Working on a Cub Scout Adventure and need age appropriate book suggestions for 7 yr olds/2nd graders. Looking for picture books or Early Readers that I can find at the local library/Libby.
#RaisingReaders #ReligiousFreedom #CubScouts
Working on a Cub Scout Adventure and need age appropriate book suggestions for 7 yr olds/2nd graders. Looking for picture books or Early Readers that I can find at the local library/Libby.
#RaisingReaders #ReligiousFreedom #CubScouts
This is unbelievable. The story has hit the reviews of her books on GR, too.
When you're reading while supervising 2nd grade homework, and they ask you what your book is about ... (Sometimes it's not wrong to lie, or at least creatively edit the truth.)
RIP, Lilibet.
This is a great book, with Queen Elizabeth as the main character in a fictional account of the discovery of reading.
Continuing with random fun, non-cerebral reading to counteract my current stress level. This week was supposed to get better, but alas ... Kinda want a beer, but hubby went to the gym like a responsible adult, and I try not to drink alone.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)
Needed something light-hearted and fun to read, so I randomly borrowed this from #Libby. This fit the bill, except for the occasional circa 1989 social issue, like someone randomly bombing an abortion clinic as a subplot to Jennifer yearning for a baby only to realize she just really missed her ex ...
I bailed on the #20in4 #Readathon. Life happened and got in my way. I got really anxious and panicky, and couldn't concentrate on anything. In all, I read 3 very short ebooks, and started an old public domain book on anarchists written in Victorian England. Just too much stress, medical drama, one kid acting out at school, and a covid tracing email that prompted a couple rounds of at home tests. Ugh.
Started this today, but forced myself to stop at 61% for a couple of reasons. First, I'm supposed to be prepping for our 1st cub scout pack meeting of the school year. And second, I'm blowing through it too fast, and not sure when I can get a hold of vol. 2. This series isn't on my library`s Libby, and this is the only vol. available through #PrimeReading. That's how they get ya! Will have to go through library loans. I miss disposable income.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5)
Well crafted take on a common concept, connection across time. The writer avoided cliches and over-used tropes to tell an engaging story about a young woman working to save lives in conflicts 80 years apart.
#Readathon #20in4 (2 books) @Andrew65
Remember when you were a kid, and you could just find a quiet place to read and check out of reality for a few days? Before kids and adult responsibilities and concerns kept you tethered to reality? I have a very stressful week coming up, with commitments and medical tests for family members (not me, but it's actually worse when it's not), and all I want is to be 12 years old again, at least for the weekend. Started tagged book, and kinda regret
Lives up to the hype. Took me longer to read this one because I spent a lot of time looking at all the details in the illustrations.
#20in4 (1 book) #Readathon @Andrew65
Kind of noncommittally posting this. I have a number of ebooks, mostly short, pending, so I'm just going to try read as much as possible, and start another chapter book with my kids.
#20in4 #Readathon @Andrew65
I just read this a couple days ago, and I swear I didn't plan it, but it's my only #LetterZ book on Goodreads.
This one has all the feels.
Thanks for the game, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks !!💜📚💜
Short story inspiration: This year we customized our 2nd graders' backpacks. They picked out the patches, I stenciled on their first initial. Then yesterday, 4 days into the school year, someone took my DD's bag from in front of her classroom. Later that night, a custodian found it on the playground, and returned it this morning. What kind of adventure did it have, wandering around campus on its own? Her brother thinks aliens took it.
Okay, probably not the highest quality of writing I've ever read, but it was fun to read a choose your own adventure with adult content. In addition to this one, I've also read a romance novel and an autobiography written as a CYOA. I also have a couple games based on CYOA novels. It's a GenX thing.
#Alphabetgame #LetterY
Kinda cheating, but ... #LetterX is a prominent part of the title, so I'm going with it.
I've never read a modern novel in verse before, and it is definitely a genre I want to explore more.
This one had a way of drawing you in even if you couldn't exactly relate personally to the protagonist's situation.
So at some point mid pandemic I discovered these short story collections in #PrimeReading, each revolving around a theme. This was one of my favorite stories, in a collection of speculative fiction on the subject of climate change. It was weird, unexpected, and clever.
And "Screw you, impending doom!" was a rather appropriate quote at the time.
