I loved this book! So adorable, great book to share with your littles! A great lesson in learning that though you may not be great at everything, we all have something we‘re good at!! Loved it!!
I loved this book! So adorable, great book to share with your littles! A great lesson in learning that though you may not be great at everything, we all have something we‘re good at!! Loved it!!
I just finished this one last night! So good, couldn‘t put it down!! Read it! Perfect for this time of year!
I love books about strong women that are told in their own voices! Great account of events that happened in Canadian government!!
Every single person needs to read this book! What a story! A real case of finding out what things that have happened in a person‘s life shapes where they end up, what happens to them! Read it, read it right now! It‘s very timely!!! 5 ⭐️s arentvenough!!
This book was captivating yet beautiful the whole way through! A story of a woman discovering her family‘s rich history while healing old hurts! Loved it so much!
Second book I‘ve read by this author and I hope she has plenty more stories inside of her to share! Uzma gives us a fun and also realistic look into lives of great Muslim characters! We all could stand to educate ourselves on how other cultures live their lives! Love love love this author!!!!
This book is a beautiful tribute to the people whose lives were lost in the horrific Humbolt broncos bus crash! It‘s also one young man‘s story of overcoming unthinkable challenges! Please buy this book and read it! Some of the proceeds from the sales of this book go to Stars air ambulance! It‘ll make you cry but it‘ll make you laugh too!!
Oh my gosh this book was incredible! This is the first fantasy book I‘ve ever read! This book was spellbinding! Read it, you will probably love it!!!
Started this book last night, it‘s giving me the same great feeling I had while reading the alchemist by Paulo coelho! Just a good feeling like when you were a kid and a teacher would read you a story with an enchanted Forrest or something like that!
If you read one book this year let it be this one!!! I love Michael J Fox!!!
As per usual I am really enjoying this one by Jennifer Robson! Her books are a treat for me! I really look forward to the releases of her books!!
This is the sweetest book, oh my gosh, put tears in my eyes, such a beautiful book, I would expect nothing less from a Rosenthal book! Perfect book for expecting parents!!
Loved this book! Love Matt Haig‘s kids books!! Such a sweet story!
Just started this, only 50 pages in and it‘s already got a hold on me!!
Every Louise Penny book I read just gets better and better! Can‘t stop, so good!!
This book was so adorable, I loved it!!
So excited to have this beauty! I‘ve named her Dewey! Going to use it for newly acquired books/ next up books
What cute people! So supportive of each other‘s dreams!
Book mail from the lovely people at Harper Collins!!
Great book! Deals with the loss of a parent and mental health issues! Couldn‘t put it down
Heartbreakingly beautiful story of girls who experienced horrifying treatment, in a situation not of their own making!!!
Book mail is my favourite kind of mail! Yesterday was a great day!!
Amazing story, go read it right now! One woman‘s gripping story! Go read it right now!!!
This book was incredibly beautiful! I did the audiobook, loved listening to the author and her story of heartbreak and finding her new normal life while visiting her in laws in Italy! Great for foodies!!
Almost done this one! I‘ll be sad to see the end of it!!
This book was a very honest telling of what really happened in Jessica‘s life, her marriage, her struggles ! She told her story so other women could know they‘re not alone in their struggles!! Love hearing the stories of others
I‘ve had this forever, finally got around to it! So cute! I love it! Trying to zip through it so I can pass it on to my sister and her girls because I know they‘ll love it!!
So exciting, new author/ series for me to love! Great, easy little cosy mystery!!
Woo this book has me on the literal edge of my seat! I borrowed it from Libby and I‘ve been so enthralled by it that I read it on my iPad, run the battery all the way down, then I read it on my phone and run that battery down then I‘m at a loss when both options need charging! So chilling! Love it!!
So so good! I love a book that offers up so many twists that make you stop in your tracks and say whoa what just happened there!! Read it!
This book was so good, if you haven‘t already read it, do it! Really good for lovers of where the crawdads sing! My heart broke a little bit for these characters!!!
I didn‘t like this one nearly as much as fix her up! Felt like the husband was a possessive controlling jerk and she would‘ve been better off without him! I do have hope for the third book in the series!! Just my opinion, wasn‘t rooting for these characters to make it in the end!!
I‘ve realized that I‘m being drawn more and more to biographies! I love hearing people‘s stories and the obstacles they‘ve overcome and their personal triumphs! This book really shows why the me too movement needed to happen! Women need to be treated way better!!
Took the audiobook of this one out on my libby app and I hadn‘t touched it, it was due to go back tomorrow morning, so last night I said okay that‘s it I‘m going to listen to this almost 10 hour audiobook! I did it and I‘m so glad I did, it was a very good audiobook! Totally fine with listening to atom Hanks for 10 hours!! Great book!!
Oh my god, I feel like such a bonehead that I waited so long to read Louise Penny! I could not put it down! Already on my second Louise Penny book!!
Love love loved it! I was sad to finish this one but I couldn‘t make myself stop listening, it was so good!! Very cute
This book is so punny love it
What a beautiful book! Mitch Albom really knows how to tug at your heart strings! What a beautiful story about becoming a family and becoming a parent! My eyes are wet!!
Wow this book was quite a hard book to get through, but so very important! Amazing writing! I had to put it down at times to give my emotions time to recover, but I wanted to keep going! The teacher made me so mad and poor Vanessa! Oh man! So much manipulation! That poor girl!!
I‘ve been having trouble reading this in big amounts, I‘ve had to stop a few times, it‘s so upsetting but I pick it back up again because it‘s really good! I‘m taking little breaks in between for hallmark Christmas movies and Disney movies just to recover from bits I‘m reading! The teacher is making me so mad!!
Still reading it just clicked on the wrong version I was reading!!
I just love these books, light and fluffy! Very relaxing to read!!
Oh my god! This book! Wow! I‘m having so many feelings! Anger, sadness, pity and I‘ve barely scratched the surface of this book! Wow wow wow! Did I say wow? Heavy subject matter but good book none the less! I love a book that gets me fired up!!!