Next up: No More Fake Reading! Phones are such a struggle to deal with. I'm trying to find a balance in my classroom & I'm really hoping this book will help.
Next up: No More Fake Reading! Phones are such a struggle to deal with. I'm trying to find a balance in my classroom & I'm really hoping this book will help.
Finally, since we have a bit of a break now, I‘m able to dive into this book. I decided to break down the number of pages I‘ll read each night (so I can finish it over break), like Gordon suggests we should encourage our students to do. Tonight, I met my goal! The pages are so aesthetically-pleasing and essay-to-read, for a textbook. I‘m excited to be on this “No More Fake Reading” journey with my students. And Litsy is a great tool for it!
Loving this book and the tips in it! I asked for a book stand as a gift this year, and I‘m loving it! #thanksdad
I wasn't able to really read yesterday because I went to a surprise wedding shower. It was fun but I was a tiny bit bummed I didn't get to read especially since it was perfect reading weather, raining. #scandeloussaturday #sinceididntread #magicalmarch
Pulling double duty; Coaching and teaching. Reading how I can better inspire my students to read while waiting for the JV boys to finish their game. Then we start second rounds of district. #teachersoflitsy #teachersalsocoach