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Fierce Kingdom
Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
It tore at every maternal fibre in my body. I couldnt put it down. Fiona Barton, author of THE WIDOW ************ Lincoln is a good boy. At the age of four, he is curious, clever and well behaved. He does as his mum says and knows what the rules are. 'The rules are different today. The rules are that we hide and do not let the man with the gun find us.' When an ordinary day at the zoo turns into a nightmare, Joan finds herself trapped with her beloved son. She must summon all her strength, find unexpected courage and protect Lincoln at all costs even if it means crossing the line between right and wrong; between humanity and animal instinct. It's a line none of us would ever normally dream of crossing. But sometimes the rules are different. ************ Unbearably tense and yet beautifully written, Fierce Kingdom demands to be read in one sitting. After finishing, I pulled my loved ones a little closer. Paula Daly
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Last week they found cancer in my dad's prostate and today we're at the hospital having it removed. The doctors are hopeful that they'll be able to get out all out and that he'll be fine... but it's still a really stressful wait. 🤞 (UPDATE- SURGERY WENT WELL!)

I'm reading this thriller about an active shooter at a zoo. I'll definitely post a full review when I'm done, because the author is doing some really neat stuff.

Captivatedbybooks My dad is a prostate cancer survivor and the advanced medicine they have now for the treatment is wonderful. Dad‘s got this! (edited) 11mo
Mollyanna Best of luck to your dad! 11mo
mrp27 Sending positive thoughts to your and your dad. 11mo
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Bookwormjillk Good luck 11mo
quietlycuriouskate Best wishes to you and your dad! 11mo
BookNAround Best of luck to your dad! 11mo
squirrelbrain Best wishes to your Dad. 11mo
BarbaraBB Best wishes 🤞🏽 11mo
TrishB Hope all goes well ❤️ 11mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Sending prayers and hugs to you and your family! 11mo
Librarybelle Best wishes 11mo
xicanti Good luck to him! ❤️ 11mo
CatLass007 I‘m praying for you and your dad. My Dad had his prostate removed and lived many years without one. I‘m confident that your dad will do well. 11mo
Bookzombie Hope everything goes well. (edited) 11mo
Jas16 Keeping you both in my thoughts. 11mo
CatLass007 Good news. Still praying. 11mo
Branwen I'm so sorry to hear this, friend! 💕 Hang in there! 11mo
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Another excellent thriller! I started this last night and could not put it down.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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After reading Fantasticland, I‘m a teeny bit obsessed with books set in theme parks and carnivals and, in this case, zoos. I felt this book so viscerally, as a mom and as a teacher. Wowza, this backlist pick was an absolute win for me. I read the entire book with a pit in my stomach and probably some elevated blood pressure. Holy crap. Five stars and a few tears from me.

Soubhiville What a great review! You‘ve made me want to read it. 14mo
Breanne1 Have you read Hide? You may like it! 14mo
BarbaraBB I hated this book to be honest but I just bought Fantasticland. Curious to see what I‘ll think about that one! 14mo
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Reggie But what happened to the baby?!!!! Lol I liked this one, too. 14mo
Erinreadsthebooks @Reggie Right?! The baby! In the epilogue that lives only in my mind… It‘s two years later. Little Lincoln is playing with the now toddler who was adopted by Joan. (Didn‘t she mention wanting another baby? I appreciate a vague ending but really would have loved finding out what happened to everyone 😩) 14mo
Reggie @Erinreadsthebooks this is me being a pessimist I guess but I really thought the mc died in the end due to all her blood loss. I‘m glad you thought she and the baby lived. 🙂 14mo
Erinreadsthebooks @Reggie I think you‘re right, but it‘s all sunshine and rainbows in my epilogue 😂😅 14mo
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Will the boychild‘s orthodontist appointment take five minutes or fifty-five minutes? Who cares?! Starting a new book while I‘m here. 🤩

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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For a long while, Joan has managed to balance on the balls of her feet, knees bent, skirt skimming the dirt.

#FirstLineFridays Such an intense read! My heart.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This book was suspenseful and sometimes plain scary, but the parts I loved were the main character's observations about motherhood. My son is 13, so I miss those years when he was so closely tethered to me. I spent countless afternoons with him at the zoo when he was small, so this felt close to home, making it that much scarier.

marleed I loved this one, too! 2y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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For a long while, Joan has managed to balance on the balls of her bare feet, knees bent, skirt skimming the dirt.

