Very topical, even through the lens of inhumans vs “real” humans. And as always Ms. Marvel always tackles the most important subjects in the most relatable Marvel ways.
Plus I loved the return of the Red Dagger, but I still miss Bruno.
Very topical, even through the lens of inhumans vs “real” humans. And as always Ms. Marvel always tackles the most important subjects in the most relatable Marvel ways.
Plus I loved the return of the Red Dagger, but I still miss Bruno.
“They‘re after us with weapons and acronyms!”
This series, man. Wilson perfectly combines the action of a Marvel story with social commentary EVERY TIME. This volume dealth with what makes someone the "hero" or the "villain," and if they're really that different. Also, religious differences and immigration are touched on. I love this series. This is no exception.
I read this for #transfiguration for the #OWLSmagicalreadathon
Ms. Marvel has a crisis of confidence in much of this volume. The first issues are a thinly veiled allusion to Trump politics, and while the plot was a bit thin, I continue to love all the scenes with Kamala and her family. The second plot line, stopping a runaway train with Red Dagger, was cheesy but cute.
#pop19 : someone with a superpower
Catching up on Ms. Marvels the best way: with sparkling rose #booksandbooze
I‘ve spent my holiday catching up on my comic reading. I love Ms Marvel but do admit that jumping in after not reading a comic for a year or so is confusing. I liked the addition of Red Dagger in this also.
Lunchtime reading today. Ms. Marvel is facing some disillusionment and it ends with a cliffhanger.
I thought this was the next volume that I hadn't read, but I was wrong. (I wonder if the librarians who bought it for the library made the same mistake; it's volume four in German, but volume 8 in the American version). So I was a bit confused who some of the people were and what had happened before. Otherwise it probably would have been a pick!
I learned most of my best moves by watching YouTube videos...
I am not sure if I am tired, or the series. I get what she was doing in the first storyline, speaking up against Trumpism and the usurpation of democracy, but I don‘t like it to be too obvious. In the second story, I enjoyed the banter between Ms. Marvel and Red Dagger, but the story lacked even basic knowledge of trains and train routing systems... I also did not like the changing artists. This was a kinda meh experience. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
I like that Marvel has a disabled character whose storyline isn't about disability. But why is Marchesi using a clunky hospital wheelchair that is way, way too big for her?
I love Ms. Marvel and these will always be picks for me, but I think I have trouble maintaining interest in super hero comics because they are open ended. It doesn't feel like this story is going anywhere. Wilson does a great job speaking to current issues and fears, but because that doesn't feel in service to a greater story it comes off as preachy and a little...boring. Absolutely worth the read though, these characters are great!!
Aaaand that's a wrap for my #24in48. We're fast approaching midnight and i have work in the morning. Somehow smashed all my readathon records this weekend and read more than I did in the entire month of May, but I'm kind of excited to go back to normal again.. Until next weekend. 😂 😂
Going to start reading both of these beauties before they are due soon! Fabulous outside reading weather right now!
Part 1 of 4: how terrorists become terrorists. We all have something to learn from this.
If you‘re not reading the Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel series, you need to! G. Willow Wilson points out so elegantly the reasons why villains become villains, how terrorists become terrorists, and how easy it is to let fear take over. I wish this series would be adapted! It‘s so timely!
Oh, what can I say. The volume is a thinly veiled commentary of current politics and a little preachy. Still love it!
It's hard to transition between comics! When I went from Giant Days to Black Panther it felt weird to be reading something that took itself so seriously...but then I got into it & transitioning to Ms Marvel felt a little...preachy & depressing? Even tho I'm in full agreement w/ my dear Kamala. But I got into the style again by the end of it. It's always the connection to the ppl that give this series its heart. ❤️ #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon
I love that G. Willow Wilson manages to incorporate real world issues into Ms. Marvel all the time. I feel that's always been the point of superhero stories: to comment on the politics of the day and be the heros for those most margalinzed and vulnerable in society. I'm also glad Wilson also remembers to treat Kamala like a real teen who sometimes needs to take a break from the world for some self care from time to time.
I love Ms. Marvel ⚡️ This was another great volume and gives me my “M” for #LitsyAtoZ!
#graphicnovels #marvel #msmarvel
Cuddles with Bruin on this snowy day ❄️☃️
#msmarvel #graphicnovels #dogsoflitsy
One of Ms. Marvel's best volumes even if it's rehashing her fight with the same hipster/fascists since pre-civil war 2, it is still very enjoyable and Kamala Khan is still one of Marvel's most appealing and relatable superhero.
Not as good as most of the other Ms Marvel volumes. It feels like they're re-using ideas. But I like the Chuck Worthy political comparison. The last two issues were the problematic part.
We got this in today at work! Seriously made my long night better. I can‘t wait to read it once my Christmas reads are done.
#marvel #msmarvel #graphicnovels