The new popsocket for my phone arrived!
Today's, and really every day's, reading companion.
This little cutie became part of our family today 🥰 he‘s a schnauzer pom, and so sweet! Welcome Henry! #dogsofLitsy
Someone has been getting in the way of my reading goals. Good thing she's so cute...
Snow. And a sad doggo who hates snow. He's been grumping at it since he woke up. *gnuff gnuff gnuff*
#petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy
Look who's better? He's confused and nervous, because he can't understand what's happening. But he gets confused at a different routine. He's ok.
Dog burrito because somebody ate something they should not have. We haven't figured out what yet. He is not feeling well. Not the best day so far. #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy #vacationland
Igrec news! Saw the vet. It's his left knee. It's either a bad sprain or a partially torn ligament, not possible to tell without an x-ray. It not too severe but he can't put much weight on the leg. Obvious inflammation all around the patella. He has a second pain med for a few days, which makes him groggy. No jumping (we pick him up to get on the sofa), no long walks, no fetch for a while. #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy
Am I to understand it's #nationalpetday, somewhere? Here are Igrec, the Min Schnauzer, and Monsieur Trou-noir, the very black crown tail betta (he's new). #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy #fishoflitsy
@kaye happy holidays from Gambit and his favourite Christmas present 😄
#gambit #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy
@kaye asks for pets!
This is Igrec, who does not feel well right now, having caught a stomach bug at the kennel. Madame Blanchette the betta fish is not pictured.
#petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy
Apparently, I was too dirty to read in peace today. So were my glasses. #dogsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy
This is Igrec, the min Schnauzer. He is fast asleep on this picture, twiching and dreaming. And due for a shave. #petsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy #dogsoflitsy
@hermyknee , this is my reading buddy Igrec, who truly does not understand why I take pictures. #readingbuddies #schnauzersoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #woof
Finally home. Somebody I know is a blur of happiness that we are back. #schnauzersoflitsy
Working on my #makerswap in between readings for the Jacques Brossard Prize. Can't show either of it, so please enjoy a picture of my dog in the morning. #dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #schnauzersoflitsy
Adventures in pet ownership! This has been stuck in my dog's teeth for a while and it smelled! Problem solved!
Got a little reading done while waiting in the lobby for Jenna‘s annual vet visit. All checked out and almost ready to go. 🤗 This face though! 😍😂🐾🐶 #Jenna #SchnauzersofLitsy #ILetYouGo #ClareMackintosh #Multitasking #Schnauzers
Me & Brie are “gettin‘ jazzy” (jazz & #bujo draw) ... she‘s obviously not ‘bout dat life. #wesassy #thatlooktho #schnauzersoflitsy
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, @TaylorMay . Here's Duffy, the sweet schnauzer who's spending the holidays with me. He loves to sleep on my lap while I read. #readingbuddy #dogsoflitsy
Playing washi tape games with my Brie. She was trying so hard not to spill them! #circusdog
Gimme all the chicken jerky or I look at you like dis. #schnauzerdesavoie #beardeddragondog