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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
#1NEW YORK TIMESBESTSELLEREvil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes itsgood.MacKayla Lane was just a child when she and her sister, Alina, were given up for adoption and banished from Ireland forever.Twenty years later, Alina is dead and Mac has returned to the country that expelled them to hunt her sisters murderer. But after discovering that she descends from a bloodline both gifted and cursed, Mac is plunged into a secret history: an ancient conflict between humans and immortals who have lived concealed among us for thousands of years.What follows is a shocking chain of events with devastating consequences, and now Mac struggles to cope with grief while continuing her mission to acquire and control theSinsar Dubha book of dark, forbidden magic scribed by the mythical Unseelie King, containing the power to create and destroy worlds.In an epic battle between humans and Fae, the hunter becomes the hunted when theSinsar Dubhturns on Mac and begins mowing a deadly path through those she loves.Who can she turn to? Who can she trust? Who is the woman haunting her dreams? More important, who is Mac herself and what is the destiny she glimpses in the black and crimson designs of an ancient tarot card?From the luxury of the Lord Masters penthouse to the sordid depths of an Unseelie nightclub, from the erotic bed of her lover to the terrifying bed of the Unseelie King, Macs journey will force her to face the truth of her exile, and to make a choice that will either save the world . . . or destroy it.BONUS: This edition contains a deleted scene from Shadowfever and an excerpt from Karen Marie Moning's Iced.
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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I did a reread and finally finished off my favourite series this past year.

#12Booksof2021 #5thBookof2021 #6thBookof2021 #May #June

Andrew65 Great but often sad to finish a series. 3y
jessjess Darkfever is my next to read book! I've been on a Faery kick recently 3y
FantasyChick @jessjess Ooooh! I can't wait to hear what you think of it! I adore this series so much and usually give a reread every couple of years. Enjoy!! 3y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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One more down for the month and another #DiamondPainting complete 👍

I still maintain that this is a wrapped up ending to the series but this year, I will finally complete it. Onto Dani's book next!

20hrs #LittenListen

@aperfectmjk @TheAromaofBooks @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Way to go!👍📖 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
LibrarianRyan like that one 3y
BookishTrish Where did you get this one? I want to get one for the teen. 3y
FantasyChick @BookishTrish www.diamondspaintingfactory.com It takes a few weeks to get there but they have some great pictures! 3y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I liked that we finally find out who killed Mac‘s sister. The book had a lot of action and was fast paced. There were betrayals and plot twists I didn‘t see coming. I really got annoyed that Mac would say she was feeling bipolar. I‘m bipolar and the way she kept describing it was all wrong and was really annoying for me when it was described. Still it was a good book.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #litsy #littens

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Finishing my tagged guilty pleasure read today.
In exciting news I am going to be a nana for the third time, my daughter is due in November and these two loves are going to be big brothers to a girl💕

Cinfhen Congrats 💞💞💞 4y
AmyG Congrats! These two are adorable. ❤️ 4y
Megabooks 🎉🎉🎉 4y
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maich Congrats💕 4y
Eggs Congratulations 👏🏻🥳👍🏼 4y
Chab256 Congrats! I am going to be a first time Grammie in August! 4y
Chelsea.Poole Adorable! Congratulations ☺️ 4y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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My favorite in the series so far. I love Barrons. And look how gorgeous this cover is 😍 Online shows the next book in the series as Fever Moon. Is it absolutely necessary or can I skip it?

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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#StayHome24in48 Wrap Up
I managed about 8 hours, mostly audio, but I'll take it!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Join me for the #StayHome24in48 🌸

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Having a hard time reading with all the things going on, but here's what I'm trying to read at the moment!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning

A great ending to this inconsistent series. I couldn‘t put it down!
The series should‘ve ended here ....

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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I‘ve been LOVING this whole series but this book is killing me. Please someone tell me it gets better! I miss Barrons! @BooksTeasAndBookishThings I know you can help meeeeeee!!!

