Pulled my gorgeous Folio Society edition of Perrault‘s Fairy Tales off the shelf for this month‘s #ChildrensClassicRead2022. Not my fave fairy tale, but still lovely. @TheBookHippie
Pulled my gorgeous Folio Society edition of Perrault‘s Fairy Tales off the shelf for this month‘s #ChildrensClassicRead2022. Not my fave fairy tale, but still lovely. @TheBookHippie
My new classics collection to go with my Hans Christian Anderson and Grimm tales. Love fairy tales 😍 #classic #fairytales #collection #childrens
Es un libro para niños sin duda, pero para niños de otros tiempos, lamentablemente aunque los cuentos en sí son bellos, hay muchas cosas que las generaciones de ahora no aceptarían que se les cuenten para “entretenerlos” algunos cuentos aunque clásicos son predecibles, muy al viejo estilo de los cuentos. Recomendable para niños pequeños que no sean fácilmente influenciables, la lectura es sencilla para un adulto, para un niño pequeño tal vez no.
Some #PrettyBooks #30JuneBooks
The rest of my goodies from my #MythsAndLegendsSwap package! I LOVE the tote! I LOVE the book sleeve! I even LOVE the post-it‘s! The snacks are absolutely perfect! Thank you thank you thank you @cobwebmoth !!! And thank you @MeganAnn for hosting such a fun swap!
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@cobwebmoth sent me a package so epic it‘ll take two posts. 😱 OMG YOU GUYS! That Perrault collection is STUNNING. I can‘t even handle it! Girl, you spoiled me!!! #MythsAndLegendsSwap @MeganAnn
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1. The Fairy, by Perrault;
2. Shrek;
3. 8:34;
4. Hot peppers;
5. Anyone who‘s happy it‘s Friday!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Charles Perrault‘s Bluebeard, a French fairy tale about a wealthy violent man in the habit of murdering his wives. He was killed by the brothers of his most recent wife, whom he was about to murder.
#coolbooks #fairytale #sword
My favorite volume of #fairytales #riotgrams @Liberty
My favorite volume of fairy tales for #fairytaleday #octoberlibrary17 @librarylooter @anniekslibrary
I always liked Perrault's better than Grimms'. And this edition made it even more fun to read to my kids when they were little. #favefairytale #backtoreading @Tiffy_Reads #foliofreaks
100 years before the brothers Grimm, (and certainly a powerful influence on them) there was Charles Perrault, French author and collector of folk and fairy tales.
In his collections he gives us the frameworks that have carried through some of our most beloved tales to modern day, and I'm very grateful he did.
Title page from my folio edition #Folio #Folio society #fairytales
😍😍😍My first Folio has arrived!! 😍😍😍. After placing an order with the Folio Society, I checked out slightly used ones at Abebooks, and bought two more. The first one of those arrived today! This edition was published in 1998, and both the book and the box are in excellent condition. I am now truly a #foliofreak!! #foliosociety
A Folio fairy tale edition for @Eyelit - as well as any other Folio fans...💕
#FolioFreaks #FolioSociety
It isn't that long ago I posted a #Shelfie of all my book shelves. So I thought I would focus on a particular shelf for today's #funfridayphoto - my Folio Society book shelf! It isn't much yet, but I love adding to it, and can't wait for my newest order to arrive and join the rest 📚
#FairyTaleRetellings Fairy tales themselves are retellings from oral tradition, are they not? 😏 #PhotoADayNov16 #FolioSociety