I enjoyed reading this book!!! It is my first book completed for #JoyousJanuary hosted by @Andrew65. I enjoy reading Tolkien. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.
I enjoyed reading this book!!! It is my first book completed for #JoyousJanuary hosted by @Andrew65. I enjoy reading Tolkien. I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.
Over Xmas l watched enthralled once again LOTR trilogy. After l was loathe to leave that world so decided to read this title as its been sitting on my shelf forever. My return was immediately imursive and compelling. What a cracking adventure this was full of heroic depressed semi gods, elves , orcs and slithering not just smelly but evil dragons. It was epic and sad.
Hearing Saruman tell me about the Second Age antics of men is the best way to enjoy this story. If you have audible, Christopher Lee narrated the audiobook available. Tolkien created an epic tragedy for his world that sits nicely beside the epic romance (looking at you Beren and Lúthien). #tolkien #audiobook #bookjournal
I listen to this one—the audio was done by Christopher Lee. I recommend it this way
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ another book done for #bookspinbingo!
Túrin‘s story is full of sadness and tragedy, and the way it‘s written is both engaging and concise.
Beautiful story, one of my all time favorites. I will recommend reading it to everyone
Happy Tolkien Reading Day! #KeepLitsyPositive
Here are some Tolkien books on sale for $2.99!
I almost forgot to share this earlier but here are all of the books I read in September. Five audiobooks and one ebook because I‘ve been having a hard time sitting down to read lately. #readingrecap #septemberreads
I‘m a sucker for Tolkien so I loved “The Children of Hurín”. It took an unexpected turn that put me in mind of Ancient Greek tragedies but it was beautiful and majestic and complete. A great read.
Library book sale today! Made it out with a modest 18 books for $30
Well, our water heater has decided to take a dump & the house smells foul from an attempt to weld the water heater, so here I sit, reading outdoors, where I can pretend my problems don't exist for awhile 😂 #areaderslife
Lovin‘ it 😋 I was so excited to wake up this morning and open my #tokieniteswap package. Thank you @Marmie7 everything is AWESOME 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼 I am going to start looking through all of these lovely books right now and add them@to my tbr list. I can‘t wait to read the children of hurin and thank you @Sorceryandswords for hosting this swap it was amazingly awesome I had a blast 😋📖📚📚👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
{Tolkien Find! 🖤✨}
I came across this today at the charity store and it‘s pristine, hardcover and illustrated. I have to say I was very excited about it. I also found this marvellous scarf that is used as the background here and I think I‘m in love. It‘s gorgeous!!
What was the last wonderful thing you found at a market or thrift store? #tolkien #tolkienite #jrrtolkien #fantasy #tolkientribe #bookstamums
Littens, l'm all pumped up foto the publication of the Fall of Gondolin and l'm preparing for it with a short series of blogs about the Great Stories of The Silmarillion.
This is the second one about The Children of Hurin
#YearOfTolkien #Tolkien #fantasy #LotR
I love anything of Tolkien's. His writing is beautiful and storytelling vivid; this novel did not disappoint. I cried a couple of times due to the enormous amount of death, but quiet of in between was sweet.
#ThereAndBackAgain Day 5 -Characters
Let me mention one last character: Morwen, another of those 'difficult' one.
Ambitious? Yes. Proud? Yes. Stabborn? Self-confident? Yes and yes. Some would say she's not a positive character. I don't quite agree 😆
To me, Morwen is one of those characters that proves Tolkien's female characters are just as interesting, powerful and strong-willed than his male characters.
Day 3 of #ThereAndBackAgain: “The Struggle”—a struggle of any kind to do with the books. Apparently it‘s a struggle for me to keep up with daily posts! 😏
For this one, I‘m going to choose the struggle of Turin and Nienor to escape their fate; the struggle to escape the curse Morgoth places on their family. The image is of Nienor trapped by Glaurung‘s gaze.
Image credit: Leonardo Romero
A New Era, & new books! This series made me want to dive back into Tolkien‘s world, not that I needed much encouragement after the films by Peter Jackson started. But this whole series, Húrin, then Beren and Luthien, and soon the Fall of Gondolin has been superb, I love the way they‘ve gone back to the original stories and complied all the parts in one book, with Alan Lee‘s wonderful drawings, so that you can see the story anew and its evolution.
I had a hard time choosing what made me rediscover Tolkien because I‘ve enjoyed his stories from the beginning. However, early in 2017, I picked this book up for the first time after several years of reading no Tolkien and was surprised by its dark complexity. I had forgotten most of the shorter versions read long ago. After I finished, I saw the #LotRChapterADay posts and knew I had to participate. I haven‘t stopped reading since.
Yesterday I misread the prompts and posted my reading struggle, so this is my dark book. The Story of Kullervo is a draft of a retelling of a Finnish myth that contains the seed of the idea for Turin‘s story. Both are characters for whom things continuously go badly. It took me a while to appreciate Turin‘s story because of how depressing it is, but it has also been amazing to see the development of the story through various versions.
"A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it."
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Hurin
Photography by Erik Johansson
#tolkien #thechildrenofhurin
“For a man who flies from his fear may find he has only taken a short cut to meet it.”
