Loved this book. Everyone should read it
I'm beginning a reread of this book because i love LOTR so much!!!
I love these books and this version goes on trips with me 😁 here we are in Glasgow!!
I didn't hate this book, in fact I enjoyed it more than Glass Sword but I still have very mixed feelings about it, plus i saw that ending coming a mile off!!!
#kingscage #victoriaaveyard #marebarrow
This story grabbed me from the initial blurb and once I began this tale told from Richard's point of view about the life of player's during Elizabethan times. Richard is William Shakespeare's brother who works with him and acts in his plays. This tale mostly explores the play A Midsummer Night's Dream and events surrounding it's performance.
I loved the detail of the Player's lives and the way they act and perform.
It begins with absence and desire.
It begins with blood and fear.
It behins with a discovery of witches.
"You're a wizard Harry" Happy 20th anniversary to Harry Potter and J.K.Rowling
#harrypotter #harrypotter20 #jkrowling #philosophersstone #voldemort
This book of short stories is great! There were some that I wished were longer and some that I probably wouldn't normally read however overall it's a great read!!
#neilgaiman #books #litsy #reading
I loved this book as I love all Austen books and while not my favourite it is very close to my heart! Once again Austen shows us how well she writes characters and manifests their problems and lives in such detail that you can't help but be drawn deeper into the story and you want the heroine to essentially win 🙂
A must read for any fan of Jane Austen.
#janeausten #mansfieldpark #fannyprice #books #reading
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light - my favourite Harry Potter quote ❤