BooksTeasAndBookishThings It gets SO much better! That book was supposed to be the end, but she just had so much left to give us. Barrons will be back ❤️ 5y
Ronda Love the series, loved this book and the following ones ❤ 5y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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This is the audio I have been listening to in the morning while getting ready for work. I have enjoyed this series. However, I am getting a nit annoyed with one character and will put that as a spoiler in the comments.

tracey38 What is up with the back and forth of Barrons??? He is hot and cold with Mac, and I get part of it. But then he expects her to act more than human when for all I know now, she IS human. He says she is almost out of chances with him, yet also says he's out of there after they get the book. Yet it's all Mac's fault? I don't think so... 5y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning

10/10 fifth book in a series of 10. This whole series is exceedingly well written, this one is long enough that I couldn't finish it in one sitting. Literally can't put it down, doesn't matter what time of day it is, you have to know what happens. Plenty of action and emotion, things move quickly but keep to the thread of the story. Sad to see the end of Mac's story arc, but looking forward to starting Dani's.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Just got home from work and it's so beautiful out, finally, that I am taking an #audiowalk

readordierachel Gorgeous! 5y
Eggs Do you live in the woods?!?!! That‘s amazing!!! 5y
tracey38 @Eggs well, the neighborhood is older and has a ton of trees, so it almost feels like it! Plus, there isn't a house across the street due to the utilities. 5y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🔥🔥🔥 6y
vkois88 Holy geez, that cover! 😮😮😮 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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This book felt like the solid ending I needed. There were still so many unanswered questions, I wasn't sure I was going to get them answered but they did, and it was satisfying. I guess KMM went on to write more in this series, but I'm so happy with how these 5 ended themselves that I'll probably leave it there. So many good quotes and such an amazing world to have visited with the Seelie and Unseelie Fae ❤👍 Easy and enjoyable series overall!

FantasyChick This is one of my favorite series' and I agree with you. The way it ended just wrapped everything up perfectly and I still haven't read the rest of the books. I've been buying them over the years so that I have them ready if i ever decide to, but I'm content with the first 5 😊 6y
LoverofLit @FantasyChick Agreed. There were such mixed reviews on the next book, Iced, from Dani's perspective that I just decided I felt very satisfied right where I was at with the 5 original books. My first read of these but I really enjoyed them! 6y
Slajaunie I loved this series as well! 6y
LoverofLit Disclaimer: I meant to post this as a Review, not a Blurb 😅 Apparently I needed more coffee before posting this this morning! 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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"Dying for someone isn't the hard thing. The man that dies escapes. Plain and simple. Game over. End of pain. Try living for someone. Through it all - good, bad, thick, thin, joy, suffering. That's the hard thing."

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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"Safety is a fence, and fences are for sheep. I would rather die young, knowing the truth, than live in a cage of lies for a hundred years."

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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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"Change requires an admission of error. The human race devotes itself to justifying its errors, not correcting them."

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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💪💪💪💪💪 Watching Mac's growth in this series is satisfying.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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"Time is neither scalpel nor bandage. It is indifferent."

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Hello, Litsy! I've missed you all! I've been having phone issues the last week. I'm hoping I have it figured out now, so I can start creeping #AllTheLittens again. On the plus side, the lack of technological distraction means I've been reading more! Almost done Book 5 of the #FeverSeries.

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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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#audiobooking during my first pedicure of the year!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Today is about catching up on my GR challenge (I‘m 2 books behind), writing, & finally using my BN gift card (that‘s how I spend my airline miles!) #Saturdaygoals

