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An American Tragedy
An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
American novelist and journalist. He pioneered the naturalist school and is known for portraying characters whose value lies not in their moral code, but in their persistence against all obstacles. Dreiser's outstanding works were the novels Sister Carrie (1900) and An American Tragedy (1925). Dreiser was a committed socialist, and wrote several non-fiction books on political issues. These included Dreiser Looks at Russia (1928), the result of his 1927 trip to the Soviet Union, and two books presenting a critical perspective on capitalist America, Tragic America (1931) and America Is Worth Saving (1941).
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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An immensely sad book (hence the “tragedy”) based on a real crime that took place in 1906, a young man drowning his pregnant girlfriend in a secluded Adirondack lake. Dreiser takes a long hard look at the unforgiving cultural and religious machinations demarcating social class and the lure of material wealth that eventually destroys these two young people‘s lives (the young man is eventually sent to the electric chair).

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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I have never read a book so in dire need of an editor. This was painful. And Clyde is an absolute loser. #100essentialnovels

sarahbarnes I read Sister Carrie in college and will admit I really disliked it. 😬 1y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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This was wretched. It is the perfect book for those imbeciles who believe they have a right to sex and never mind the women‘s wishes. A whinging, horrid main character who was obsessed with sex and riches and vacillated between stalking and indifference. Ick

DivineDiana Thank you. I won‘t be reading this one. 2y
Nebklvr @DivineDiana I read it with someone else and she hated it too. Run as far and as fast away from this as you can. So many other good books. 2y
DivineDiana 🏃‍♀️ 📚👍🏻 2y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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A day late, but what does time mean anymore?
1 - going with MC from the tagged, Clyde. First assigned reading I ever didn‘t finish and had to bluff my way through an essay and discussion.
2 - I‘m sensitive to scents so no perfume or scented products, but I do like lavender and jasmine on the vine.
3 - just finished Neuromancer and about to start The Blood of Olympus.
#thoughtfulThursday thanks for the tag @MoonWitch94

MoonWitch94 Thank YOU for playing! Time means nothing really these days 🤷🏻‍♀️😂🌹 4y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Book 1 of #7Books7Days of books that profoundly affected me. I read this when I was 20 years old and have never forgotten this book. It is a bit slow but takes off midway.

An American Masterpiece Clyde Griffiths finds his social-climbing aspirations and love for a rich and beautiful debutante threatened when his lower-class pregnant girlfriend gives him an ultimatum.

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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I read this book when I was a teenager and I still think about it today so I would consider it an #XcellentRead.

An American Masterpiece Clyde Griffiths finds his social-climbing aspirations and love for a rich and beautiful debutante threatened when his lower-class pregnant girlfriend gives him an ultimatum.

Day 24 - #XcellentRead #AnAmericanTragedy #TheodoreDreiser #AugustABC

RealBooks4ever A fine book! 💜 5y
Eggs 👏🏻🤗💗 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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This book is too long.

I‘d hoped Clyde Griffiths‘ story would be similar to Sister Carrie‘s and it does share my favourite characteristic of Dreiser‘s earlier novel: he‘s very very good at depicting characters who are deeply flawed in a non-judgemental way. Unfortunately, this is even more prone to wheel-spinning.

I found myself wishing I were reading Hemingway or James M. Cain‘s version of this story. #modernlibrarytop100

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twohectobooks The end is the strongest part; it‘s a shame that by the time I got to it I was so worn out by what came before that I just wanted to get everything over with. I‘m against capital punishment and the book is somewhat illustrative of my reasons why. (Also why women need access to abortion!) Clyde absolutely needs to be punished for his crime. He never takes responsibility for killing Roberta, just regrets how it‘s ended up for him. 5y
twohectobooks And yeah, the title pretty much sums it up: this book is about Clyde, but it‘s really about him as a product of his environment. I just wish it had been a little (or a lot) tighter. 5y
laur89 If that first line isn‘t the most accurate thing I‘ve read... 🤣 I need to keep reading!! Just to say I‘ve read it. I can‘t give up now! 5y
DrexEdit OFF TOPIC: I 💜 your MCM furniture. Those pieces are all vintage, aren't they!? 😊 5y
twohectobooks @DrexEdit thanks so much! You are correct, although tbh I don‘t think of it as vintage so much as just “old” hehe 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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So this is my edition, rather than the snazzy one pictured in my earlier post. How to review this without sounding snotty? I didn‘t like his writing style, and it was a slog, especially Books 1 and 2. Book 3 was faster, but even then I found myself thinking “get on with it!” But. He does a good job of portraying the sense of being pulled in different directions by conflicting beliefs that are unresolvable. Glad I read it. Won‘t reread.