#Alphabetgame #LetterW
My daughter bought a set of the first 4 in this series from #Scholastic last year, and we've been reading them together. This series is a good transition to chapter books, because it still has lots of illustrations on each page (and a map!). Alternating between paragraphs and speech bubbles, it's a quick, light read for early readers. And the story, characters, and illustrations appeal to all genders.
Okay, I don't have any V books, but this one has been on my TBR for years, and I keep passing it over. Has anyone read it, and would you recommend it?
Vox is also on my TBR.
So is V for Vendetta.
I really should read one so I have a #LetterV for the next #Alphabetgame
I'm so far behind ... #Alphabetgame
Watched the series first, then read the comics in between seasons. Now watching the latest season with my husband, who binge watched the first two after I suggested he'd like it. Only five episodes in, but holy cow. Love Viktor in this season. Hate the Sparrows. Seriously hate Ben, but I guess that's the point?
Started this short story while waiting at the derm office, after dropping the kids off on the first day of school.This probably wasn't a good idea, as I was already anxious, especially for my younger son who is, I think, scared of his 2nd grade teacher, who is really a strict and intimadating guy. But so far, the short story is really engaging despite my poor timing. Maybe I will get to finish it waiting at the vet tomorrow.
#AwesomeAugustReadathon roundup
✔️ Finish 2 current reads (Starry Messenger/A Wizard of Earthsea)
✔️ Read Libby holds that come in (Weird to Exist came in/I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf has not yet)
Read chapter book with kids - Didn't finish Bo the Brave due to unforeseen complications involving backpacks and uncooperative iron on parches, but we're about 62% through, so will finish this week.
I'm calling it a win.
⭐️ (1)
This hold came in, so I read it for my #AwesomeAugustReadathon goal on Sunday.
It just seemed more depressing than profound and didn't resonate with me. I just couldn't relate to most of it.
Reads like classic mythology. Didn't expect that.
2nd book read for #AwesomeAugustReadathon @Andrew65
Well written. Incredible artwork. Heartbreaking yet inspiring. Bought this for my oldest, but I probably was just as moved as he was, even though I had already read Takei's biography written in the 1990s. I encourage everyone read this memoir, and others, that deal with this infamous, shameful chapter of US history.
#Alphabetgame #LetterT
Even though the writing isn't terribly good or objective, I couldn't put this one down. It is incredibly gossipy and salacious, and reading it was sort of like watching a high speed car chase or some scandal unfold on the 6 o'clock news.
#Alphabetgame #LetterS
102 years ago ...
I'm still bitter that the pandemic cheated us out of a real centennial celebration of Women's Right to vote, and everyone just shrugged and said "oh well."
I'm also bitter that this entire part of US history is basically a footnote in most history books and only briefly covered in most history classes. I barely knew anything about it.
Tagged is an A+ account and should be required high school reading.
#Alphabetgame #LetterR
This is the only Trek book I've ever read, despite having enjoyed the StarTrek franchise from a young age. I read this when I was younger, and while I don't remember a lot of details, I do remember laughing alot. So, for lack of any other #LetterQ book ... I give you Q-in-Law.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4)
Tyson surprised me with his insight into society and the human condition. Some of his views I don't necessarily agree with, and of course he shines brightest when the topic is science, especially astrophysics, but I found the book rather thought provoking. I paused more than once to contemplate what I just read.
#starrymessenger #ARC #AwesomeAugustReadathon - one goal met
"For most dogs, each day matters. Humans live approximately seven times longer than dogs. ... Maybe that's why they make every day count."
#dogsofLitsy #StarryMessenger #ARC
A surprisingly heavy read for such a short book. A modern parable and cautionary tale.
#Alphabetgame #LetterP
"Perhaps they all achieved, not despite their disability but because of it.
#starrymessenger #ARC
Today wasn't a great day for me. I got stressed out regarding an ongoing health issue with one of my kids, and spent most of the day simply trying to avert a panic attack. Eventually I was distracted from what I can't control by a cubscout meeting. At least for a while. But I didn't read much today. Hoping for a better day Tuesday. I did start this book with the twins today. So it wasn't a total wash.
#AwesomeAugustReadathon @Andrew65
"The leader who dislikes the investigators is a potential tyrant."
