This was a fun read and actually included recipes that regular people can easily make.
This was a fun read and actually included recipes that regular people can easily make.
Nostalgia delicious recipes the Gilmores I will be very busy cooking oldies but goodies from this lovely cookbook.Thanks @skyhorse_publishing for this lovely cookbook.
Suki‘s lemon poppyseed muffins mixed with the smell of rain coming in is a little piece of heaven. Here‘s to books that feed our stomachs and our soul #cookbooks #latenight #baking #2018 #yearofbooks
Recently I‘ve found my love of cooking and baking again. I‘m so grateful to my #reddit #secretsanta a couple years ago for gifting me this book, I can‘t wait to try this #foodie #gilmoregirls #booksforthesoul #foodforthesoul
Any Gilmore Girls fans out there?!? Today's #WordOfTheWeek is a word I've known for a while but had never seen in writing! Anyone suffering from the same affliction as poor Michel? #GilmoreGirls
My family doesn‘t usually give books as gifts, but I did get a cookbook from my mom this year! Eating like a Gilmore doesn‘t look too healthy, but it sure is fun! #gilmoregirls #cookbook
Summer sounds like the perfect time for Muffin Bottom Pie. Maybe one day I'll try to make it
So there a story behind my order of @markedbymary but to sum up I ordered them at the beginning of April and after many shipping problems, they finally arrived a couple if weeks ago. But they are gorgeous and I love my Gilmore Girls quote one because it's from my fave boy and an awesome episode.
QOTD: do you know which episode/season the quote bookmark is from?
Bonus: would you try founders day punch?
#gilmoregirls #eatlikeagilmore
#RiotGrams Day 14: Cookbook/Food-Themed Book
There are a lot of great recipes in here but the best ones are all the baked goods Sookie makes (scones...!)
I got to shelve the new books while volunteering today... and I came across this gem. It's not very vegan friendly, so ultimately not for me - but I know there are a lot of Gilmore Girls fans in the litsy-verse so I thought I'd share anyway 😃
I am a stickler to my ketogenic diet 95% of the time but when I do cheat, it's cereal. Cookbook from my daughter for my birthday! @RealLifeReading #bookandfavesnack
I really hope this means I'll be able to cook like Sookie and make coffee like Luke.
I might make too many posts about Gilmore Girls today. But I have to show off my awesome mug.
#bookmail (and a bit of music too) I'm late to the Prime bandwagon but I love that they deliver on Sundays!
I don't cook, so I don't have any physical copies to contribute for #CookbookLove. However, if I wanted to buy a cookbook, it would definitely be this one. And considering how much junk food Lorelai and Rory eat, I'm sure there's a recipe for tots in here somewhere. #PhotoADayNov16
Book Mail! Now I'll have plenty of snacks for the new episodes!
I got up at 5am to wait in line for a cup of coffee at Luke's! The staff was wearing backward baseball caps and Luke's Diner aprons. So cute!! 🤓☕️