I dug out my Kobo (that I'd sort of forgotten about owning) for another reason and remembered reading that there was an ebook-only Flavia story. It was truly a short story. I'd been hoping it was more of a novella, but it was cute.
I dug out my Kobo (that I'd sort of forgotten about owning) for another reason and remembered reading that there was an ebook-only Flavia story. It was truly a short story. I'd been hoping it was more of a novella, but it was cute.
“How easy it is, on the whole, to pull the wool over the eyes of men and boys.”
As much as I generally adore Flavia, I don't feel good about this passage. It continues to bug me (even though I finished the story near the end of September).
The short story format doesn‘t suit Flavia IMHO.
I'm not won over, but I'm willing to try again. https://tracyrowanwrites.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/review-the-curious-case-of-the...
While waiting for the next audiobook in the series to arrive, I checked out this short story from the library. It was okay. Not the usual pizzazz that you find in a Flavia de Luce. Glad I read it, but am looking forward to next full length story in the series.
Got this short story for free by using my $1 no-rush shipping credits from Amazon. 👍🏻👍🏻
I didn't like this as well as many of Bradley's books, but I'll read every Flavia de Luce book.
"“I‘m sorry,” Plaxton whispered, averting his eyes. “This is probably no place for a girl.” “Girl be blowed!” I snapped. “I‘m here as a brain, not as a female.”"
Recent purchase ~ The Curious Case of the Copper Corpse A Flavia de Luce Mystery~Book 7.5 by Alan Bradley (Kindle edition📱). I have just finished book 2 and I have books 3, 4, 5 & 6 to read📚
You tell him, Flavia!
#TeamFlavia #AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever
I'm between books (not counting the Doctor Who book I'm currently reading) and nothing sounded good to start last night so I decided to finally read this Flavia de Luce short story I bought ages ago. It's set between books 6 and 7 but there really isn't any continuity involved so you could read it pretty much whenever. Fun little mystery, though not as good as the more fleshed out stories of the novels (and not nearly enough Dodger). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Had a minute this morning to tally my December reads. It was a very Flavia and Lunar month-4 books of each series. ⚗️🔬👠🔧 Total: 30 books/audiobooks. 13 female writers, 4 series, 4 debut novels, 1 Gaiman. #sayonara2016 #decembertotals #decemberreads #teamFlavia #allthebooks
Book 6.5--a very short story--mystery solved the way only Flavia can. #teamFlavia 🛀💔☠️🔋🚗⚡️👧🏻🔎
EReader. I was adamant about being a paper only reader and then I was gifted a nook and my perspective changed. I like the short stories like this one featuring my favorite sleuth Flavia, I like the apps for my iPad and phone, I like the great bargains and the convenience of having multiple books on hand. But at the end of the day I love the feel of holding a book in my hand.