Great story! A bit of a slow burn, but in a good way.
Great story! A bit of a slow burn, but in a good way.
"Empathy is a spell that creates intimacy and connection, a free exchange of information. Protection spells are sometimes necessary, but their objective is to keep things out. Create peace, and protection becomes less necessary."
I hadn't heard of this book but wanted to read it in preparation for the new show. This was thought provoking and touching, though I do confess I found the ending a bit hurried.
"How could you not have been loved before, when I love you so much?”
There came a time when you realized that moving on was pointless. That you took yourself with you wherever you went.
Needed a new audiobook for commutes. Found this one for only $1 at a library sale. I've enjoyed some of his other books (may he r.i.p.). I'm looking forward to giving this a listen.
Love the stories and humor. Yes this is the cover.
I got to see a first edition at a Guinness brewery event recently. I honestly didn't know the Guinness books were originally conceived to settle bar disagreements.
A quick read at the library today. I loved it, and all of her books. This manga story was so cute and inspiring. Your life can truly improve with a clean, tidy environment.
I've been fascinated by this story since it first broke about twenty or so years ago. The book's account of events is somewhat disjointed, but I enjoyed the paranormal aspect of it. It makes you wonder...are we really alone? OoooOoooooo
I have the e-book as well, but was happy to find this in my library. Still, kinda irritating they stickered over her name on the cover and the spine. I guess there was no where else for the stickers.
Anyhow, great story! Loving it!
My author table at the 2nd annual Las Vegas Romance Writers reader tea on March 17. So much fun to be fancy.
Cute, quick read. I love the rest of her nerd books, but this one is probably my least favorite. I understand it was the first so hopefully it will be re worked a little. But I still enjoyed it. :-) Nerds rule!
Cute and fun! Owen even helped me get some insight into my boyfriend. :-)
So excited to read this!
Starting this one... and after reading about the author's, uh, "issues" on Wikipedia, I'm not sure what to think yet. I liked the first one I read by her.
Interesting concepts. Yes, I'm late in discovering.
"How many bad things can happen to a person before they start to lose their soul?"
Las Vegas Romance Writers hosted NYT best-selling author Jodi Thomas today at our first annual Spring Tea. This is my table with my book "Steele and Stone" from The Wild Rose Press. Today was so much fun.
This book makes me grin every time I see it when I browse my bookcase.
Quick, entertaining read. Got enough of a backstory that I rooted for them to find their happily ever after. Wished it was longer though. Felt like there was a bigger story there.
This book inspired me to put things in order. I'm usually pretty organized, and I'm the type that knows how good it feels to tidy up. But, sometimes it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That's where this book comes in...with a plan!
Audio book has been keeping me company in the car.
It started strong, then got lost in the details. So many details. I would have preferred a bare bones story, but then it would be much, much shorter.