monnielane I love the Fever series! 6y
wanderinglynn @monnielane I‘ve really enjoyed it too. I love that it‘s set in Dublin! 6y
dgingo I like your Pilot Metropolitan, too! I have the same one. 🖋 6y
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wanderinglynn @dgingo I love my Pilot Met pen! I have 2 of them (2 size nibs). I have a bit of a pen addiction! 6y
dgingo @wanderinglynn I probably shouldn‘t tell you how many I have then. 😳😉 Check out GouletPens online, if you haven‘t already. #SorryNotSorry 😂 6y
wanderinglynn @dgingo I haven‘t checked GouletPens ... yet! 😉 But I am a big fan of JetPens! 6y
dgingo @wanderinglynn I‘ve heard of JetPens, but I haven‘t made a purchase. Honestly, I don‘t need any more temptation! 😂 (I‘ll check them out soon!) 6y
callunakeep I loved the first book in this series!! The rest are on my TBR...so many TBR so little time!😢🤓 6y
wanderinglynn @dgingo 😂😂😂 Same here! 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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1. Not to cheat on Johnny Depp, but Jim Parsons....solely for my love of Sheldon 😊 Ooh and Jensen Ackles 😍😍 Girl crush: Jennifer Lawrence. The Oscars put her at the top of the list 😊🍷🍾
2. Red
3. Tagged
4. Ms. Frizzle (she knows things!), Jon Snow (he'd keep me alive and he's pretty 😍), Rhysand (I would need some magic...plus wings), Katniss (survival instincts)
5. I'll do my best but I'm not sharing 😉
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

jillannjohn Johnny Depp! I wanted to bring Jon Snow too but I chose Tyrion bc he‘d make me laugh. 6y
AngelErin Johnny Deep! 😍 6y
FantasyChick @jillannjohn I almost chose Tyrion. I was really on the fence between the two. I went with who I woukd have a better chance of survival (and maybe because I like to look at him...just a little) 😊 6y
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jillannjohn Yes he is easy on the eyes. 😀 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Ms. Frizzle!!!! Wish I thought of her. They you also have a backup ride. 👌 6y
Q84 Johnny Depp😍 6y
Q84 Oh and Sheldon is such a wonderful Character 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Oooh haven't seen one of these in a while!!!
1. We don't have fancy coffee cups at work lol
2. The Good Doctor
3. I'm doing a reread of the Fever series. I'm on the tagged book now. Go. Read. This. Series. ❤❤❤
4. Cold, overcast.
5. Yup! I have a tattoo on my ribcage an planning my next. Ears pierced several times.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Not book related..We don't usually do gifts but I love my hedge 😍the hubs bought home...💓

Tamra Hedgehogs are just too cute! 6y
AmyG So cute ❤️ 6y
Bookladylinda So cute!!!!! 😍😍 6y
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laurieluna Awwww! 6y
SandyW Adorable 6y
JoScho That is super cute 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Now that my cold has passed, back to my regular programming.

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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Weekend reading. Loving this series!!

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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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1. Fly Eagles Fly!!
2. 80
3. Tagged
4. Anywhere I can go for more than 5 days 😂
5. Okay.....
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

DebbieGrillo 🖐 6y
Bostonmomx2 👋👋 6y
britt_brooke Love your #4! 🙌🏻 6y
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hes7 🖐🏻 6y
MaureenMc 👋🖐 6y
ReadingMeagan 🤚👋 6y
Bookladylinda 🖐🏽 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Really enjoying book 5! I‘m loving me some Jericho Barrons (and his bookstore)! 😍

Bookladylinda I‘m reading thus series and have only read the first book, the jury is still out for me regarding Jericho Barrons. 🤔🤔🤔🤔 6y
amandakl13 @Bookladylinda I get that— I felt the same way. But by book 5 I totally loved him 😅😍 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. 6y
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amandakl13 @RaimeyGallant thank you!! 6y
RaimeyGallant My pleasure. :) 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie Mmm...Barrons...🤤😊 And Welcome to Litsy! I‘m always excited to meet another Moning Maniac! 6y
Ronda Love this series... and welcome 😊 6y
amandakl13 @ValkyrieAndHerBooks I agree about Barrons 🤤 thank you, nice to meet you! I‘m currently on #9 now 😂 6y
amandakl13 @Ronda me too! And thank you 😊 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie Well done! These books eat my face every time! Lol 6y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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JoRead 😍😍😍 7y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Little late to the game, but I've been busy 😉
A-Alice I Have Been
N-Nineteen Eighty Four (1984...it works lol)
E-Eighth Grave After Dark
S-(The) Secret Garden

Thanks for the tag @DebbieGrillo it was fun!!
@BookishTrish you do one yet?


