Hello Littens! Liife has definitely gotten in the way the last several months but I'm so excited to jump back in to this wonderful community! I've missed Litsy so much!
Hello Littens! Liife has definitely gotten in the way the last several months but I'm so excited to jump back in to this wonderful community! I've missed Litsy so much!
I was nervous going in because I've seen mixed reviews and Six Of Crows is one of my top 10 favorite books of all time. Happy to say I enjoyed 95% of it. This book was paced much slower than her others, but I didn't mind. Not a big fan of that ending but I'm thinking that all is not what it seems. All in all it felt like the second book in a series, the one that sets up everything for an explosive conclusion.
Thank you so so much @Gissy for my awesome #happilyeverafterswap package. Especially for the beautiful and heartfelt card. Don't worry, I LOVE Every Single Thing. The stuffed unicorn is adorable, all the books are right up my alley, and the gorgeous art print matches my living/reading room perfectly. Again, thank you so much!
And Thank You @Chrissyreadit for organizing this wonderful swap. As a single gal, it made Valentine's Day bearable. 😁
Yay! My #happilyeverafterswap box came today! It made my Monday 1000% better. Is it Thursday yet? 😊 @Chrissyreadit
Did any Chicago or San Diego area Littens receive this email from Audible? It doesn't say so in the email but if you click through the link you'll see the event is narrated by Roxane Gay! Get your tickets quick, I got mine. 😁
Finishing up with the packing of my #happilyeverafterswap box. I'm a little disappointed with the wrapping paper. I thought it just looked like glitter, but actually has glitter. I hope my match forgives me for the slight glitter shedding that will ensue. Package going out tomorrow priority mail. @Chrissyreadit
Jay Kristoff's new book sounds amazing! He says it's a cross between Interview With a Vampire, The Road, and The Name of the Wind!
Looks like I'm having an impromptu readathon Wednesday and Thursday! 🤗
I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but the author Jen Campbell has a whole series on her YouTube channel about the origins of fairy tales. Lots of good watching! #happilyeverafterswap @Chrissyreadit
Favorite Fairytale: Cinderella, Rumplestiltskin, The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Favorite Retelling: The Lunar Chronicles, The Wish Granter, Wicked, Spinning Silver
Most Wished For: Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, Any Pied Piper Retelling because I don't own any, A Curse Dark as Gold
@Chrissyreadit #happilyeverafterswap
Hi Littens! Does anyone display their books outward like this? Do you like it or does it make your house seem like a store? Thinking of doing this in my living room in between two bookcases.
Got my next #postlit book. Looks like it's your pick @CareBear ! I've been wanting to read this one but have been a little intimidated. This is the perfect push to finally dive in. Thank you so much for the lovely bookmark @goodthinkrebel ! It's adorable and your stationary is amazing!
My library hold just came in on this one. Can't wait to try some of these recipes out.
Got in under the wire for this cool swap hosted by @Chrissyreadit ! Can't wait to start shopping, so fun! #happilyeverafterswap
Trying to catch up but with my #losersclub reading, but this main character is grating my nerves. 🙄
I love this series. The world building is great & the characters are fun. I also liked that this was a little darker than the 1st one. I can't say much, as this is the 2nd in the series, but Morrigan is a young girl who grew up believing she was cursed and would die on her 11th birthday. Luckily on her 11th birthday she is rescued and whisked away to the magical town of Nevermoor to compete for a space in the mysterious Wondrous Society. Magical!
Look what Santa left me. So pretty! 😍
Merry Christmas Litsy Friends! I hope Santa added to your TBR pile!
OMG @BookaholicNatty you are so sweet! Thank you so much for these books, I have been wanting to read them. You are right, Litsy people are the best. 😊 Also, I would love to do a buddy read, let me know what you have coming up on your TBR. Again, thank you so so so much. Merry Christmas!
What have you done to me @Booksnchill ? I had never heard of these before you sent them in the #sss box and now I'm obsessed. They are amazing! 😀
Maybe in 2019? Fingers crossed.
Wow. Can't say too much because this is the second book in a series, but I was thoroughly entertained. Holly Black really is a master of turning everything on its head in the last 20-25 pages of a book. Looking forward to the conclusion.
Oh my goodness! @Booksnchill you are too too kind. I feel so spoiled. Thank you so much for the awesome #stuffedstockingswap #sss package. It felt like Hermione's enchanted purse in HP, everytime I reached in more and more appeared! I love each & everything you sent. I think I'm going to start with Christmas Days. I have never heard of the book before but it is right up my alley. Also, Whiskey is adorable. 😊 Thank you again and Merry Christmas!