monalyisha I read this in college & remember hating it. Granted, I‘d signed up for “American Naturalism” thinking I‘d be reading Emerson & Thoreau, sooo... maybe it wasn‘t its fault. Entirely. 😅 5y
Lcsmcat @monalyisha Oh no. It was his fault. 😂 5y
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ValerieAndBooks Ugh. His Sister Carrie (ETA: still TBR) is on the 1001 Books list and maybe it‘s a good thing it‘s his only one on the list! (edited) 5y
MrBook 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
Hestapleton @ValerieAndBooks I really liked Sister Carrie! 5y
twohectobooks @Hestapleton @ValerieAndBooks I agree, Sister Carrie is pretty great. I‘m always flabbergasted when I have such different experiences with one writer‘s books, but I‘d definitely take Sister Carrie over this one any day. 5y
laur89 Spot on review! 5y
Lcsmcat @laur89 Thanks! And thanks for giving me the motivation to read this bad boy! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Hestapleton @twohectobooks I‘m glad you both liked Sister Carrie. I‘ll try to read it sooner rather than later 😊 5y
laur89 @Lcsmcat Thank YOU for being such a great reading buddy!! Everyone has motivated me to keep reading and I‘m so glad you all joined the challenge! 🙌🏼👏🏼 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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I‘m about 30 pages from the end, and I stopped to read this New Yorker article from 2003 on the publication of the pictured edition. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2003/04/21/the-cost-of-desire It‘s long, but worth it, and really added to my understanding of the book as well as validating my own opinions. 😀 @laur89 @Hestapleton @twohectobooks

twohectobooks Thanks for sharing! I‘m about 60 pages from the end and I‘m thinking of powering through to get there tonight. Will give this a read once I‘m done. 5y
laur89 I‘m still struggling to finish book 2... but I‘ve made some progress! Thanks for sharing this! 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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A huge thanks to @Lcsmcat and @twohectobooks for continuing to share their progress on this enjoyable yet tedious #BuddyRead, and tagging me in ALL THE POSTS!!! You guys have no idea how much this has motivated me to keep on reading 😄 Book 2, Ch. 25... here we go! 🎉 It‘s an #audiobook and Sudoku night 🤓

@Hestapleton - can‘t wait for you to start!

Lcsmcat I sometimes play sudoku while listening to audiobooks too. 5y
Hestapleton I‘m a horrible reading slump and NOTHING is grabbing hmmm. I‘m hoping to start it this week! 5y
laur89 @Hestapleton Making some recommendations- The Glass Castle, The Thirteenth Tale, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Eleanor Oliphant, The Night Circus... all 5 star recent reads of mine! 5y
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Hestapleton @laur89 I‘ve read and loved all of these except for THE GLASS CASTLE and THE THIRTEENTH TALE, which are on my TBR! 5y
laur89 @Lcsmcat I keep getting stuck because I‘m lost in thoughts of ROBERTA YOU FOOL or CLYDE YOU IDIOT 😆 5y
laur89 @Hestapleton I flew through both but The Thirteenth Tale was a fun mystery with a very bookish MC, super fun and great for reading slumps! 5y
twohectobooks @Hestapleton @laur89 I love Thirteenth Tale also! 5y
Hestapleton @twohectobooks I just started it last night and 😍😍😍 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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150 pages to go! I want to finish by Friday so that‘s a pretty-doable 25 pages per day. I hate when I “have to” drag myself to the end of a book like this.

“Have to” because of course I‘m doing this to myself.

