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Enchantress of Numbers
Enchantress of Numbers: A Novel of Ada Lovelace | Jennifer Chiaverini
New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini illuminates the fascinating life of Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace--Lord Byron's daughter, the world's first computer programmer, and a woman whose exceptional contributions to science and technology have been too long unsung. The only legitimate child of Lord Byron, the most brilliant, revered, and scandalous of the Romantic poets, Ada was destined for fame long before her birth. Estranged from Ada's father, who was infamously "mad, bad, and dangerous to know," Ada's mathematician mother is determined to save her only child from her perilous Byron heritage. Banishing fairy tales and make-believe from the nursery, Ada's mother provides her daughter with a rigorous education grounded in mathematics and science. Any troubling spark of imagination--or worse yet, passion or poetry--is promptly extinguished. Or so her mother believes. When Ada is introduced into London society as a highly eligible young heiress, she at last discovers the intellectual and social circles she has craved all her life. Little does she realize that her delightful new friendship with inventor Charles Babbage--brilliant, charming, and occasionally curmudgeonly--will shape her destiny. Intrigued by the prototype of his first calculating machine, the Difference Engine, and enthralled by the plans for his even more advanced Analytical Engine, Ada resolves to help Babbage realize his extraordinary vision, unique in her understanding of how his invention could transform the world. All the while, she passionately studies mathematics--ignoring skeptics who consider it an unusual, even unhealthy pursuit for a woman--falls in love, discovers the shocking secrets behind her parents' estrangement, and comes to terms with the unquenchable fire of her imagination. In Enchantress of Numbers, New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini unveils the passions, dreams, and insatiable thirst for knowledge of a largely unheralded pioneer in computing--a young woman who stepped out of her father's shadow to achieve her own laurels and champion the new technology that would shape the future.
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I really wanted to like this book, but it ultimately left me flat. The general idea is good, based on the life of Ada Lovelace, the daughter of Lord Byron. It‘s just that it doesn‘t make that interesting a story. The story is dominated by Ada‘s relationship with her controlling mother. Her real mathematical work doesn‘t come until the last part. There‘s no real story arc. Not a pan, but not something I‘d recommend.

Lynnsoprano And no, this photo is NOT from this book 😂 3y
quanners That page looks more interesting than the book sounds! Thank you for saving my time. 3y
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Well after discarding several of my choices bc they exceeded the page limit- here are my options lol. The tagged book does go over but only by 17 pages. #lmpbc Group A

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Bookwormjillk These all look really good. I would be happy with any of them really. 3y
Tattooedteacher Any of them sound good. 3y
Jerdencon I‘m good with all of them too! 3y
Tattooedteacher Which one did you pick 🤔 3y
BethM @Tattooedteacher I‘m going to go with park Avenue summer I think! @Jerdencon @Bookwormjillk 3y
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I got this as a Kindle deal two years ago; I think it‘s probably time to read it 😂 I‘ve read the author‘s quilters series, but none of her biographical novels. Looking forward to this.

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The Enchantress of Numbers, Ada Lovelace, was the first computer programmer and daughter to the infamous poet Lord Byron. In her short life, she navigated a male world and was a brilliant mathematical mind, while also being a wife and mother.

Also has a complex mother daughter relationship which I found fascinating.

4 stars 🌟 🌟🌟🌟

For more detailed thoughts, check out the review here: https://bit.ly/2ZfurHl

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Working from the bottom to top, I‘m up to After Atlas. I also am reading The Weight of the Stars for a buddy read bookclub, which isn‘t pictured above.

Think I can do it or am I just crazy?
#januarytbr #stackofdoom #tbrstack

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Shout out to Ada Lovelace, a woman with a #mathematics background, whose brilliance helped advance computer programming!

For me, Chiaverini‘s writing is hit or miss. I got this one in a subscription box and have yet to read it. However, I do like her ability to highlight women often obscured in history. #resroseseptember

arlenefinnigan Sounds really interesting! 5y
Cinfhen I agree with @arlenefinnigan who knew there were so many books about #mathematics?!?! 5y
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A fantastic and engaging portrait of a brilliant and influential woman. I was really sad at the end of the book, what more could we have had if we had let a mind like Ada Lovelace‘s flourish?

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Picked this up for my Kindle via Bookbub. I read a number of the author‘s quilt series novels, but nothing else of her work. This looks fascinating.

LauraBeth Random question: do you know of any good arborists in FL? 5y
Lynnsoprano @LauraBeth I know a couple in Palm Beach County and also know how to access the state certified arborist list. Where in FL are you looking for? 5y
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I knew nothing about Ada Lovelace going into this and now I want to read everything I can about her. This book covers her life from birth to death, including a prologue detailing the passionate, but doomed, marriage between her mother and father (poet Lord Byron). Chiaverini writes in a way that even the sections describing Ada's mathematical and scientific contributions to society don't feel like a lecture or chapter from a textbook.