"If tyrants feel no consequences for their actions in the three-dimensional world, nothing will change."
5 years later, and this book is still 100% relevant.
Every voting person should read this book. And vote. Definitely vote.
#Alphabetgame #LetterO
Sometimes I only find out it was a themed day when I log reading into #Beanstack. 🙃
I'm about 70% through the tagged book according to Goodreads, but that isn't accurate because the page count of this #ARC includes the Notes section, which I'm reading simultaneously, and the nonexistent index. I'm stopping here to digest what I just read, and will try to finish it tomorrow.
#AwesomeAugustReadathon @Andrew65
I'm gonna try the #AwesomeAugustReadathon. It's the last week before school starts, so in addition to getting the kids ready for that, I will try to:
1. Finish my current reads, #StarryMessenger and A Wizard of Earthsea.
2. Read either Libby hold if they come in, I Will Judge You and Weird to Exist.
3. Read a final chapter book with my newly 2nd graders, of their choosing, and
4. Reflect on and recap our summer reading.
Next in the series comes out March, 2023 ...
I chose this one for #LetterM because someone else beat me to Mary's Monster, which is one of my favorite M books. But I have been really enjoying this Lady Sherlock series, especially its subtle, continuous social commentary.
This was a pandemic obsession with me. Some people made sourdough starter, I read YA graphic novels about empowering young girls. There is nothing I don't love about this series and all it represents. I've devoured the first ten volumes, and only stopped bc my library doesn't have a copy of volume 11, though it seems they have the rest of the series. 🤷♀️
#Alphabetgame #LetterL
I clearly need to read more K books. 🙃
I found this, either in Prime Reading or Project Gutenberg, because I wanted to reread Keats after reading Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion. I was an English Major back in the day, and one of my favorite parts was getting lost in the classical cannon of amazing poetry. And Keats' story ... well ...
#Alphabetgame #LetterK
(Why is it a lowercase k in the graphic, when the other letters were uppercase?)
"The blunt truth of human existence is that our three sources of energy - protein, carbohydrates, and fat - all come from killing and eating other forms of life in our ecosystem."
#starrymessenger #ARC #NdGT
So Jefferson bought multiple copies of the Bible (back when that wasn't cheap), cut up the Gospels, and pasted them back together chronologically, eliminating redundancy and also any and all supernatural and miraculous elements. The idea was that Jesus' life and teachings were enough to impart morals and wisdom. He didn't have to be Divine to do that. Jefferson was not Christian. He was a Deist, but he admired Jesus.
#Alphabetgame #LetterJ
"With that access comes unlimited space-borne resources, rendering an entire category of human conflict onsolete."
So that's how they ended earth based war in Star Trek. Lol
#StarryMessenger #ARC #NdGT
"Arguing more loudly or strenuously or more articulately than your opponent simply reveals how annoying and obstinate you are."
#StarryMessenger #ARC #NdGT
Betty White. 'Nuff said.
One of the few audiobooks I actually stuck with.
#Alphabetgame #LetterI
Really trying to read today, but so much going on. Extended family drama, immediate family drama, forgot to charge my tablet/ereader, and had to take my FIL's dog for xrays bc she might have a bladder tumor. That didn't take as long as I thought and I only got to read a few pages while waiting at the animal hospital. Logged it in, anyway.
I picked the tagged for H because not many know of it. It's a memoir that reads like a novel, about growing up in an oppressive religious environment and with an abusive steparent. I only read it on a lark because I am distantly related to everyone with her surname, and was curious. It's a very powerful read, and for a while the author had a nonprofit that helped teens find their voice through writing. #Alphabetgame #LetterH
I picked this one because it was controversial and ticked some people off. The rather plausible notion that Atticus was indeed racist was unsettling for many, and that is exactly why I was glad Lee's original concept was published. Maybe the white savior's armor isn't all that shiny after all. And it was interesting to see Scout all grown up, struggling with the problematic nature of her Southern upbringing. #Alphabetgame #LetterG
Read this not long after a family member was diagnosed with bipolar after a series of painful events, and it really helped me deal with it all and gain perspective. Also opened my eyes to some of my personal struggles and the possible sources. Open discussion of mental health needs to continue to remove the "taboo" stigma. And a humorous outlook doesn't hurt.
#Alphabetgame #LetterF