dummy typing this, but what does DWB mean? 6y
mrsmarch @Velvetfur Probably Driving While Black (or Brown) 6y
Tamra @mrsmarch @Velvetfur yes! (I will edit post to spell it out.) 6y
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Cathythoughts Sounds a bit crazy to me too ..... 😡 (edited) 6y
mydearwatson I haven‘t read it, but perhaps it‘s because the author is not female or white? 6y
mydearwatson That wasn‘t meant to sound rude; I just really stink at wording things. 6y
Tamra @mydearwatson I don‘t know - good question. 6y
Tamra @mydearwatson I didn‘t think it was rude. 😉 6y
DocBrown Hated this book. 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I liked some of the plot and writing but I thought Rebecca was self absorbed and some of the big events were glossed over. This book just wasn't for me. I'm hoping to mail it tomorrow @BookwormAHN #genreswappbc @Julie548 @whippoorwill815 @ads0123 @BookaholicNatty

BookwormAHN Okay, I'll watch for it. 6y
BookwormAHN It finally made it. 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I‘m so flabbergasted this made both the NPR and WaPo year-end lists. Two-dimensional characters, uninteresting story. Compares poorly with Little Fires Everywhere and Fierce Kingdom. It reads like a very bad Afterschool Special. I just wanted it to be over. And thankfully, now it is!

MicheleinPhilly I read his first one and could not understand the hype at all. It was terrible. 6y
Bookwormjillk Interesting. I hadn‘t heard of it. I wonder how those year end lists are made. 6y
LauraJ Sometimes I think it‘s politically correct to like a book, others just have really good pr staffers. 6y
LauraBeth I agree with you 100%. 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Hmmm. The prose was solid and the pacing was great. But I am absolutely “that kind of mother” who can‘t stop talking about her kid and reveling in the minutia of toddlerdom. I am also driven, talented and respected in my career, so it frustrates me that the main character doesn‘t realize she can be both. It doesn‘t delve into the aspects of a white family raising a black son as much as I expected, either. Solid but not a fave.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Started this tonight and am already halfway through. Immediately engaging and would be a perfect book to discuss with a book club. Race, parenting, adoption - rife with threads to pull.

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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This book took a few turns I did not guess. But overall it was well written and an interesting look at conflicting cultures.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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While I liked the timeframe of the book, I was disappointed in the actual story development. It was all about a selfish housewife who was also a poet. Once she had children she had no self value outside of being a mother, which is disappointing as I see that already everyday.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This is what I have been reading this week for our #crossgenre #postalbookclub I am about halfway thru and I really can relate to Rebecca‘s feelings in this book. I didn‘t know much about this book going into it but am enjoying it. I am listening to it on audio and reading bits and pieces too. This has been my new favorite thing to do, both audio and written at the same time! Have you heard of this book?

tpixie I‘ve not heard of the book. But I like to read/listen also!! 6y
Bklover This is a new one to me. I just read the book description and it sounds very intriguing! Thanks for sharing- looking forward to your final review! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Hey Lovely, I know you're busy with school. But if you get a chance can you check out the Slack group? We're exchanging addresses for xmas. I want to add everyone to my xmas card list. 😊🎅 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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@ads0123 the package came today!!!!!! Is this saga graphic novel for me??????? Oh my goodness I‘m beyond happy right now! You know just how to cheer a girl up!!!!!! Is it really for me tho? And @Julie548 I have a bi-racial son too so Im glad you picked this book as one of our book club picks!!! We have such an awesome group!!!!!!! Even though I‘m failing miserable at balancing everything I‘m so glad I got paired up with all of you! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

BookaholicNatty @Julie548 have you listened to this on audio by chance? 6y
ads0123 @BookaholicNatty yep those highlighters and the Saga book are for you!! I had a little note that I completely forgot to include!! I hope you‘ll have a little down time from the nursing school studies!!! 6y
ads0123 Everything except the Mother book and those tabs inside that book are for you!! 6y
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BookaholicNatty @ads0123 oh my goodness!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I‘m in tears! I have felt so bad about not getting to this last book so I feel so unworthy. Thank you for being so kind hearted and for Brighting my day so much!!!! Seriously I really do mean that! You don‘t know how much it means. I have found out that graphic novels have been the only thing I can fit in reading wise right now unless it‘s an audiobook! So this is perfect! Your the best 6y
BookaholicNatty @ads0123 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 6y
ads0123 @BookaholicNatty I‘m glad you like it!!! 6y
Jazzper2 Saga is awesome! 6y
Jazzper2 Saga is awesome! 6y
ReadingRover Saga is the best!!!!! You‘re gonna love it!!! 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

Did not enjoy this book. It took me forever to finish and I didn‘t like the main character, Rebecca. The story didn‘t feel complete and it dragged in a lot of places. Also didn‘t handle a complex issue as well as I would have liked.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I‘ve just had a case of book-life coincidence or is it banana-life because just a few minutes before reading this paragraph I had opened my freezer to look for something and two of my frozen bananas fell out of the freezer and onto the floor. Luckily, not on my feet.

