A bit different from his usual but sounds good.
My book haul this week. Have you read any of these?
My husband bought it when we were in London last summer but put it down with a quickness when he realized that it was Shakespeare. 😂 I am loving a peek at London, through the eyes of his wayward younger brother, including dirty handed tricks/ crimes from other playhouses seeking favor of the Queen and her retinue. The details in here are great and there is a gravitas that elevates the material. I‘m looking forward to reading more of his work!
Mystery set in Shakepeare‘s London with the main character of Richard Shakespeare younger brother of William and a player in the Lord Chancellor‘s men. Learned alot about A Midsomer Night‘s Dream and the theater life of the Elizabethan age. Enjoyable as an audiobook. Recommended.
Trying to get back into reading after week of headaches and neck pain thanks to snow storms here. Hope the weather settles for a bit! #chronicillness
Enjoyable novel set in Elizabethan times and narrated by William Shakespeare‘s brother, a player in his company who is stuck with women‘s roles because he is just too pretty. Though light on plot, I enjoyed how the period detail and everything related to the creation and performance of Midsummer‘s Night Dream and Romeo and Juliet.
This story grabbed me from the initial blurb and once I began this tale told from Richard's point of view about the life of player's during Elizabethan times. Richard is William Shakespeare's brother who works with him and acts in his plays. This tale mostly explores the play A Midsummer Night's Dream and events surrounding it's performance.
I loved the detail of the Player's lives and the way they act and perform.
4 stars
It is obvious while reading this that Bernard Cornwell's new hobby is acting in theatre. His well researched tale about the very first performance of A Mid Summer Nights Dream at a wedding in 1795 (at which Queen Elizabeth was in attendance), is a delight to read.
Rather than focusing on William, the story revolves around younger brother Richard who wants to earn a decent living as an actor.
Look at my most recent trip to the #bookstore! I have wanted to read these three for a long while now and I could never find them. Surprise! They were all there, waiting for me on the shelves, at the same time! I knew I couldn‘t leave these lovelies behind. :)
A litten's life!!
This is a surprise for the husband (who loves Cornwell). He's off on a business trip tonight and I'm sneaking it into his carry-on bag. 😄