I‘m a total sucker for overblown writing about food and life and NYC and this was exactly up my alley.
I‘m a total sucker for overblown writing about food and life and NYC and this was exactly up my alley.
I don't know why it took me so long to read anything by this man. I am literally the target audience for this kind of screwball absurdity. I also love books that deal with personifications of death, so this pushes all of my happy buttons.
Having a real Connie Willis morning here. #threebooksatonce #addictedtoereaders
This is everything I have ever dreamt of and everyone should read it. I haven't even finished it and it's perfect.
I've been obsessed with these myths since I was seven and this is everything I've ever wanted. Also, exactly what I expected.
A bit clunky, for my taste, but also wildly fascinating. This introduction also made me laugh myself stupid.
Because surreptitiously reading during advent services is my thing. #thankgodforlibraryapps
It is stupid cold and I'm wearing four sweaters and a dressing gown. Anthology time.
Things that I'm thankful for: library apps, NK Jemisin, and coffee.
Re-reading a book I haven't looked at in YEARS, and I built myself these super essential shelves, because all these books were sitting on the floor in my closet-room until today.
Just finished, and it was everything I wanted it to be. A magic system I could buy, and a lovely, imaginative arc.
An EXTREMELY timely book bought on a whim in the middle of a Woodstock shopping trip.
The audiobook is absolutely the best way to experience. I tend to read too quickly and it made me slow down to appreciate that this book hits every single one of my buttons - gorgeous writing, deliberate pace, packed with information, and deeply emotional.
Enjoyed a lot, but I listened to the audiobook and would have enjoyed it more if I'd been able to see the words. I like the tactile feel of seeing the names. (Also, I found the weight-loss sort of ... borderline ok, but not handled well.)
This is how I'm spending my evening. All cozied up to Frost and listening to "French Songs for Kids" which is addictive and serene.
Cringing at the level of pretension I'm currently sporting. (But teenage me is just impressed and is telling me that she thinks I'm fancy. Teenage me needs to chill.)
A murder mystery sort of, a meditation on creativity and art mostly, a beautiful exercise in character definitely, an obviously thoughtful translation, and I feel like I LEARNED SO MANY THINGS too.
This book is my everything. My literal every-fucking-thing. Clever, thoughtful, unabashed, beautiful, and fresh. It speaks both to the adolescent me whose childhood nickname was "Refridgeabeth", and the adult me who is an "aggressive" feminist.
The eternal artists struggle. Convincing yourself that this isn't true so that you can keep on keeping on. Sigh.
A slow moving story that takes its time exploring the parallel stories of the two women that it follows. Some might not enjoy the vaguely detached attitude in a romantic plot, but for me, it works and allowed me to connect with Alma in an unexpected way.
Gorgeous, complicated, and sensual. And it has an odd sense of optimism that I found thoroughly surprising.
The moment I knew I was going to be friends with this book. ❤️