I'm a day late for #Firstlinefridays but after devouring the first half of this book yesterday, I wanted to share it anyways lol Happy Saturday!

ShyBookOwl @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I found a mother/son book! Content warning, they are trapped at the zoo during a mass shooting. It's tough in that respect, but the focus is really on how the 4-yr old sees and navigates the world and how the mother is trying to navigate this situation without disrupting his worldview too much. It's beautiful. 2y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oooh! Definitely stacking this! Thank you for remembering me! ❤️ 2y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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A woman and her four-year-old son are trapped in a zoo during a mass shooting. I raced through this book, so the author did a good job of keeping a quick pace. The characters were interesting, if a bit two-dimensional. The ending is a bit ambiguous, but I like ambiguous endings. I would have liked more use of the setting, and the child was unbelievably precocious and immature at the same time. Overall, it was an exciting few hours of reading.

Nebklvr And how did it end? I thought it indicated one ending and another reader thought the opposite. 3y
Reggie @Nebklvr 1. My question is what happened to the baby???!!!!!! Lol. 2. I honestly thought the mother died. What did you think? 3y
Bookboss In my reading, Joan survives and the police find the baby. (edited) 3y
Nebklvr @Reggie @Bookboss I read it as her kid was ok and Mom died. I have no idea what happened to baby 3y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Overall I would recommend this book. Joan and her son find themselves trapped in the zoo-victims of a poorly planned plot to...? Well, honestly I'm not sure.
The relationship between Joan and Lincoln is so tender and any mother will relate to the love Joan has for her son. Her decisions, though questionable, force the reader to ask themselves what lengths they would go to save their child and what-or who-they would sacrifice to keep them safe.

LostInSpace That cover is really cool! 4y
Megabooks This is a fantastic review of this book!! 4y
Reggie What happened to the baby?!!!!! 3y
FelinesAndFelonies @Reggie 😂 I was a little frustrated by some of the loose ends. I think they were appropriate though. Since the book was focusing on the present perspective, there would be no way for her to know the outcome of the baby. Based on the come-to-Jesus moment she has about the mother's actions, I like to think it ended fine. I was sort of upset about the groundhog. 🤣 3y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I should be studying but I'd rather be reading. I can't decide which one to start.

FelinesAndFelonies Any recommendation on which one to start with? 4y
marleed Oh I read Fierce Kingdom a couple years ago and think about it every time I walk by the title. 4y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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The only reason I didn't give this a thumbs down is because it captured me enough at the beginning to finish it. But yikes, the author made what should be a fast-paced event take place over 3 hours in an almost 300 page novel. Noooo thank you. I skimmed a lot if it after the 1st half mostly because I couldn't stand the MC's stupidity.

ShelleyBooksie 100% agree 4y
BarbaraBB Me too. Horrible MC! 4y
Rachel.Rencher @BarbaraBB Like I was mad when she threw her phone, but when she ran across the zoo during an active shooter situation to find a vending machine...omg! 😡 4y
BarbaraBB Exactly. So stupid. 🤣 4y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Okay, I bailed on The Last Flight. I hardly have any time to read, so if I'm not sucked in then it gets the axe.

Next on my list to try is Fierce Kingdom! Let's hope this one is better. 🤞

BarbaraBB This is one I bailed on, but I hope you don‘t 💜 4y
arubabookwoman I didn't bail, but I was extremely annoyed at the stupidity of the main character and nearly did. 4y
Megabooks I liked this one! 4y
TheLudicReader I found this book quite compelling. 4y
Rachel.Rencher @arubabookwoman Now that I read it, I 100% know what you mean 😑 4y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This was just okay for me - it felt a bit underdeveloped and the ending was too abrupt. BUT! The relationship between the main character and her little boy was written beautifully ♥️♥️ I recommend it, but wanted more 🤷‍♀️

Reggie What happened to the baby?!!!!! Lol 4y
CBee @Reggie OH MY GOSH right???? 😳😂 4y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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It's not really a sad book, but the tagged book made me bawl.

1. No trick-or-treating with friends so no creating pie charts of the candy haul. Maybe we'll try to have a virtual party to show off the kids' costumes.
2. Local produce.