I AM curious about what the overall outcome of the book will be, at least. I‘d just prefer to be reading the 175 page James M. Cain version of this story.

Lcsmcat I‘m on 617/874. I‘m finding Book 3 a much faster (and more interesting) read than the first two books. 5y
twohectobooks @Lcsmcat you‘re a much faster reader than me! 5y
laur89 You just reminded me I need to get back into it!! Might listen to a few chapters on audio tonight 🙃🎧 5y
Hestapleton Man you all are on a roll! Haven‘t even started yet. 🙃 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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“treated with heroin” ! That jumped out at me. @laur89 @twohectobooks @Hestapleton

tpixie Yikes! 5y
twohectobooks lol I noticed that too, love finding stuff like it in old books. 5y
laur89 That‘s um... an effective treatment? 😂 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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And then five entire days consumed Mason and Belknap in selecting a jury.

I was genuinely worried I‘d have to read the entire jury selection process so this is a relief. I‘m at 638/814 and am planning to finish by the end of next week. If this wasn‘t a #modernlibrarytop100 book I would‘ve DNF‘d it a long time ago.

Lcsmcat You‘re ahead of me, but the sentiments are the same. 5y
Lcsmcat I‘ve just gotten to Roberta telling him she‘s pregnant. 5y
twohectobooks I‘ve been struggling with what to mark as a spoiler! I actually found that whole part pretty intriguing in light of current discussions about reproductive rights. 5y
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laur89 Is it worth the read?! I‘m kind of jealous you‘re almost done! 5y
twohectobooks @laur89 at this point I‘m inclined to say don‘t bother with it if you don‘t have a good reason to. If you just want to give Dreiser a try I think Sister Carrie is way better. 5y
laur89 Oh man. I dedicated myself to a challenge so I‘m stuck... 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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On to Sondra, girl number three, or is it four? Clyde falls in “love” more often than I vacuum my carpet. 🙄 @laur89 @Hestapleton @twohectobooks

ravenlee This was the first book I ever bailed on that was required reading. I ran put of time, skipped the last 200-some pages, pulled together enough BS to write an essay and never regretted it. I hated every page I read. 5y
Lcsmcat @ravenlee 😂 I don‘t think I‘ll try another Dreiser any time soon, but I‘m determined to finish this one just to see what all the fuss is about. 5y
twohectobooks Sondra and her baby talk are soooooooo annoying. 5y
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laur89 You‘ve made it past where I left off... Clyde and I are currently taking a little break. I decided I needed to read some other books to save any chance of our relationship lasting long enough to see it all the way through. 😅😂 5y
Lcsmcat @laur89 I get it. I may have to do the same to read a book for book group if I don‘t finish soon. 5y
Nebklvr Yes. Love lasts until the next best thing. 2y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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He must never think of it again! He must never think of it again. He must never, never, never think of it—never.

He thinks of it again.

JulietReads Don't think of a pink elephant. You thought of a pink elephant didn't you... 5y
Lcsmcat Of course he did! 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Hey fellow buddy readers!
> I‘m at p 573/814 (Book 3 Chapter 11). I started mid-July and picked this up because it‘s #16 on the #modernlibrarytop100 list I‘ve been working through.
> Dreiser is really good at creating characters you love to hate. Clyde is such a tool but I can‘t look away.
> I really liked his style in Sister Carrie which is 300 pgs (!) shorter but even then he was long winded and it‘s so much worse here.

laur89 Popular consensus seems to be that Clyde is one of the most disliked MCs ever 😂 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Check out the An American Tragedy movie poster while you check in on our #BuddyRead!

*If you‘ve already started...
>How many pages have you read?
>Any major thoughts you want to share?
>Are you finding Dreiser‘s writing style descriptive or overwhelming?

Share below in the comments, or create a post and tag me in it!

