The earlier books in this excellent trilogy were pipped at the post for 'O' and 'P', but this is my choice for #LetterT in the #alphabetgame
The earlier books in this excellent trilogy were pipped at the post for 'O' and 'P', but this is my choice for #LetterT in the #alphabetgame
#AnyWayYouReadathon @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl
My stack for the #readathon. I‘ve already read Out of the Silent Planet as well as Perelandra. The third book in the trilogy, That Hideous Strength, is the journey I will be embarking on. Also hoping to read Arsenic and Adobo. Thx for hosting guys! ❤️❤️❤️
I call this a very impromptu book haul! In my defense, I‘ve read four of these, and three are sequels.
Once again, this reread gave me lots of mixed feelings. It's not you, it's me: I'm going through a deep spiritual struggle right now. I guess I wish the way I saw God and his path was as clear as it is in this book. Overall a pick as a good book, just not the best book for me right now.
I finished it!! A total of 139 pages in this one tonight (and 63 of The Hazel Wood earlier). I liked this one, though not as much as the first in this trilogy #summersendreadathon
Got a couple hours of reading in before work! Hopefully on the way I‘ll be able to read an ebook I picked up #summersendreadathon
I love being able to read outside! We had a nice rain yesterday to wash a little of the pollen away and it‘s in the 70s!
That Hideous Strength is the final book in Lewis's Space Trilogy. It's a Menippean Satire, so the characters represent philosophical positions.
There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one.
C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength
#cslewis #thathideousstrength #TheBookKeeper
Tagged book was 16/18 of my #MtTBRChallenge . Only two more to reach my final goal!
Next up, The Nix by Nathan Hill
⭐⭐⭐ (rounded up)
Not as boring as the first two, but it was also more chaotic and preachy. As a whole, the entire trilogy was a disappointment for me. I would recommend instead reading academic essays for the theology and other science fiction for a good story.
Here is a review by Denise: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/151739521
#MtTBRChallenge (16/18)
June Stats:
3 books read
2 Fiction, both #MtTBRChallenge, both picks -
Nightwoods by Charles Frazier
Light in Augst by William Faulkner (#readharder)
1 book of essays, #tbrsupplemental #readharder2018, pan
What are Masterpieces? By Gertrude Stein
Tagged in progress, about 81% complete
16 of 18 total books read were #TBR
#ReadHarder2018: 13/24 complete
Just finished a few laps around the park (mild morning today, only 88 degrees at 10am), and now settling down in the shady grass to wait for my son to finish his jujitsu class. Then it's off to the library for the two of us. This has become our Saturday morning routine, though it will change next week as his class has changed times. This book is more interesting than I thought it would be. #MtTBRChallenge #nofilter
"There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one."
I've been trying to get into this book, failing for the most part, but this passage summarized how I've been feeling lately about the horrors happening to kids right now in the US. It shouldn't matter what your political opinion is, hurting children is wrong. Period.
The oldest book on my TBR. According to Goodreads, I added it on March 2, 2001. However, I've had it longer than I've had my account. There are other books on my TBR with this date, but I am positive this is the oldest among them. #MtTBRchallenge
This is probably the #WeirdestBookCover in my house at the moment. Good book by one of my favorite authors CS Lewis.
#riotgrams #day17 @bookriot
An hour until I need to be at my book club and ready to talk about this book... It's going to be close. 😂 (I'm not the only book club procrastinator, right?)
I really loved this book, at least once I pushed past the first two chapters. In the foreword, Lewis mentions that this is a fairy tale to bring The Abolition of Man to life and now, I look forward to reading that. This was a great adventure story but also full of Christian allegory as only Lewis can do. I know I will return to this one again and again over the years.
"There are a dozen views about everything until you know the answer. Then there's never more than one."
I keep wanting to mark all over this book but my copy is short on margins :(
"I happen to believe you can't study men; you can only get to know them, which is quite a different thing."
A book set in college for #funfridayphoto. On my first read, I couldn't put it down. I tore through it in a day or two. Then a friend mentioned how sexist it was. Upon re-reading: holy crap. Yep. How did I overlook that?! It's a page-turner, the ideas are fascinating, and Jane even ends up being a decent female character, but wow. Huge sexist assumptions that I could have ignored if they hadn't come from the character speaking on God's behalf...