#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Cosmos_Moon Pie charts! That‘s fun! I think I have a table at the end of my drive way with grab n go packs. Hope the kids can still have fun! 4y
ImperfectCJ @Cosmos_Moon We never get any trick-or-treaters, even in years without novel coronaviruses, so I doubt we're going to get any this year. My kids want homemade baked goods instead of candy, which I think I can swing. 4y
Cosmos_Moon Oh, that‘s nice. My kids keep asking me to bake some things, but we‘ve just been too busy! Soon. 4y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Very easy to slip into this book. And full of thrills and super fast paced. A great distracting read. I would have loved seeing a bit more use out of the zoo setting but otherwise, no real complaints

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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I expected this to be good and it turned out to be fantastic. I cannot praise this enough. The setting was a great choice to explore as the site for an act of domestic terror. I couldn‘t put this down and was on the edge of my seat the entire time, and I powered through it in a day. If you‘re even mildly interested in this, you should go for it.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

I heeded the advice from a few reviews on Litsy - do not start this unless you‘re ready to get through it in one sitting. Wow! I could not put this down, and it had my heart racing almost immediately.

NACHTWILD: Thriller | Gin Phillips
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Ok. My current reading pile isn't high enough... but yesterday a friend told me he bought this book. It's also on my TBR-Pile, so we'll read it toghter. But he really wanted to start today, so another current read on my list... 😂😂😂 #thriller #zoo #buddyread

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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My heart was racing for the last 1/3 of this book!!!

JamieArc I read this over a year ago and I still remember how much it kept my heart racing! 5y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This my first time reading a book annotated by the author. It‘s been quite ride and I‘m only 82 pages in.

rather_be_reading so cool!! i love tht book too! 5y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Started this one yesterday, finished this morning, a well written thriller about a mother and her 4 year old son trapped in a zoo with an active shooter. The bond between mother and son is so well developed, I‘m still tearing up. Trigger warning ⚠️ this is a pulled out of the current headlines story.

Centique This would give me nightmares for YEARS. 😱😱😱 5y
Dragon Thanks @Centique it was quite nerve wracking. 5y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Starting this one today, but I‘m already freaking out, maybe I should have stayed with my historical romance binge 😱. Love 💕 Dragon 🐉 fruit refreshers 🤩

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I believe it‘s 300° with the heat index, so I‘m audiobooking indoors while I eat lunch at work. I really liked this story. The suspense kept me wanting to listen on my commute to and from work. In the end, it makes you think about choices we make, what drives people to behave the way they do under stress. Gunmen on the loose at the close of day at the zoo, perfect summer read!

sprainedbrain It feels like somewhere around 250 degrees. Stop exaggerating! 😂 5y
Cconnolly @sprainedbrain , ok, 250°! I think it‘s down to 150° now, AC still running. Book sale at the ICPL tomorrow is on my agenda for tomorrow, because I don‘t have enough unread books! 5y
sprainedbrain @Cconnolly I‘m doing #24in48 all weekend... let me know if you find some good books! 5y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Couldn‘t put it down. Holy cow.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

This book about a shooting at a zoo was gripping, and scarily resonating in light of so many mass shootings. I found it horrifying, realistic, and gut-wrenching, and it made me question what I would do in a similar situation.

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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I ordered this used and when I got it realized it has all the author post its from Pagehabit. Pretty cool! I never ordered from them but was always curious about the notes.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I loved reading this story until I didn‘t anymore. It counts for my reading goal, but that‘s about it.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

I really enjoyed this one. For me, there was just the right amount of tension. The active shooter situation unfolds in real time, and the reader gets to experience the frustration of hiding with a child and no reliable way to know what is happening and if help is on the way. I have worked in one zoo and my husband still does (at a different one). I was pleasantly surprised to have no major quibbles with the way the zoo was portrayed. 🌟🌟🌟1/2

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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#currentlyreading This is a page turner!

bookandcat Loved this one but it was so stressful!!! 5y
cherinium @bookandcat Stressful is right! Phillips has done a great job of making the fear tangible. 5y
bookandcat @cherinium I had to stop reading it at night for that reason! 🙈 5y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This is an INTENSE read! I‘ve cleared my schedule for the next couple of hours. I need to know what happens ASAP! #fiercekingdom

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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This book was STRESSFUL!! You definitely shouldn't start it if you can't finish it in one sitting.