Pamwurtzler 😂That‘s happened to me too! 6y
BibliOphelia 😳😂😂 That happens to me all the time! Only the bananas jump out of the freezer. Why is that?! (edited) 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

Rebecca had thought rapid change a condition of infancy but people are at essence mecurial.

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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I am marveling at how effortlessly this male writer portrays new motherhood.

BookaholicNatty Yesssss!!! Im absolutely stunned at that 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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1. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
2. Mmm fries especially shoestring fries
3. Somehow this year I‘ve been listening to more Mandarin pop music - singers like JJ Lin (from Singapore) and A-Mei (Taiwan)
4. 👆
5. Happy Friday to you wherever you are!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

sprainedbrain Oh how I loved the Indian Jones movies as a kid! ❤️ 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Read on my phone for a bit while waiting for a friend to show up for coffee. I had a flat white and a kueh salat cake. The green layer is a kaya (coconut and pandan) custard and the bottom is sweet glutinous rice coloured with butterfly pea flower extract.

batsy Yum! Known as kuih seri muka over here :) And I want some right now 😋 6y
RealLifeReading @batsy oh that‘s right! It‘s interesting how there are different names for it. Whatever it‘s known by, it‘s so delicious. 6y
julesG I'd like to try the cake(?). 6y
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alisiakae Yum!! I‘m allergic to coconut, but I can taste vicariously through Litsy! 😃 6y
BiblioLitten That looks exquisite! 6y
RealLifeReading @julesG it‘s very tasty! 6y
RealLifeReading @4thhouseontheleft oh no! I didn‘t know that! 6y
RealLifeReading @BiblioLitten it‘s very good! 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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If you are interested in reading this book, you might be interested in this interview with the author from Barnes and Noble.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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This book would be such a great choice for a book club. It brings up many issues that deserve thoughtful discussion. I know there very mixed reviews about this book but for me there are not enough stars to rate it properly.

emilyhaldi Sounds heavy!!! And intriguing! 6y
tammysue Happy you enjoyed it! I‘ve had it on library hold, am really looking forward to reading it! 😊 6y
suvata It‘s so good 😊 6y
suvata @whatshesreadingnow I hope you like it as much as I did. 6y
BookaholicNatty I‘m reading this now and enjoying it. I think I like this one more than rich and pretty. And I‘m also amazed at how well he portrays motherhood and Rebecca‘s thoughts and feelings! 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

I have #thoughts. LOTS of #thoughts.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

I know there have been mixed reviews but I really loved this book. The writing is exceptional. Such a poignant story that is so relevant in this time. Highly recommend.

DimeryRene Ah! I loved his first book. I got this one in my quarterly book box a while ago. :) 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I see a lot of mixed reviews, but I have high hopes.

Lmstraubie Just got this as a Kindle deal. I'm hoping it's as good as I think it will be. 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Recent #litsymail!

@Julie548 I got your book today for #genreswapPBC #crossgenre today! I‘m so excited to start reading everyone else‘s books!

Also my latest #jb mail courtesy of @LazyDays @blithebuoyant and @debthmpsn ! 😊

JoScho 💜💜💜 6y
Julie548 Yay!! 6y
CareBear Great cards!! 6y
tammysue Nice!! 💗 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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An interesting take on what makes a family, and what we owe to the people we love. Also I have read a lot of novels about transracial adoption recently, not sure when that tipping point happened but it‘s a lot more nuance than I have seen before.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Mimi28 Aaaaawww!!! 😻😻😻 6y
Cinfhen 😂😂😂 6y
LauraBeth @cinfhen This was a long road to peace! 😂 6y
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LauraBeth @Mimi28 nap time! 6y
LiteraryinPA I swear she‘s looking bigger already! 6y
Cinfhen Well done , mama ☮️☯️ 6y
LauraBeth @LiteraryinLititz she‘s gotten big! 6y
Lreads So cute stretched out on all the pillows! ❤ 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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The death of Rebecca‘s nanny and former lactation helper Priscilla shatters her, but soon she agrees to care for Priscilla‘s newborn son. Much of the novel follows Rebecca‘s path as a mother and poet, a character-driven meditation on relationships, race, status, with events of the later 80s and 90s as a backdrop.

I received this as a free WSJ+ ebook and found it an engrossing read.

TheBookgeekFrau Sounds interesting 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Picked up my book for the Genre Swap today! Visited this little indie bookstore in Franklin, Indiana that I‘ve been wanting to check out. Spent too much and will go back...so many cute things! #genreswapPBC

Then the cashier at the grocery handed me this rose on my way out!

tammysue Beautiful! 6y
BookaholicNatty I‘m enjoying the book very much!!! ❤️ 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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A man writing about motherhood sounds quite interesting.