5⭐️ THIS POST CONTAINS NO SPOILERS ( I for one HATE spoilers)- if you want to talk more about specifics/ aka SPOILERS, do so in the comments and with the spoiler filter. OK, WOW. 🤯Tolkien can do no wrong, but gosh this is a tragic and sort of messed up Tale of Woe. However I LOVED getting a backstory of Middle Earth. I listened to this through Audible 🎧 and Christopher Lee was the narrator = AMAZING!!! ➡️➡️
Not sure why everyone is doing this, but I thought I‘d join in. BOOK RELATED: I‘m on the last 20 minutes of my audio on this one !! Can I just say, OH MY LANTA??! 😳😟😭🤯
I fell woefully behind, but this morning I finished The Children of Hurin, ending my #lotrchapteraday journey. This was a great experience; I got to reread The Hobbit & LOTR after many years, and I finally tackled The Sil! Thanks for starting this readalong, @freyaheart
I will miss spending time in Middle-earth.
This one concludes my #LOTRchapteraday adventure! Such a sad tale that left me wishing the characters would see & correct their tragic flaws...but that‘s the nature of tragedy! I‘m glad I read this, but for me, it‘s missing something when compared to the Hobbit & the LOTR trilogy. Reading about how Tolkien started & re-started & abandoned so many stories of the First Age made me wish he‘d finished them in the same depth/style as the main novels.⤵️
I finished it! I like how this flushed out the details from The Silmarillion. Sad as all get out, though 💔💔
Is there something else in this readalong, or are we actually done?
#LOTRchapteraday #childrenofhurin
I can definitely see the appeal as alliterative verse, this makes me wish he would have finished this version too....
As one adventure ends, another begins.... for those of you extending the #LOTRChapterADay with us (for one more book) Beren and Luthien are up next. At least from The Silmarillion we know their story has a happier ending. And thank you again for these great schedules @Rachbb3
There's still several books to read from my #TBRBingo card. I don't think l'll manage to finish it for the end of the year as l'd hope. But since l've marked it Fall/Winter, l figure l'll have time 'till March to finish it 😆
And here's a #crimson stake that spontanously formed on my desk.
Wow... I can‘t even imagine attempting that, the story originally started in alliterative metre! Astounding!
Such a tragic and sad story. I think even after being prepared in The Silmarillion I still didn't expect the level of tragedy. It reads like an old collection of Greek stories, like that if Hercules, and really provides a different reading experience from the original four and The Silmarillion. #lotrchapteraday
Spending a quiet snowy night on the sofa with the dog we are watching. I think I have to high expectations after The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. This book is okay. It is so much more readable than The Silmarillion, but it was just okay to me.
1. Cabbage patch doll
2. I bought A Fall of Marigolds for my mom and It for me!
3. I crossed that line a long time ago. I'm 43.
4. Yes
5. Will do
I loved this tragic story. Going in knowing how it ends didn't keep me from rooting for these characters and mourning them as well.
Tolkien has become one of my favorite authors. I have really enjoyed #lotrchapteraday so much in fact I'm continuing on with Beren and Luthien. 😀
This is a sad story in which the characters fight as hard as they can throughout most of it, but they can never truly win against the curse they face. It has such a different tone and theme from the Lord of the Rings, but I still love the storytelling so much.
Such a sad end to this tale, but this line sums it up rather well for me.
I finally purchased a Bluetooth speaker to use around the house and in the shower! Giving it a try for the first time tonight while I read the last chapters of Hurin!
I'm sad to see the story end! But I am looking froward to started Beren and Luthiel on Monday.
#LotRChapterADay Day 153
I hate it when the main characters of a story die. I much prefer when the story ends on a positive note, if not really with an happy ending.
And still l live tghis story. It's tragic and still beautiful.
The sad end to a cursed life.
Heedless of peril therefore Turambar clambered along the cliff... so deadly was the heat & the stench that he tottered & would have fallen if Hunthor, following stoutly behind, had not seized his arm & steadied him. “Great heart!” said Turambar. “Happy was the choice that took you for a helper!” But even as he spoke, a great stone hurtled from above & smote Hunthor... and so ended: not the least valiant of the House of Haleth.
Sad tale similar to the Greek tragedies, because when gods play with men‘s lives & focus their attention on crushing their will, the lengths & depths to which they will sink for vengeance holds no mercy, no matter how brave/heroic those within their power try to be. Evil will have its way, especially if the other Gods sit in Valar & do nothing. How‘s that saying go: All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [gods] to do nothing.🙄
#LotRChapterADay Day 152
It is unsettling how everything seems to fall into place in these last chapters of the book. Like everything was ever supposed to be so and the fight of the heroes only delayed what was unavoidale.
A man that flies from fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it- Sador.. picture and quote idea stolen from my brother. @collecttolkien #lotrchapteraday Follow him on Instagram bc he‘s awesome and he also just did two giveaways one Lotr and one Narnia.. I lost both of course
#LotRChapterADay Day 151
"The die is cast. Now comes the test, in which my boast shall be good, or fails utterly. I will flee no more. Turambar indeed l will be, and by my own will and prowess l will surmount my doom - or fall. But failing or Rimini, Glaurung at least l will say."