*If you haven‘t begun, it‘s ok! All posts will stay up, and I‘ll be happy to discuss whenever you‘re ready 😃

laur89 >I‘m on page 433/1220. >Clyde is irritating and annoying and needs to grow up. Given the summary of this story though... I think he‘s going to find other ways to handle his issues. 😬 >Both... sometimes I feel like it contributes to the setting and the mood, and other times it‘s TMI (I‘ve skimmed over those parts). Thus far, it‘s a 3 star read, but feelings can change in 800 pages! 5y
Lcsmcat I‘m on 241/874. (Mine‘s not abridged and the print isn‘t tiny, so I‘m not sure why it has so many fewer pages.) It‘s Chapter X of Book 2. I just read The Magic Mountain & am reading Of Human Bondage, so I‘ve about had it with immature boy-men. I want to pop Clyde upside the head, to use a Southern expression. (cont.) 5y
Lcsmcat As for Dreiser‘s writing, I‘m not a big fan. He does more telling than showing, and his use of slang grates on my nerves. I try to judge authors by their own time, but compare him to say Thomas Hardy & he comes across as a raging misogynist. He hasn‘t written a single sympathetic female character, with the possible exception of Bella. But I‘m not sorry I‘m reading it, if only to try to decipher why it‘s considered a masterpiece. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
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laur89 @Lcsmcat Well said!! My book tells me I‘m on chapter 20 of book 2. It might be because mine is an e-book- not sure! If it weren‘t on the fact that it was on a challenge list, i probably wouldn‘t have picked this up, but like you am glad I‘m reading it just to figure out the mysterious longevity factor of why this book is still so great. Definitely going to need a read with a strong female lead after this one! 5y
Lcsmcat @laur89 I‘m thinking a Margaret Atwood may be next. 😀 (edited) 5y
laur89 @Lcsmcat Let me know which you pick! I have Oryx & Crake on my TBR, but never hurts to add more to the ever growing stacks haha 5y
Lcsmcat @laur89 Read it! The whole Madd Addam trilogy is so good! But yes, I‘ll let you know. 5y
twohectobooks @Lcsmcat I think Dreiser is actually pretty equal opportunity in that most of the characters in the novel, male or female, are deeply flawed and not terribly sympathetic. Including the protagonist! But I also really loved Of Human Bondage, so we may just have very different taste/tolerance for this sort of thing! 5y
Lcsmcat @twohectobooks I‘m enjoying Of Human Bondage, I just don‘t like Philip! But the prose is wonderful and I feel like Maugham is exploring ideas, whereas Dreiser is just telling a story. 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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I know Dreiser doesn‘t want us to like Hortense (and I don‘t) but he‘s really making me not like him. I try to judge books by their own time, but even for his time this portrayal is just awful. @laur89 @Hestapleton

Lcsmcat Also, even though it‘s supposed to be the 1920s, you can tell the illustrations were done in the late 40s. 😀 (edited) 5y
laur89 Yep! I struggled with the whole Hortense part. I skimmed through a bit of it and it doesn‘t seem to make a difference to the rest of the story, so long as you get the gist of her relationship with Clyde 🤷🏻‍♀️ There will be more instances of the girls being portrayed like this though, fair warning... 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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My copy is illustrated! It‘s a library discard that I bought at a library sale, published in 1953. This ought to make my posts more visually interesting. @laur89 @Hestapleton

laur89 Ooh! That‘s great! 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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“I love you just the same and I guess you care for me a little, anyhow, don‘t you?”

Feeling sorry for Clyde atm. All of the events that led him to this point were activities he had 2nd thoughts about participating in, but was too drawn by the promise of a “high-flying” social life to refuse.

I don‘t think he should‘ve run away from the crime. He seemed to play a very minor part and I think he could‘ve been saved 🤷🏻‍♀️ But, the plot thickens!

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Plowing through the first few chapters of this! I usually like books set in this time period, and Dreiser‘s descriptive writing of the places in Clyde‘s life makes for great mental visualization 🧠🎥👀

Although I‘m enjoying the introduction to the MC, I‘m wondering when the true crime piece will come in... 🧐

Have you guys started? What do you think so far?

