Took me longer to read due to….mental health. Great book about how different young adults deal with big life decisions.
Took me longer to read due to….mental health. Great book about how different young adults deal with big life decisions.
Adina and Tovah are twins who have little in common. Each has a plan for their future but first they need to see if they have Huntington's like their mother. When they go get the results on twin finds out she has it, while the other twin doesn't. Now each twin has to deal with the news that each one of them was dealt. I can't imagine being given this news. The author didn't an amazing job writing this book. Can't wait to read what she writes next
Finished. Nice character progression. #readathon @DeweysReadathon
#weekendplans @TheReadingMermaid
Tovah and Adina are twin teens making plans for post HS....their mom has Huntingtons , so when the girls are tested for it, it changes their lives #readathon @DeweysReadathon
Finished this beautiful debut in the sun! There is something so emotional about a story about sisters. A poignant exploration of identity, family, and hope.
My book arrived safe and sound, together with the #giveaway the author organized ❤️. It will take a while until I have time to read because my TBR is so full at the moment but I‘m looking forward to it. I hope my other giveaways are as good as this. #weekend #saturday #newbook #youngadult
Twin sisters. One a musician, one pre-med. One a devote Jew, one questioning her faith. One tests negative for Huntington's disease, the other tests positive.
I'm 100 pages in and will probably read past my bedtime tonight. Stack this one, folks. 💔
I ordered this book 📖 yesterday but it will take a few weeks until it‘s delivered 😔. The author promised every preorder a bookmark, a signed bookplate and a exclusive digital short story that takes place after the book ends sooooooo I‘m really excited for that too!! My first #FairyLoot will also (hopefully) arrive this month ❤️. #newyear #newbooks
5 books I am VERY excited about reading:
You‘ll miss me when I‘m gone
Reign of the Fallen
The Queens Rising
Leah on the Offbeat
Children of Blood and Bone
#toread #readinglist #wishlist #comingsoon #newyear #2018
A luminous, heartbreaking tale of life, death, and the fragile bond between sisters.
#coverlove #YAedition coming our way Jan 18.