mrsmarch I saw the title and before I got further said “Please be Ada!” My husband is in IT and I couldn‘t convince him to name either of our daughters Ada. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
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Anybody ever heard of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? It's a hereditary joint disorder I am lucky enough to have. Tonight, I was reading in my bed stretching out my legs. When I got up, I discovered that I had subluxated my knee and it feels like I may have pulled a muscle! Some days I can't stand it

tammysue Thinking of you and sending ((hugs)) ❤️ 6y
Chrissyreadit Sorry. Hope it will be ok. ❤️ 6y
Jas16 Sending love. 6y
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rjsthumbelina Thanks. It'll heal in a few days most of the time. It's just so obnoxious, bc I can't take off work, and it makes it hard to do anything. Plus having to explain to people how I hurt myself is not fun at all 6y
DrexEdit Wow! Hope everything is back to rights soon! 6y
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How sad! Her mother won't let her have a dog, or a cat, or a bunny! Never in my life have I not had pets - I can't imagine how lonely it would be


Hold list Bookpage March 2018

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Thank you so much @Kaye for your #50k giveaway. Congrats on your milestone! 🎉

1. Eisenhower
2. Halloween
3. Tuesday (who knew? I had to google)
4. 1984
5. 29- Ryan Adams
6. IQ84 - H. Murakami
7. 17
8. 4
9. 1
10. 25

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My #pagehabit goodies from December (apparently I'm way behind on taking pics! 😱) - has anyone read either of these? I'm hoping to get to them soon but my TBR is never-ending! 😩 #bookmail

Lidia Three Daughters of Eve was great! 6y
JenlovesJT47 @Lidia cool, I might read that one first! I really like the cover too ☺️ 6y
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14 hours into my personal #24in48, I've finished three books and I'm starting How the States Got Their Shapes. Enchantress was good. A little slow at times, a little dry, and some events happened out of order (at least according to Wikipedia) but it is historical fiction, so I can give it some leeway.

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“Hag of hatred” 😂😂😂 also a lavender beer called Flowers for Ale-agorn

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Is there anything better than reading on the beach? I started The Enchantress of Numbers yesterday, but I‘m sadly home from vacation and back to work and snow and cold today. #somewhereonabeach #netgalley

MarriedtoMrT Nothing better! 🏖 6y
RebelReader You got that right! 💕 6y
SheReadsAndWrites This looks lovely! 😎 6y
raelaschoenherr @MarriedtoMrT @RebelReader Glad I‘m not alone! :) 6y
raelaschoenherr @SheReadsAndWrites I wish I was still there! 6y
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I love history and learning about folks who have helped shape it, but sometimes straight history and biographies are exceedingly dry. This is also why I love novelizations of facts, figures, and events throughout history because it takes those and forms a readable story. This one's about Ada Lovelace, credited as the first computer programmer but perhaps better known as Lord Byron's daughter, and the balance of her exquisite mind and deep passion.

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The book is told from Ada‘s point of view, recounting the details of her life in its various chapters. Ada was a lonely child, longing for her mother's approval and curious about the father who died before she ever had the opportunity to known him. There is a bit of a family scandal that surfaces toward the later half of the book, I gasped because I had put the idea out of my mind.


It was well written and mostly interesting, but the first third was an absolute slog for me.

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#TBRtemptation post 1! Just released. Ada was Lord Byron's only legitimate child. To prevent her having her father's wild ways, Ada's mother forces her to rigorously learn science and mathematics. When she enters London high society, Ada meets and befriends Charles Babbage, father of the modern computer. Her unique, unfashionable perspective on math & machines will bind their destinies. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

Lynnsoprano An author I‘ve always enjoyed. Thanks for the heads up👍 6y
emilyesears Sounds great!!! 6y
CandycaneBelle Requested it from the library after seeing this post! 6y
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Telling the story of Ada Byron King, Enchantress of Numbers was a fascinating look at the early stages of computers. A bit long, but it tells interesting history that I was unaware of before reading this! I reviewed an eARC copy provided by the publisher.

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This is the machine that became Ada Lovelace's passion. It you love maths or the early history of computers, this fictional account of her life is a wonderful read.

PirateJenny Or you know, Lord Byron 😊 7y
quirkyreader @PirateJenny I love Byron's work. But this book wasn't very nice to George Gordon. 7y
PirateJenny @quirkyreader Well his rep wasn't the best. It's hard to know for sure how much was rumor but he certainly played into it 6y
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This is my latest ARC from @PenguinRandomCa @PenguinPublishing @penguinrandomhouse @penguinusa Thank you. I just can't wait to dive into this one.

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My current NetGalley read, about Ada Lovelace, it's good, told in first person which is a little strange when she's talking about before she was born, but I think it's also helping to set up her character, and she does mention it. I'm enjoying it. It releases this coming Tuesday.

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New ARCs! I'm super excited for these two. #firsttoread

bookloo You can get two? I got one. ☺️ 7y
silentrequiem @bookloo I've gotten multiple in the past before, usually when I'm lucky enough to get in early and use points to reserve a copy. Otherwise, it's luck of the draw. 7y
mklong I got Immortalists and Winter. I‘m really excited for both. Hope you enjoy your picks! 7y
erinreads I can‘t wait to read The Immortalists. Let me know how you like it whenever you get around to it! 7y
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Too much telling instead of showing. Meandering narrative. I couldn't get a grasp on the characters or feel what they were feeling. Too tedious to keep reading.

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Currently juggling 2 books & hoping to finish this ARC about Ada Lovelace and her struggle to be allowed to explore science & mathematics #booksndbreakfast

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty pic ❤️ 7y
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My companion for reading tonight- at my daughter's to get ready for her wedding on Saturday & Mira, her husky puppy is sleeping on the sofa with me #dogsoflitsy

DGRachel I miss my husky. They have the best personalities. 7y
Tamra 😌 7y
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