BookishTrish No! Let me give it a whirl! 7y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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I give up. I had issues from the beginning with this series but I just don‘t care anymore. I find the romance completely problematic. I was hoping it would it improve but after 4 books I‘m just done!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Almost finished with this series. I love it and I hate it. I can‘t decide which feeling is stronger. All the books have been addicting but these final two books have been too long!

MarriedtoMrT I get really annoyed which series where the editors seem to go light on the authors the more popular they get. Vampire Academy, I‘m looking at you. 7y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Book five
Fair warning: DO NOT START THESE if you do not have access to all of them! I am so far down the rabbit hole.
Gotta go finish this!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Coming up for air after finishing the main part of this ridiculously addictive series. It was dark, twisty and sexy as hell and just the diversion I needed over the past couple weeks. A deeply satisfying ending with just enough loose ends for me. I'll definitely read the spinoff books at some point!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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This book was hard to put down! I'm not sure if it was the length and complexity or that fact that I've been with these characters for 5 books now and I feel connected more and more, but the pace and twists and turns made this super enjoyable! This is definitely the best one in the series and although the it took me many books to really love one, these are nice casual reads! The ending felt wrapped up & I'm glad I stuck it out past the first few.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Finally there wasn't a super major cliffhanger at the end making me want to immediately open the next book! I'm still invested in the series, but feel I can take a break and catch up on some other books first.

TheLondonBookworm That can be a bit frustrating! 😸 7y
LibrarianJen @londonbookworm I quickly fell in love with the series so I didn't mind, but at the same time I like to read more than one book at the same time, so it made it hard. Then again, who complains about a page turner? ❤ 7y
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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#FunFridayPhoto. Started this one in early September 2016 and finished on January 10, 2017. It is a doorstopper of a book at 608 pages. I kept picking it up and putting it down to deal with life. Sometimes I'd simply decide to start a different book. 😊 Glad I finished it, but had to renew from the library over 5x!!!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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This is either a romance series with a boatload of urban fantasy story or it's an urban fantasy story with quite a lot of adult romance. Either way, it's been a great distraction.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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Book #5 in the Fever series was a massive read! 608 pages full of twists, turns, romance, mystery and some surprises. It took me a while to get through, but I finally finished it. It read like a movie. If you're invested in the series, carry on with this one. If not, then maybe give the Fever series a try. It's just plain fun.

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning

I liked this book but I waited so long for it from the library I think I lost some momentum. I really like Mac's progression into total badass and Barrons makes me blush! Now to wait for the next one!

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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This was KMM's best work, did not lag in the middle or end at a very inopportune moment like prior books.
I felt: Despair, Grief, Surprise, Laughter and Closure
It has been wonderful to see Mac's journey. Barrons (alpha-generated-from-being-unbreakable) has gotten in my list of top ten male characters but still far from Dan Calebow, Roarke, and Cam Rohan, all part of series :)

Shadowfever: Fever Series | Karen Marie Moning
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#Antihero ... How can I pick just one? Classics like Macbeth and Anna Karenina immediately come to mind, but who wouldn't think of Snape or Ronan? And Mac and Barrons both fit the bill from the Fever series. They may each be a #flawedcharacter in a lot of aspects, but their imperfections make them human and relatable. There is a reason why books like these stick with you for years and years and so many things bring them to mind.

SiriGuruDevSingh Ronan!😍😍 And Snape!💗 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @SiriGuruDevSingh isn't Ronan such a beautiful character? I cannot wait for his trilogy! I sincerely hope he and Adam are still together 😍 And Snape may have not know what true love is, but it was the truest love he had. 8y
wen4blu Oooooohhhhhhh, Mac and Barrons! 8y
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BooksTeasAndBookishThings @wen4blu Yessss!!! I HAD to mention both lol 8y
josie281 Fantastic choices! All of them! 8y
carys14 I have to say that I am a great fan of Ryodan too 😏 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @carys14 yes! Some of the things that come out of his mouth and Lor's mouth... I am shocked and usually a little flustered lol 8y
carys14 Oh Lor!!! He is something, isn't he? Lol 8y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings @carys14 haha he really is 😶 8y
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