I think I have found the homeland of the very persistent gappers. Sadly for them, there were no goats around. 😁
I think I have found the homeland of the very persistent gappers. Sadly for them, there were no goats around. 😁
#7days7covers #coverlove Day 1 - no explanation needed
In Austin we have a lot of Live Oak trees, and in the Live Oaks grow a lot of Air Plants. Can you see the spikey balls on each branch? They don‘t hurt the tree at all, they get everything they need from the air. But walking under them made me think of the Gappers today. 😂🐐🧡
Beautiful illustrations. I think I've discovered a new favorite author! Fantastic satirist!
I couldn‘t resist reading this right away. Lane Smith‘s illustrations are beautiful! I‘m on the second page and already in love.
I got your package today @Hooked_on_books and this card made me laugh really hard- enough that Sietje came to check on me. Thank you! I‘m excited to read this, it looks so fun!
This is a children‘s book, but I think everyone should read it, and found it very timely. In the little town of Frip, Gappers are little creatures that are parasites to the goats the town needs to survive. When they plague the goats of Capable and her father the most because they‘re closer, readers a told a fable about empathy, community, and accepting change. It‘s very much a George Saunders tale and Lane Smith‘s illustrations are gorgeous.
#fallintobooks day 12: #goldandsilver
It was surprisingly harder to find silver on spines. I had to unwrap several dust jackets before I found these three silver spines!
Never too old for a children's book, especially with great illustrations by Lane Smith.
A gapper is like a "burr in your sock", only bigger, and orange with lots of eyes. Gappers shriek with pleasure when they get near a goat because they love goats so much. The shrieking upsets the goats so they can't give milk which the people of Frip depend upon for their livelihood.
I read this with my niece today. There are some big words in it, but it was fun to explain to her what they meant. This is a fun, funny, and deep story. A good lesson by the end of it. Adults & children would enjoy this!
Because Lane Smith's art in this book is so fantastic! And for @ValerieAndBooks who wondered what gappers are. They are creatures from the see that can survive on land. They climb on things like goats and scream loudly, for no purpose other than screaming. 😜
A whimsical story about loving your neighbor and being happy with what you have. All of sudden, one smart-ish gapper decides to change how gappers torment goats in the little mythical town of Frip. In response, the daughter of the goats' owner, who is improbably named Capable, is forced to change her family's life. What follows is a lesson in sharing, caring, and survival for the whole tiny town of Frip.
Yet again proof that Madeleine L'Engle was right when she said that whenever you have a really difficult idea to explain you should put it in a book for children.
This little gem of a book was an unexpected surprise included in my Indiespensable Subscription Box. Thanks Powell's, it truly is a treasure. Lane Smith's illustrations are amazing, and George Saunders's fabled life lesson of compassion, kindness and community-connectedness is wisdom for the ages.
#bookmail from @Powells #indiespensable today! I loved Tenth of December, so I'm really looking forward to more Saunders.
Not only is it pretty to look at but also a great story and illustrations.
Written by short story extraordinaire George Saunders and illustrated by the talented Lane Smith, this is a story for adults and children alike!
This is definitely a read-aloud (and laugh out loud) tale of the Golden Rule and how our society handles problems.
Clever wit and wonderful illustrations combine to make this a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5!
"Just because a lot of people are saying the same thing loudly over and over, doesn't mean it's true."
Couldn't resist the artwork. And yet another children's book in my house that children aren't allowed to touch... #nogrubbyhands
I've made my pile. They are all pretty short, although some are heavy topics. I'm also hoping to finish the book I've been working on this week. Cannot wait for tomorrow! #24in48 #TBR #shortbooks #variety
#Swag from RHOpenHouse today! Signed Trevor Noah - he was amazing. George Saunders, Jodi Picoult, Diana Gabaldon. Reader Heaven! #happybibliophage
Everyone should read this. The art is great and I have never heard this concept explained in such great fashion. Help others. Help those who have less than you, and always think outside the box.
I never see this little gem being talked about, and it is SO great! I had to use a photo from Goodreads because my daughter stole my copy. I should steal it back next time I'm at her place but I'll probably just buy another one. #underhypedbook #augustphotochallenge
Rainy days and coffee on the balcony. How are you spending your weekend? If you're participating in the #24in48 readathon challenge, join us for infinite coffee and the perfect reading environment.
Last month I had a chance to hear George Saunders speak at a writing conference. Afterward, he signed my copy of "The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip." He even drew a gapper for me.