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Constance Verity
Constance Verity: Galaktisch-geniale Superheldin | A. Lee Martinez
Constance Connie Verity rettet die Welt schon seit ihrem siebten Lebensjahr. Immer wieder. Doch nach 28 Jahren als intergalaktische Superheldin hat Connie echt keine Lust mehr auf den Job. Sie will endlich ein normales Leben mit einem langweiligen Arbeitsplatz und einem netten Freund. Um das zu bekommen, gibt es dummerweise nur eine Mglichkeit: Connie muss die gute Fee tten, die ihr ihre besondere Gabe bei der Geburt verliehen hat. Das stellt sich natrlich als alles andere als einfach heraus, und nach und nach kommt Constance einer noch viel greren Verschwrung auf die Spur, die anscheinend ihr ganzes bisheriges Leben beeinflusst hat. Der grandiose Auftakt zu einer wunderbar komischen Martinez-Trilogie!
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This is a fun Indiana Jones meets Hitchhikers with a pretty awesome female MC and her cool best friend side kick. I loved the questions of self awareness and the question of fate vs free will. This is a fun and interesting read, I highly recommend it if you enjoy philosophical reads but enjoy adventure and kick ass women characters. 4/5 stars

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This is a fun fantasy adventure that @Liberty was dead on in comparing to Buffy. Connie is very much like Buffy and the humorous, slightly irreverent tone of this book lines up with the show as well. The difference is, Connie is 35 and an all-around badass rather than a vampire slayer. I‘m not big into fantasy, so there was a spot here and there that got a little too fantastical, but overall I loved it.

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Constance Verity is a total #smartass, sarcastic and bad-ass. I love her. Supposedly there's a sequel coming next year. I can't wait! #character2017

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 7y
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The comparing of Constance Verity to Buffy is apt; at least when Buffy was at her most quirky. A girl who can withstand any alien, monster, or big bad you throw at her, Constance has a life full of adventure thanks to her fairy godmother, and yet all she wants is a little slice of normal. Toss in a plucky sidekick (who gets the hot guy eye-candy for once) and the whole "world is ending" thing and you've got a rollicking good read.

DGRachel Yes! I read this last year and really enjoyed it. 8y
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#readjanuary #day8 #titlewithapropername Catching up on this months photo challenge, these are a few of my books with people's names in the title. A lot of classics, I've found, use names a lot. Like Emma, Jane Eyre & Anne of Green Gables. Then you have biographies & memoirs like this one about Queen Elizabeth II and a few fiction books too like Coraline & The Last Adventure Of Constance Verity. There's quite a few out there if you're looking.

sisilia That copy of Jane Eyre looks good! 8y
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You go, girl! 👊👊👊

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I love strong #kickassheroines! There are so many great characters to choose from, but the first two I thought of were Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel Crawford from the White Trash Zombie series. I haven't read The Last Adventure of Constance Verity yet, but I've heard it compared to BTVS, so I'm in for the ride. Go Slayerettes!


readinginthedark Buffy!!!!!! ❤️ 8y
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#novemberland #day29 #redandwhitebooks By a happy coincidence, when I reorganised my TBR into rainbow shelves, the red & white books ended up on top of each other. I didn't have to pull my shelves apart to get the picture! Bonus! I love how it's now neat enough I can actually see all the wonderful books I have waiting for me to read. Happy reading fellow book lovers!😘😘😘

LeahBergen So pretty! 8y
Mommamanzi This is amazing!!! 8y
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I've no idea who Daria is, but Constance Verity is definitely smart and snarky. Her destiny is to save the world and die a glorious death, but she decides she just wants a normal life so sets out to kill her Fairy Godmother. She is a totally hilarious bad-ass. #DariaWannabe #octphotochallenge

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Growing up, I always wanted to be part of Nancy Drew's gang. Who wouldn't want Bess and George as BFFs? Now though, I totally want to be Constance's sidekick. I'd even settle for being her sidekick's sidekick just to be part of the snark. So. Much. Sass. 😂#literarybestfriend #octphotochallenge

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I couldn't pick just one #favereadofaugust! These two made me literally LOL. Both were quirky in their own special way. #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge

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So Constance, nicknamed Connie (shudder), is sick of her life as an adventurer so she goes on an adventure to get rid of all her adventures. Apparently adventure gets boring after a while. I get that as they made the book boring as well. If that was the point (too many adventures make life dull) I get it, but I wish I hadn't.


This was a lot of fun. Connie is witty and sarcastic. Tia is the perfect plucky sidekick. The book pokes fun at all of the super villain stereotypes. At times it made me think of the cheesiest parts of Bond films, Buffy in her more reluctant heroine moments, and some of the best modern Doctor Who dialogue. A fast, light, fun read that left me looking forward to Connie's return.

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"The assassin variety stopped being so subtle...leaving little scraps of paper with fortune cookie sayings scrawled across them." "I thought fortune cookies were Chinese." "They're an American invention. And ninjas aren't strictly Japanese anymore. They're more inclusive. It's a requirement as part of a global economy." ???

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Please, please tell me this book continues to be this amusing. Connie is sarcastic, witty, and clever. I adore her, and her BFF Tia.

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Reached twelve hours and am finishing up this book while sipping coffee on the patio of the art gallery #24in48


'The outlandishness of his explanation put her at ease. It was ridiculous, but she accepted ridiculous'. This far into @24in48 some ridiculousness is good to keep from wanting a nap.

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I've been saving this as the perfect start to the @24in48 readathon. It's the kindle version but as you can see I have a nice and tall TBR stack of 'real' books along with a supply of tea and snacks to keep me going.

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A Buffyish world-saver decides she doesn't want to be the chosen one anymore. A ton of silly fun.

IndyHannaJones Oh Martinez gets me... 8y
lkstrohecker You had me at the Buffy screen cap... 8y
BekahB You said the magic word "Buffy". Definitely picking this one up! 8y
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Laura317 Loved Buffy - will look for this! 8y
CallMeIshmael You had me at Buffy.... 8y
Hooked_on_books I miss Buffy! 8y
aunt_feather I've read other books by him and this sounds like another I should pick up! 8y
katelizabee Okay, this post might have just sold me on the book. 8y
thebookmagpie Yep that's sold it to me! 8y
darthmoll Now I just want to watch Buffy again 8y
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"Grandmother Willow winked at Constance, who studied her godmother with the blank, confused stare reserved for newborns and potheads contemplating if their cats knew the secrets of the universe and just weren't sharing them." ?

NerdyRev I loved his books Divine Misfortune and Monster! New read once I finish the 4,000 other books I need to read. 8y
Joe_Jones Such a fun book! I'm looking forward to the next one. 8y
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Millay is very needy today. 🐾

Simona @Liberty Maybe she's not happy with the book 😱😨 8y
Liberty @Simona I am just starting it right now, so it's probably not that. 😂 8y
Simona @Liberty Don't forget - cats have nine lives AND SIXTH SENSE 😱 8y
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