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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

I enjoyed this novel while reading it but I kept waiting for something big to happen to make the main character face reality. The entire novel was told from her self centered, self focused point of view. I ended up frustrated with her but she is a true to life character and I know many people like her that are incapable of seeing life from anyone else‘s point of view but their own.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Some parts hit on motherhood, family, race and belonging spot on and others relied on stereotypes. Very readable but lacked depth (maybe multiple POV‘s would have made this novel great). I don‘t regret I read it, it just wasn‘t a home run for me.

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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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I enjoyed this about the same as All the Pretty Girls. Don‘t regret reading it but didn‘t love it.

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam

Hmmmm - uneven. I thought it was about a white woman raising a black son but Any insights on race relations are mixed in with pages & pages & pages about 80‘s bank scandals, Princess Diana and poetry. ( A TON about Princess Di). Rebecca doesn‘t listen to ANYTHING. But that scene in the classroom was spot and touched on something so true: black kids are singled out and disciplined differently. Theres a point somewhere in this book. I think. . .

Cinfhen Helpful review, thanks!! This will be a #BorrowNotBuy 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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So, I forgot that I had this coming in the mail, and now I have two of this book. Anybody want one!? I am keeping this copy; I am so much more excited because the author has made notes on the pages and I get to read them. “Adoption” is a huge draw for me, and I am eager to find out more from someone who is intimately connected to this world. Also, love the pin + accompanying goods - #booknerd for life!

Kimberlone I was just reading about this book the other day! Plot sounds very interesting! 6y
bohemian_yogini I have been waiting for forever for this to finally come out!! 🤭😱😍❤️ 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful pic ❤️❤️ 6y
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Notafraidofwords That kind of mother. I would like to read. 6y
BooksForEmpathy @Notafraidofwords I owe YOU a book! Perfect!!! Email me your address please :). I don‘t think I kept yours from your package... I should have! 6y
Notafraidofwords @BooksForEmpathy awww thank you so much. I‘ll email you now. Thank you 💚 6y
Paperback.Propensity Ah it seems like a good book! I am dying to try PageHabit 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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PIZZA 🍕. I have finally finished a book and am now going to start this one! Also, watching the Handmaid‘s Tale and it just makes me sick.

Ashley85 I‘m about to start this one too! 6y
Pelican71 Me too! It‘s on my bedside table. 6y
EvieBee Mmmm! I‘m trying to finish at least something and soon. It makes me anxious sometimes lol! 6y
BooksForEmpathy @EvieBee I am so anxious about the fact that I have only completed one book so far. I have started more than a few but am lacking motivation!! I have to remember no one knows but me!! 6y
EvieBee @BooksForEmpathy Exactly! ♥️ (edited) 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Dinner tonight was some chicken and rice takeout and fries 🍟. And new #bookmail! I loved Rich and Pretty, and hopefully this is great too. May is also turning out to be my worst reading month in a couple of years! I haven‘t been able to finish anything 😒. Nothing is sticking. This is officially a reading slump! I do graduate my credential program in 2 weeks + it‘s the end of the school year for work so that might have something to do with it...

Cinfhen Hope this book ends your slump! I haven‘t seen any reviews yet so im super curious to hear your thoughts. 6y
Centique Good luck! Sometimes (for me anyway) a slump just means i need to take a break. Or do/read something completely different. Still this looks really good! 6y
AmyG I‘m curious to hear how this book is, too. 6y
MicheleinPhilly May has been horrible for me too. I‘ve read 1 book all the way through. 😕 6y
readordierachel Hope the slump is over soon! 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Check out this #kindledeal

$2.99 The latest from Rumaan Alam, author of Rich and Pretty. Must be a mother‘s day thing. This one is hot off the press. Released in US last week (May 8)

Kshakal Thanks for the heads up!!! 😊 6y
Ashley85 Just bought this one yesterday! 6y
Cinfhen Oooh, hope it‘s still available!! Thanks for sharing!! 6y
KateFulfordAuthor If you like family dynamic stories with well drawn characters, a cracking plot and laugh out loud moments, page after page, may I recommend my debut? 6y
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That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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1. My son having an epic meltdown at the supermarket.
2. I‘ve never been so I‘m not sure, but I‘ve heard they‘re good for school supplies? (I‘m a teacher).
3. Tagged. Also new Ruth Ware and Caroline Kepnes
4. Young ginger stir fried with pork
5. Anyone
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro

That Kind of Mother | Rumaan Alam
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Book mail! I‘m really excited to read this novel and interview Rumaan Alam!

Cinfhen Oooh, exciting!!! I kind of fancy the simple cover💚 6y
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