Hestapleton Not yet! I‘ve got some library books to plow through first! 5y
Lcsmcat Not yet. I‘ve been at a street festival all day. But either tonight or tomorrow. 😀 5y
laur89 Can‘t wait for you to start!! @Hestapleton @Lcsmcat I‘m jealous!! It‘s been pouring where I live all afternoon. ⛈ 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Having just finished a chunkster (The Magic Mountain) I thought I was going to read shorter more recently published books for August. But a buddy read called my name, so I‘ll be starting this today or tomorrow. Buddy reads give me the push I sometimes need to read these bad boys. @laur89

laur89 I‘m starting this today as well!! 💕 Thanks for joining in! 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Repost for @laur89 :
Alright people. I‘m taking this on for #ReadLikeRory (my own #GilmoreGirlsReadingChallenge).

This one is a #CHUNKSTER at over 1000 pages. I‘m sort of intimidated, but it‘ll be Mr. Dreiser‘s birthday on the 27th, so I‘m doing this in honor of him. 🎂

I would totally love to #BuddyRead this with anyone who‘s interested! Hefty novels like these are better with friends... so comment & tag @laur89 if this book catches your eye!

Lcsmcat @laur89 When are you planning to read this? I‘m interested, if I can fit it in. 5y
Aimeesue The Ebook is only 45¢ if that sways anyone. That's only .00041322 cents a page! A true bargain for a masterpiece. ? 5y
laur89 @Lcsmcat Starting it this month! But it‘ll be totally informal. Read whenever you want, and share your thoughts along the way/see others‘ posts about the story! 5y
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laur89 @Aimeesue 🤣 That sounds like one purchase... that leads to another... and before you know it, you‘ve spent $30! But that is a compelling reason to join in! 5y
Lcsmcat Sounds good. Count me in! Do you have a hashtag? 5y
Lcsmcat Just pulled my copy off the shelf and my edition is _only_ 874 pages. 😆 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Alright people. I‘m taking this on for #ReadLikeRory (my own #GilmoreGirlsReadingChallenge).

This one is a #CHUNKSTER at over 1000 pages. I‘m sort of intimidated, but it‘ll be Mr. Dreiser‘s birthday on the 27th, so I‘m doing this in honor of him. 🎂

I would totally love to #BuddyRead this with anyone who‘s interested! Hefty novels like these are better with friends... so comment below if this book catches your eye! ⬇️

Hestapleton Hey I‘ve got a copy of this on my shelf for forever! Totally down for a buddy read. 5y
laur89 @Hestapleton Yay!! It‘s going to be totally informal. Basically, read through the month of August and share on Litsy any thoughts about the characters or moments that make you go 😮🤔😠😭, etc. (like any excerpts/quotes that hit you in the feels). 5y
Hestapleton @laur89 awesome! :) 5y
twohectobooks Hey, I just happen to have already started this on July 16 and will join you if that‘s ok! I‘m a little over halfway through.. my copy is 814 pages long. 5y
laur89 @twohectobooks Of course it‘s ok!! More readers always welcome 😃 I‘ve just gotten to book 2. Major thought so far: Hortense and that STUPID fur coat ... 🙄😒 I want to get to the juicy part already! 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Jacques found a pillow. #catsoflitsy

TK-421 😍 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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It‘s a rainy, gloomy evening here so I‘ll be getting an early start with #24in48. Hoping to read a ton and catch up on my #BFCr2 progress.

Lucy_Anywhere I love the sound of rain... as long as I'm not getting wet! Enjoy your evening 5y
carmens.library I'll be participating!!! 5y
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mcipher I might suddenly decide to - I had other plans, but the anticipated weekend heat might be a good excuse to read in the a/c. Also: LOVE that chair! 5y
twohectobooks @Books.Bottles.and.Babies yay! :) 5y
twohectobooks @mcipher thanks! I really like it too. It‘s not quite the perfect reading chair but it works for now :) 5y
okthislooksbad Perfect readathon weather! Also I LOVE the plant shelf! 🌿🌵 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Would like to have a word with whoever decided to read these three chunky books during #BFCr2 😐

Oh wait, it was me 😅

We are past the halfway point so I am 1-2 books behind (2/7 read) and I‘m reading these three chunky books, which are, from top to bottom, 800+, 1000+, and 500+ pages long. Can I finish these plus two more within the time available?


