And you think nowadays the UK is snooty
And you think nowadays the UK is snooty
Beautiful story, one of my all time favorites. I will recommend reading it to everyone
Yeaaaah. Giving that I am confined at home, I think this situation is going to change.
🥳🥳🥳🙉🙊🙈👻Can't wait to start it!!!!
What is active listening? Simple, just pay attention to what people are saying, ask questions, be interested and just let the other person speak. By listening we are doing a lot of good in the world.
(This is the spanish version, but it basically says: an easy way to become a good conversationalist. 👇👇comment below if you know the original).
I have not even finished it and it is already a life changing book. It is not a personal-growth nor self-help nor coaching book, it is simply a book based on research and sincerity. I will recommend to everybody reading it
I have mixed feelings about this book.
As it progreses, it becomes more and more understandable to me. The Za Pian “Various Books“ always calm and reasure me, while the other two parts are very strange to me.
Definitely, it's a book that requieres deep study.
I am having crazy days recently, so I couldn't read much.
If you know #Spanish and you want to start on #ecommerce, you should read this book; it is basically a manual on the topic.
I didn't know that #PenguinBooks had this deluxe editions. 🤔
I found this in a bookshop in #Salamanca. This is why I love going to bokshops with secondhand books and just look around, you never know what you can find. 🌟 🤗
#7days7covers #7covers7days #finale
Hey guys, I'm sorry for missing out yesterday's post 😔
I want to finish strong 💪 and compensate you for sunday's, so I bring to you two huuugeee books (yes, #LotR is actually ONE book).
I want to focus on the second, The Plague, because is much less known, but you should definitely read it. Is engaging and profound... And french 🇫🇷, you'll look very intellectual and sofisticated 🧐
#7days7covers #7covers7days #day6
I've noticed a lot of #JRRTolkien fans, but are there any #CSSLewis fans out there? 🤔
This two were besties, and they influeced each other, as they influeced and were influeced by other members of the #Inklings.
I think Litsy is kind of a massive 21st century literary circle🤗 📘 📙
#7covers7days #7days7covers #day5
One of the best novels of the XXth century #Spanish literature.
If you didn't know about it, I strongly encourage you to read it, it's a modern classic.
PS. This edition is famous in Spain, it's similar to the Penguin Classics books. There is also another well known publisher which edits the books in a very similar fashion.
#7covers7days #7days7covers #day4
Is not so nice a collection as the one that @Leftcoastzen has 😉, but is nice to have them all together 😊
#7covers7days #7days7covers #day3
The first propaganda campaign of the West?
#7days7covers #7covers7days #day2
A late night (at least in #Spain) 🙃
My favorite adventures book from my favorite editor 👌
#7days7covers #7covers7days #day1
Ok, since last week was awfull and stressing😖, let's start again.
For this fresh start, I want to recommend a gift that my girlfriend gived to me. She really loves me.💌 😘 😍
Is anyone interested in eCommerce?? I find it fascinating!! 😵 🤗 🙌
If you want this book, you must speak #Spanish, because there is no transalation, sorry. 😅
Difficult, uplifting... Brings up memories and gives personal revelations that are hard to aprehend and deal with... 🙏
I have the feeling that to really understand Ô-Sensei I have to go back to the dôjo.
I actually enjoy this book. The basic idea is that we can have better healthier relationships when we put the effort to communicate and understand ourselves and each other. But, we have to start within, and have empathy for our own mistakes, before we can start having better relationships with our families, friends, partner...
#7days#7covers #7covers7days
From #Japan to #France, I want to recommend this Romantic (in the historical and artistical sense) novel. It is very difficult for me to talk about it without feeling that I am spoiling the book, so I just want to put it out there, let you know it exists and hoping you'll pick it up some day.
#7days7covers #7covers7days 🐱
I know I missed half of the week, but it's being a very busy one. 😖
Maybe this book is a little strange for some people, but it's actually one of the modern classics of japanese literature🌸. Give it a go, because it will surprise you 😉
Beautifull book, I really loved it. I have a lot to say about this book, but I will only want to recommend it to everyone, it is worth reading.
This is the next book in my stack “to-read“. I have already read it, but is one of those books that I need to go over from time to time.
I have the chills as I remember when I was in the tatami... Now I don't have the time to.
Does anyone practice #aikido?
Very busy week, I couldn't yet finish this one. But the weekend is here!!! 🤗 🤗🙌 🙌
Sorry about the #spanish edition, I'm a #Spaniard
#weekend #perfecttimetoread
It's beautiful... And it's mine!! 🤘 🤘 📕 📕 📕