I absolutely love wearing rings, and anklets, and this sentence described my love for them like nothing else has. Tiny fragments of loveliness indeed.
I absolutely love wearing rings, and anklets, and this sentence described my love for them like nothing else has. Tiny fragments of loveliness indeed.
Just three chapters in and I already have fallen out of love with this book. What a frustrating way of writing. DNF.
Hope, LCL is better than this one.
#curiouscovers she‘s in a sheet , he‘s in the mirror and dressed .Could they be #lovers ?
Stupendo ogni oltre dire. Di Lawrence lessi qualche anno fa L‘Amanti di Lady C. ma non mi entusiasmò più di tanto. Questo romanzo secondo me è infinitamente superiore
I‘m not sure about this one. 175 pages in and I find the characters awfully dull. #1001books
Anger and hurt probably being the predominant reactions all these people have to each other
#bookmail front stack. Two #1001books plus my Iceland book has arrived for #readaroundtheworld.
Maus in the back was a Christmas gift.
#FallIntoBooks Day 14: More DH Lawrence love for #ClassicsForClassicsHaters - I have to reread these books soonest.
"Whatcha doin' and do you mind if I knock this over now?"
I managed to get one picture before he did! This was the most fun pic so far this month!
#bookpyramid #TBR #photoadaynov16
#somethingforsept #faveclassics
I love DH Lawrence, although this is the only one I own. And this old Shakespeare is so special to me, I have the vinework from the inner cover tattooed around my ankle.
Re-reading a book I haven't looked at in YEARS, and I built myself these super essential shelves, because all these books were sitting on the floor in my closet-room until today.
Free ebook Classic!
So I discovered my library's used bookshop, where everything (including recent releases in hardcover and in perfect condition) is 1$. I don't even know what to say so 💃🏻👏🏻👍🏻🎉🎊😍😆!!!!!!!!!!