I guess I better put some comics on hold at the library!

wanderinglynn Since you decided to read all chunksters, you can also change your goal. 😉 5y
BeckyandBooks You got this!! 5y
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twohectobooks @wanderinglynn I‘ve thought about that. We‘ll see how I feel at the week 5 check in! This is a good way to push myself to read more :) 5y
wanderinglynn 🙌🏻 5y
Lucy_Anywhere Bahaha - I know your pain! I've just finished an 800+ chunkster 5y
okthislooksbad Three chunksters at the same time?? I can't decide if I'm scared or amazed. Just kidding, you're a badass. 💪 💪 5y
twohectobooks @okthislooksbad normally I limit myself to two books of any length read at the same time, but I just couldn‘t resist starting IT. We‘ll see how this goes! 5y
twohectobooks @Lucy_Anywhere I love a nice long book in the summertime (or anytime) but three may be too many. 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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#MayMadness Some of my favorite books happen to be on #BannedBooks lists Slaughterhouse Five ,1984 ,Catch 22 ,Of Mice and Men,The Color Purple,The Great Gatsby,The Jungle ,Cat‘s Cradle,The Sun Also Rises , Leaves of Grass ......

Clwojick Of mice and men! ♥️ 5y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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(Day 17 - #CarelessWhisper)

*A “careless whisper” puts me in mind of a rumor. Rumors hurt—they are not benign. The tagged book, by Dreiser, was published in 1925, and rumors influence the actions of the young, socially aspirational protagonist. I loved this book so much. It has been adapted for both the stage and film several times, but for me the best adaptation is “A Place in the Sun,” starring Montgomery Clift.

Leftcoastzen Did Faulkner do one of the screenplays?I love this book too.It was a big influence in its day , American realist fiction before the lost generation deserves to be read. 5y
gradcat @Leftcoastzen I don‘t think he did, but there have been quite a few plays and/or films done in the vein of the novel, so don‘t hold me to that. I read that even Woody Allen‘s “Match Point” was compared to the novel. I think the book, and the movie, for that matter, hold up very well in this age trolls & social media & school bullies, etc. (and presidents 😂)! 5y
Mdargusch I haven‘t ever read this but maybe I need to? 5y
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Leftcoastzen Then why is there a pic of Faulkner in your post? 5y
Reviewsbylola Fantastic choice! I love the rumor connection—I agree. 5y
emilyhaldi Oohhh I loved Match Point!! But that‘s the closest I‘ve ever gotten to this movie ☺️ need to add it to my list! 5y
gradcat @Leftcoastzen You are right, and I apologize...I just realized that I posted the wrong pic! I‘m so sorry! I hate it when I make such stupid blunders...I‘m going to edit in a correction now. I‘m so sorry, really...I got too hasty & didn‘t pay attention to what I was doing. 5y
gradcat @Leftcoastzen I couldn‘t fit a correction into my text (comments were too long!), but I did manage to edit the photo. The correct picture is there now...again—my apologies! (edited) 5y
gradcat @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi As @Leftcoastzen correctly observed, I posted a picture of Faulkner instead of one of Dreiser. I have since edited the post to put Mr Dreiser‘s pic into it, so it is now correct. Just FYI...and thanks for the comments...and if you haven‘t read it—you really should. I love this book. 5y
Leftcoastzen It‘s ok ,I have to re-edit all the time,it‘s such a good book. 5y
gradcat @Leftcoastzen Thanks for that...still, I should have caught it. But this will just keep me vigilant! 5y
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American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Day 19 - #adventrecommends

Read the book in my teens and I thought it was a tremendous read even though it is a tragedy!

An American Masterpiece Clyde Griffiths finds his social-climbing aspirations and love for a rich and beautiful debutante threatened when his lower-class pregnant girlfriend gives him an ultimatum.

Ruthiella This one is on my list!😀 6y
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American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Trapped on the outside, looking in, Clyde makes all the wrong choices in his pursuit of the American Dream.