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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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If I hadn‘t been interrupted by social obligations, I would have finished this book in one sitting! It was fast-paced, it was engaging, and it made my heart race in all the right ways. I think the fact that this book is about a mother trying to protect her four year old son made it resonate with me more, since I have my own four year old boy at home. An enjoyable read if you‘re looking for a quick thriller.
#LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Reading in bed and cuddling with #NelsonKitty. A good way to spend a day off 😊 #catsoflitsy #BotMTBR

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I think I‘m going to continue with this. Not because I feel like “oooooh this is good I have to find out what happens”, but because I feel more like it‘s a train wreck that I can‘t look away from. It‘s not the writing, they writing is good for the most part. It‘s the story. The story is severely lacking, but I really want to know where the hell the author is going with this mess.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Started this one last night. Only about 50 pages in and it‘s not terrible, but I hope it gets better.

Mccall0113 Don‘t hold your breath 6y
MadsReadss Definitely was not my favorite read. Good luck! Lol 6y
Mccall0113 It wasn‘t terrible. Just anticlimactic 6y
DocBrown Interesting, but not for the reasons I was expecting. 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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My mom anxiety won‘t allow me to read this book yet, but I heard it‘s pretty good! #kindledeal

MicheleinPhilly I‘m not even a mom but I found this book to be SO stressful. 6y
alanacristin Ouf, yes! I couldn't put it down a couple months ago and i still get flashbacks to the panic i felt trying to make decisions alongside the mom 😖it was a good read though! 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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I finished this earlier today and am still not sure how I feel about it. I was expecting a suspenseful procedural about a heinous crime. What I got instead was a rich psychological study of a world that a mother co-creates and co-inhabits with her young child. A world that she tries to hold together under extreme duress. It felt both fascinating and indulgent. Does anyone know how this story ends?

Reggie I want to know what happened to the baby!!!! Lol 6y
BarbaraBB Me too, @Reggie ! Then again, i didn‘t like this book at all. I was annoyed by the mother throughout the whole book. 6y
DocBrown @Reggie, I choose to believe that the baby is found alive by police or, better still, by the person that put it there. I suppose then that I choose to believe that Joan survives but I feel like that‘s being overly optimistic. 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

I think that the fact that it took me a day and a half to read this says alot. It started off a little shaky- I struggled to connect with Joan or Lincoln but it really picked up. I did find some of the storylines around the shooters a little loose and could have been tighter and Lincoln for the most part was quite irritating. Still a great read though

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Looking forward to getting into my new read 🤓📚

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Bought these goodies at the Civic Center Block Party today! Paperpacks were $7 and hardcovers were $10. It‘s not that cheap, but cheap for SF! And, all proceeds went to SF Public Library. 😃😃😃

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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So I've been to the zoo with my toddler twice since I've read this book, and it continues to haunt me 😖 i keep looking for exits and was pleased to find potential escape routes that i might could pull off if i brought the baby carrier 😮 anyhow, i rarely reflect on books this often in such a short period but this one really hit home. #mommyreads #thriller

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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Lunch reading from yesterday!

rather_be_reading so good!! 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

I saw plenty of bad reviews on this book so I was very hesitant to start it but it wasnt that bad. A bit predictable, but it kept my interest and was a fast read. The book focuses on the now all too common problem of mass shootings and shows what people are capable of when put into that situation.

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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BridgetteM Agreed! This is a good book. 6y
BarbaraBB I was so disappointed by this one... 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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This is exciting @Mommamanzi Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips is one of my recent faves :)

Mommamanzi Oh I will have to read it! I have something off your tbr list! Go ahead and email me your name and mailing address and I‘ll send it out to you! Nicoleorlando@hotmail.com📚❤️ 6y
Effischer Awesome @Mommamanzi 😃😃 thank you!! 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips

I wanted to like this, it had an intriguing premise and the first 80 pages or so were good enough, but I ended up really disliking it and found it boring. (Full review on Goodreads)

Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Trying to catch up on my #BOTM backlist
I‘ve been subscribed since Jan 2017 and have way too many unread picks.

stuck.in.the.stacks I have the same goal for the next few months and I recently read this one. It was definitely a page turner for me. Hope you enjoy it! 6y
eloreads @felinesandfiction it really is a page turner, I just started it and can‘t stop reading it! 6y
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Fierce Kingdom | Gin Phillips
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Pet sitting adventure of the day - Hoping the fur babies nap long enough to get some reading accomplished.

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