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Walking Home
Walking Home: A Poet's Journey | Simon Armitage
16 posts | 5 read | 15 to read
Describes the author's travels as he walked the Pennine Way through England and stopped each night to give a poetry reading in a different village in return for a place to sleep.
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Funny, poetic, and geographic: completely enjoyable in every way. I didn‘t come remotely close to #24b4Monday, but we‘re halfway through our month with my 95-year-old father-in-law here, and that‘s a journey in and of itself. I highly recommend Walking Home, and tomorrow is a new day with new challenges!

Bookishlie Ohhhh. The tagged book calls to my current mood, so once my library holds are done I‘ll have to add it to my library..... (edited) 4y
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Still working on Walking, but I‘m about halfway through; it‘s a wonderful book, and FUNNY. Two of my book weaknesses are books about walking and books set in bookstores.

And I‘m in for #24b4Monday! We‘ll see how far I get this time. Once I‘m done with Walking I‘ll start on one of my chunksters for the #bigbooksummerchallenge.

@Andrew65 @SumisBooks @jb72

Andrew65 Great to have you with us. Good luck. 😊👍 Two great themes for books. (edited) 4y
JamieArc Have you read the tagged book? I love books about walking as well, and these essays brought me a lot of joy. They were very readable (don‘t let the word philosophy scare you). And welcome to Litsy from another #mittenlitten 🧤 4y
MittenGirlPeach @JamieArc I haven‘t read it! It sounds fabulous. So happy to meet you; it‘s extra special to have mittenlittens to connect with. 4y
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Reading outside on the deck with Sir Murray, the Old English. The oaks finally leafed out last week. Getting lush and green in southern Michigan.

Sace Just lovely! 4y
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My #NutsInMay recap: not great, (two books), but I had fun. I love readathons. Been a bit stressful here, and I had work this week (I have my own little business composing books and journals), but Litsy is so soothing and enjoyable; it really helps. Looking forward to the next readathon! @Andrew65

MittenGirlPeach The pic is from yesterday. Our oaks are finally leafing out. We‘ve had lots of rain . . . 4y
Andrew65 Love it when trees are sprouting. Great to hear the fun and success you had during the Readathon. Thanks for playing along. 🍾🥂🥳👏👏👏🙌 4y
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Making good progress on Book No. 2 for my #NutsinMay readathon. Even better: really good read!


Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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#TakeTheLongWayHome #AnglophileApril
I've not done the Pennine Way but I've walked from Oldham to Simon Armitage's hometown, Marsden. It's really nice. I wish people would stop being pricks and setting fire to Marsden Moor.
@Mdargusch @emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I agree, people can BE pricks 😝 5y
Mdargusch Why are they setting fires? All my old lady friends are doing these walks through Spain, the UK, and the dessert. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
arlenefinnigan @Mdargusch the fire brigade believe they're being started by people having barbecues and not appreciating that the peat under the grass stays hot, smoulders then combusts. We've already had a few moorland fires this year and it's only April. 5y
Mdargusch Oh phew! I thought they were deliberate. Still awful but I‘m glad they‘re not doing it on purpose! 5y
Reviewsbylola That‘s horrible about the fires. 😞 5y
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#walkonthewildside #marchintothe70s
Don‘t read a lot of NF but loved these 👍🏻 He‘s funny and open and very self-deprecating, great reads. Also fascinating facts along the way to go with the countryside.

gradcat Interesting titles.... 5y
Cinfhen Not everyday I see you post a NF that isn‘t a musical memoir 😘 5y
arlenefinnigan I loved Walking Home. I love hin describing how his dad told him "oh you'll never manage it, son". Proper Yorkshire dad ? 5y
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#BloweNorthernWinde #WinterWonderland
Greetings from Oldham, where we have more than our share of northern wind. This was taken in Delph, while walking to Marsden, home of Simon Armitage. @TrishB @Cinfhen

Cinfhen So beautiful 😍 how you feeling today??? 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen better than yesterday! God that was a long day at work 🤢 6y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha Happy Friday💕😘 6y
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Cathythoughts Beautiful country ♥️ 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cathythoughts indeed. North West Is Best. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Beautiful view 💚 6y
JennyM Beautiful! 6y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ love this book too. 6y
batsy Gorgeous. 6y
Eggs Breathtaking 6y
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Didn't get any reading done yesterday. Walked to Marsden to gloat about Lancashire's win in the cricket and watch sheep stop traffic. That's Yorkshire for you.

Kathleenkelly I LOVE it!!! 6y
arlenefinnigan @Kathleenkelly you know when you see something and can't get your camera out quick enough...? 😂 6y
TrishB Brilliant 💕 6y
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Kathleenkelly @arlenefinnigan I usually get stopped by deer, Canadian geese - occasionally wild turkeys. It usually involves a lot of swearing to move off the road. (edited) 6y
arlenefinnigan @Kathleenkelly sounds like every journey's an adventure 😉 6y
Kathleenkelly Truth!! 6y
CarolynM It certainly helps when the local wildlife is law-abiding😂😂😂 6y
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#getback #heyjune
Armitage wants to get back to old style story and poetry telling for your supper 😁
And then wants to get back home!

Cinfhen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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I saved Walking Home, in which Armitage walks the Pennine Way backwards, to read whilst I was on holiday in the Peak District. Armitage takes on the trail, getting by on the kindness of strangers and donations received for a poetry reading at each stop. His prose is humorous but gently so; he is self-deprecating about his abilities both as a performer and a walker and comes across as likeable and easy going but never frivolous. A v enjoyable read.

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#busyearning #aprella
Simon Armitage walked the Pennine Way as a ‘modern troubadour‘, starting without a penny in his pocket, stopping to give poetry readings in village halls, churches, pubs and living rooms.

arlenefinnigan Loved this! Especially the bit where someone tells him "you're the second poet I've seen this week, I saw Seamus Heaney the other day." 'what, doing the Pennine Way? If I get to the end and Seamus Heaney's finished before me.....' ? 6y
TrishB @arlenefinnigan 😂😂 it was great wasn‘t it! 6y
Cinfhen There you again, you two @TrishB @arlenefinnigan 💚 6y
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Cinfhen Your own secret language 😜 6y
arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen we don't speak Simon Armitage's language. He's from Yorkshire. We're from the right side of the Pennines in Lancashire 🌹 😉 6y
TrishB @arlenefinnigan @Cinfhen although my Dads from Yorkshire so I have a good patter of Yorkshire sayings 😁 6y
Mdargusch This sounds like a fun one! I love that quote. 6y
emilyhaldi Wow, true story?? Very cool! 6y
Reviewsbylola Sounds fascinating. 6y
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#Journey #JubilantJuly
Still recovering from my far shorter hike on the Stoodley Pike bit of the Pennine way on Saturday.

MayJasper Good for you 7y
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#homebythesea #rockinmay
Plenty of lovely homes by the sea in here! Simon Armitage's walking books are like a poetic Bill Bryson 😀

Cinfhen Sounds incredible 🌊💙🌊I'd love to peek through that book 😍 7y
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Finally finished this audiobook tonight. Don't have an MP3 player in the car, so I use my phone with the volume turned up. Simon Armitage is a poet, and this book was about his walking journey along the Pennine Way in the UK. He walked and gave poetry readings each night of the trip. While I thought it was good, I think I would have enjoyed it more if I were better acquainted with the area. The reader was excellent, though.

javadiva What an interesting man! 8y
SharonGoforth @javadiva Yes, he is! 8y
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