I wanted to like this book, but there was So Much Plot. A dozen pages describing every thought as a character vacillated between two alternatives. It read as if the short declarative sentences of Hemingway were used to write a convoluted, too long Henry James novel. 🌟 🌟
#LitsyClassics, @Sarah83, #popsugar2018

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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Ugh! All the characters in this book were just horrible people (which I guess is the point), and the audiobook narrator did excruciating female voices, but at least the last part made up for the rest. A bit.

twohectobooks Oh no! I have this one on my list and am looking forward to it! Have you read Sister Carrie? 6y
tricours @twohectobooks nopes, I haven‘t! I forgot to mention how the slang annoyed the hell out of me as well! 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled This is such a tome and if it‘s just so-so, I may pass over this one! 6y
twohectobooks Ah well, I just read that one earlier this year and really liked it. So perhaps I‘ll have a better time with this book! 6y
tricours @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled parts of it just felt so exaggerated, and most of the characters were really flat. 6y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser

This was the first book I ever didn't finish for school. I hated everything about it. I skipped about 300 pages and read the last two. It's also one of the few books I didn't finish and had no desire to go back and try again in later years.

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Kinda loving this book, more than i thought i would.

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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@Kaye you were right. This is a very good book, it just takes a long time to read.

Kaye Yes, it does. I remember where I was when I finally finished it. We were camping. I can remember commenting to my husband on how long it took me. It‘s a bit dry and much different than today‘s books. Lots of detailed descriptions. I wanted to stick with it since I knew it was based on a true story. I glad you enjoyed it. 👍🏼 7y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Our son (1,5 yo) loves bookdepository bookmarks. With my last order I got a Spot and a Kipper bookmark. He kept Spot and just gave this one to #morbidelli. 😊

Delli is not too impressed 😂

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Reading with #morbidelli 😊

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Halfway into An American Tragedy and I still don't know if I actually like this book. It's slow, nothing seems to happen. But I just have to keep reading, since I have the feeling something might be about to happen on the next page...🤔

Kaye A very good book but it literally took me forever to read. Very small print, lots of pages. I wouldn‘t call it action-packed but it hinges on one event and the reactions to that event. 7y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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#TBRtemptation post 1! An American classic that almost rivals "Gone With the Wind" in length, clocking in at almost 900 pages. Based on an actual criminal case, & made into an award-winning film--"A Place In the Sun", starring Elizabeth Taylor & Montgomery Clift--this is the story of Clyde Griffiths, who forfeits his life in pursuit of success, showing the darker side of the American Dream. Sounds riveting! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?

Mariposa_Bookworm Flashbacks of Undergrad. American Realism and Naturalism was the course. 7y
DocBrown Good book but a total downer. Enjoyed Sister Carrie more. 7y
Gulfsidemusing LOVED this book!❤ 7y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Mood: simultaneously hating and loving Dreiser. Also, snuggly #gilmoregirlsreadingchallenge

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Didn't care for this book at all. But I suffered through the roughly 900 pages. I was relieved when it was finally over. I kept thinking just kill him already so this book can be over.

ShansMousey Man, 900 pages. I would have given up ages ago if it was something I didn't like. Kudos for sticking with it until the end. 8y
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American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Wonderful read. This is my 3rd time reading this book but still an awesome read. If you have never read it please take the time, it's not a happy read but truly gripping story.

Well-ReadNeck So good. I love this book and recommend it widely! 8y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Hello friends got done with Crime and Punishment and made this my next choice. An American Tragedy is a story, based on a real crime, it's about a young man who is working his way towards the American dream but gets a former girlfriend pregnant he doesn't let that stand in the way of his chance for romance with a wealthy woman. He takes the her out in a boat & clobbers her, but is tried and executed for the crime. Looking forward to this read.

DivineDiana Maybe this review needed a "spoiler alert"? ? 8y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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Book of the quadrennial.

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser

An American tragedy is when your mother "borrows" your Radiohead CD and replaces it with Counting Crows.

An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser
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"And yet, before he had ever earned any money at all, he had always told himself that if only he had a better collar, a nicer shirt, a good suit, a swell overcoat, like some boys had!"

Marchpane Moose's Market??? 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @Marchpane Supernatural crossover edit 😊 8y
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An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser

An American Tragedy is being in desperate need of coffee and the diner only having decaf. #caffeineaddictproblems