Small #libraryhaul this morning. I get to dive in while I wait for the baby to wake up. #ReadingInTheDriveway #AllHailFlavia #FeverSeries
Small #libraryhaul this morning. I get to dive in while I wait for the baby to wake up. #ReadingInTheDriveway #AllHailFlavia #FeverSeries
This may be my favorite #Flavia book to date. This passage especially resonated with me.
Full review on Goodreads. :)
#AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever
You tell him, Flavia!
#TeamFlavia #AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever
"The best thing for soothing a disappointed mind is oxygen. A couple of inhalations of the old 'O' rejuvenates every cell in the body."
#ReadingOutside with #Flavia
#AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever #TeamFlavia
Like Daphne, I choose to think money means books.
I know this passage from I am Half-Sick of Shadows has been referenced ad nauseum... but, hello?! Social media for bibliophiles!
Also, it fit too perfectly for today's #FeistyFeb #Shadows prompt.
@RealLifeReading #TeamFlavia #AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever
I love this literal-minded little girl.
Then again, I may just be biased because this was my exact response each time someone called me a "carrot-top".
#AllHailFlavia #FlaviaForever