I love my vintage art deco post office. Sent this stuffed to the top baby on its way to my #stuffedstockingswap match. 🎅🎄🎁 #sss @Avanders
Listened to this on audio and thoroughly enjoyed it. I rewatched the movie a couple of months ago and realized I should probably read the book. I love the more fleshed out relationships in the book and the interesting side characters that didn't make it into the movie. That being said, I think this is one time the book and movie might be about equal. 😊
Book mail and beauty mail are the best things to come home to after a work trip! #StuffedStockingSwap #sss #vacationstartsnow
Just got my next #postlit book from @goodthinkrebel Thank you so much for the card and adorable book flags!
This book will actually be a re- read for me, but it is one of my absolute favorites, so I'm totally excited. 😃
I'm thinking he probably read too little. 😏
Wow! I wasn't expecting this to be so good. We're following dual narratives, one is a podcast focused on the disappearance of Sadie and the murder of her sister. The other is the POV of Sadie. Trigger warnings for sexual violence and violence against children. I will say that none of it is gratuitous and a lot is "fade to black." The audiobook is excellent. The podcast POV is actually a podcast. Lots to think about with this one.
This series gets better and better! Can't wait for the conclusion. Have any of my Three Dark Crowns friends read this one yet? Any new theories?
I saw this posted over on Instagram and thought I'd share. The comments section of the post was...Interesting. Personally, I don't mind people loving the fandom that have never read the books. More the merrier. And while I do feel they're missing out a little, I know every book isn't for everybody. I was more upset by the people that said they haven't read the books because they don't like books, never read, or think books are boring 😲.
I was definitely on board with Keiko's freedom to be a convenience store worker and embrace the "not normal" aspects of her personality, but other parts of the book were off putting to me. I'll have to marinate on this one a little bit more to see how I really feel. So so for now.
A coming-of-age wrapped in dystopian wrapped in a western. 17 year-old Willie lives in a West hit by a plague that leaves them isolated from the rest of the country & under attack from infected (shakes). Running supplies falls to Hunters, thugs who traverse the desert between towns fending off shakes as they go. When her dad steals $ from a hunter & skips town, Willie is left w/ the debt so she hires 2 Hunters to take her on a journey to find him.
Another solid Miss Marple. This time she helps a woman who's seeing visions of murder in her recently purchased home. Should she delve into the past of her house or should she let sleeping murder lie? Even though this was published last and is called Miss Marple's Last Case, I feel like it was earlier in the timeline. I would consider Nemesis to be the real Last Case. I have now read all of the Marple novels.. I am going to miss her.
Hello Littens! I'm back after a sorely needed vacation / mental health break. Hope everyone has been doing well and enjoying their summer. I'm getting into this one in preparation for the movie next week. So far I like it.
I usually love fairy tales, retellings, and reboots but this collection is just off to me. I found them generally confusing and they felt a little unfinished. Maybe I'm not hip enough to get it.
1. The original strong female actress, the awesome Bette Davis.
2. I try to get in bed by 10. I often fall asleep in my chair before that though.
3. Mystery (Nemesis by Agatha Christie)
4. My Keurig, couldn't live without it.
5. Library is closest (1 block) but I go to them both equally.
Very heavy, but beautifully written. This book made me think a lot about how we assess the quality of a life lived.
I bought the small corner bookshelf a couple of months ago so that I could get my overflow stacks off the floor. Note the new stacks on the floor. 😩 I really need to get my TBR under control. Can't wait for my vacation next month so I can catch up on my reading!
This was great. I had a little trouble getting into it, but after about the third chapter I was hooked. Mila doesn't believe her best friend committed suicide and uses a mysterious spell book to bring her back to life so she can find the murderer, but she also accidentally brings back 2 more recently dead classmates. Were they all murdered? The dialogue in this is spot on. The snarkiness grew on me & the story had more heart than I expected. 👌
My work golf outing was rained out, so I'm at home enjoying some guilty pleasures. I do so love my Charlie's Angels. #TeamKelly 😉 The book is just okay so far, but it has great reviews so I'm optimistic.
Looks like another interesting pick for #postlit. I definitely would have never picked this up on my own! This isn't the book, just a cute picture that came up when I searched book mail on Google. 😄
Two centuries ago, three sisters were drowned as witches by jealous, petty townspeople. Every year since, they return and take their Revenge by inhabiting the bodies of three local girls and luring the boys in the town to their deaths. This is YA, so there's a trope or two, but I did enjoy the writing & found it atmospheric. It is more character-driven than witchy, so if you're looking for something spooky about witches, you might be disappointed