I loved the Manga version so much!!
I loved the Manga version so much!!
Cuuuuute. Nice manga version of her tidying up book. So funny when she gets mad in manga form because she doesn‘t get mad on the Netflix show. And that Chiaki referred to her as a fairy. I don‘t remember her explaining that clutter is often either holding onto the past or fear of the uncertainty of the future. Even though the idea of holding onto things that “spark joy” can seem silly, it works!
My work is hosting a "Wellness Wednesday" session around the concepts in this book, so I decided to read it ahead of time. There wasn't anything new to me here, but it was still an enjoyable read. Looking forward to the session to see what recommendations they have as well.
Why is it that we are usually more cruel to ourselves? I would never let someone talk to my husband, mother, sibling, friend or even doggie the way I let myself talk to myself Why!? Its not okay.
Took one of the assigned homework in the book and decided to play along.
Ugh. I don't really feel stuck in a rut but... I have been super sick for a while and I felt so out of touch with everything (here, home, other relationships, work) just... I took a time out from the living (which should have been relaxing but really it wasn't because of the huge migraine!) feeling better and.. struggling with over 100 emails! (why!?)
Maybe inspiration will hit ??? I mean I am not super tidy but I don‘t have a lot of clutter either… but we are still unpacking!!!
@Bookworm54 @AkashaVampie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl
“Work, relationships, falling in love...the magic of tidying up positively impacts every aspect of life.”
So ironically I‘ve had Marie Kondo‘s book on my shelf for ages, and have never really been inspired to read it, but I needed a Manga for #readharderchallenge so I decided to read this. It was a good little summary of her method in a cute little story. I don‘t think her method is for me, but some parts of it could be useful.
November 14, 2019 I have wanted to read this book for so long. I finally got the book (while walking to the bookstore in the drizzling rain) and I even got a book by Gabourey Sidibe aka Gabby who talks about her personal life and how people should not be ashamed of who they are! Anyone who reads the book can relate to it and feel better about themselves... That's it for now
Does your clutter get you down? Literally? 😂
Ha! If your place looks like this, you might consider reading this book at the same time I am...which is NOW!
I really enjoy Marie Kondo‘s whole philosophy, and when I saw she had a manga book too I just had to buy it. It‘s super cute but also a great overview of all her techniques!
Reading this again to try and clean my life up. Parents keep telling me go by area...
I probably wouldn‘t have ever read the original but this gave an overview. One helpful tidbit was the quote in the upper right hand which will help me part with some things. I agree with the concept of books having served their purpose which is why I mostly use the library rather than purchasing. I also agree timing is everything for books. However I think it can be later so I wouldn‘t part with them. Books spark joy! Having a Western mind, ⬇️
I love manga in general but this book was much fun to read on commutes to and from work. I learned if it doesn‘t “spark joy” why keep it, wear it, or have it. Very inspiring book without you feeling like a hoarder lol
Cute, weird, fun. I haven‘t read the actual book, or watched the show, but I really liked this book, and am now motivated to fold everything into tiny little rectangles. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I don‘t read a lot of manga, so I was not prepared for how amazing I would think this book is! Would definitely recommend to anyone who believes in the life-changing magic of tidying up.
I loved this little book! But then, I‘m a fan. Of both manga and Konmari. Her system actually made more sense after reading this one. If you like Konmari, this is a short, fun, must-read!
So, I was skeptical but when my SIL handed this to me, I figured it couldn‘t hurt to glance through it and, to my utter surprise, I found myself absorbing Konmari‘s logic like a sponge. While I found some aspects problematic (the cute neighbor thread was a bit much) I really like how compassionate and individualized the method is. Will def be applying it to certain aspects of my life (though probably not my books).
Super fun, easy, and helpful read! I actually loved it, and now I‘m ready to #konmari my whole house!! 😉🙃❤️ #butreally
First read for 2019. Relatively short. If you liked The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, you'll like this. If you love manga, this may be a good way to check out the KonMari method if you haven't yet. Seeing the folding methods illustrated was helpful. 3.5⭐
The only thing that I disagree with Konmari. My “someday” will DEFINITELY come! The books on my shelves are carefully curated. My collection is my pride AND my joy, Konmari. Don‘t touch my bookshelves 🙅🏻♀️
I‘m about to embark the journey of Konmari minimalism. Wish me luck! 🤞🏻🍀 This is extremely difficult for me because everything “sparks joy” to me. My place is a joy BUT I must declutter! 😤💪🏻
A quick read at the library today. I loved it, and all of her books. This manga story was so cute and inspiring. Your life can truly improve with a clean, tidy environment.
This is by far the best book I've read this year! I could almost relate myself to Chiaki(I'm obviously not as messy as her?) but I do find it hard to part with stuff I don't use or doesn't "spark joy". I enjoyed the lessons in manga style. It is cute and fun and informative! The KonMari method is definitely something i want to try! I'm all set to apply these lessons in my life!❤ I'll probably carry this book everywhere with me? I love it!!
😂 Read the book. Thought it said too much about too little. Manga is just right (Goldilocks and the Three Bears style).
#librarybook #ebook
I've been curious about Marie Kondo's original book for a while and this comic version seemed like a quick and easy way to get the main points from the book. The art is adorable and the comic is a breezy read. I have trouble swallowing the idea how we arrange our possessions affects every aspect of our lives but reading this book did "spark joy" for me.
Picked this up on a whim at the library and was surprised to find it quite useful. I've worked as an organizer so honestly I was a bit arrogant that some popular self-help book would teach me anything. I know from my own experience that our relationship to our possessions is really complex and reflective of so many larger thoughts and habits of our lives. It was nice to see this represented in a fun way that's also informative.
This was such a cute, easy read that took me barely any time at all to finish! The art style is super cute, and it took the main points of the original book and simplified it, making it easily understood by everyone, which I love. I thought the story was adorable, and the tips were generally helpful/ interesting, though I disagreed with the book chapter.. I shall keep all my darling books thankyouverymuch! All in all, great and informative read!
I'm currently reading this cute lil novel on the Libby app (I'm not really a fan of ebooks with a few rare exceptions, but this is basically an elibrary so I highly recommend it to you ebook fans) and I like it a lot so far! Both helpful and entertaining! I haven't read the book this is based on, but I decided to read this first since it's simply too adorable to pass up!
Well, this has been fun to go through. I like most of the concepts exhibited! I think the only thing I'm going to ignore is the books and hobbies section because. Cmon. I do actually have a life outside of keeping my house clean. Thanks.
Otherwise, this is a vital read for Americans & our stuff-obsessed culture. I know a whole lot of ppl who have extreme emotional attachments to items and surprise, they're pack rats. Good alternate perspective.