Truly amazing piece of art. I saw myself in so many of these poems!
Truly amazing piece of art. I saw myself in so many of these poems!
I think criminal books are not my cup of tea, or at least this kind. Overall good book, but I couldnt really get into it.
I love love love this book! Mysterious yet very funny. Can't wait to read moon over Soho!
Btw. Mr. Nigtinghale is my new crush :D
Even tho I don't fancy crimi books, I feel like this one might be quite good!
The stories are well-written and it was very interesting to learn about some new Swedish mystery writers. Definitely a pick. Styles are different in each story and great for everyone who wants to start with scandinavian literature.
" in life there are moments when you have to decide if you wanna go with the dead of continue with the alive."
Very fascinating book. The Havana he talks about is not the one described in travel brochures. The book is extremely readable, but it gets quite repetitive after a while, since all the new things that happen have happened before. But there are still that that will make you say 'wow'. Overall really - good book.
"and no one ever got to know.."
I love this one so much, it made me so motivated to go and do stuff, totally must read!
"Maybe your past wasn't perfect. Maybe it was savage. Maybe you were savage. Maybe you have more scars than a human being should have."
Why do all airports smell the same ?
I know that love is real, because I feel it.
#johngreen #love #youngteen #bestseller #willgrayson
Really funny book full of true quotes, it shows many people's point of view on today's world in really enjoyable way.
Sometimes it's really boring though. But the amout of jokes offsets it.
Quote - "not even this year I used logarithm"
"And that's it. Got It?"
Very well written but quite bleak. You start out with normal tenage angst then move on to infestation and people turning into bugs fairly graphicly. I don't deal well with horror.
#bestseller #youngadult #novel #teen
"History shows that most of what we say is not even expressed in words."
"It was not a good idea."
"We are indestructible."
"Best friends do such things."
This book is full of quotes ??
#bestseller #youngadult
The phrase "it's fine" can mean a variety of things, just like the word "fuck".
#youngadult #teen #bestseller #nice #scifi #apocalypse #horor
"Sometimes it's okay to decided not to decide and resmain uncertain and not know what is going to happen on the journey you create."
#youngadult #horror #bestseller #teen
I love the way you are telling stories. I like that always when you are telling something, you are jumping forward and backward and telling EVERYTHING what happened at the same time. It's like an explosion. It's like a blooming flower."
#youngadult #teennovel #novel #humour
"Real friends know what the other is saying, even if it's bullshit. It's clear from history. What is also clear from history is that real friends are very rare. "
#teen #scifi #real #bestseller #youngadult
I love this book. It's a fun and easy read. The story is told mostly through email correspondence and the narration of her daughter which makes it very interesting. The story has great twists and turns with witty dialogue throughout.
#young #humour #bestseller #youngaldult
"...get out of my way because now I am going to get the maximum out of my life."
#bestseller #teen #youngadult
"I did it like you" I said "I ran away."
#youngadult #teen #novel #quote #bestseller
Alright, finally after long time I found a minute to read. This one is fantastic, can't wait to finnish this book. It's funny, it's easy to read and it's original. So far it's 10/10 for me.
#bestseller #novel
"If you imagine that people are able to sleep on the plane, without wondering over the fact it's actually a miracle they did not fall down and that they are just flying in clouds over South America or anything like that."
#young #teennovel #novel #bestseller
"My dad read a book about a human ability to adapt and about how amazing people are, because you can get used to everything, and that's really true, Stuart."
#teen #youngteen #novel
"...because twelve is my favorite number. Twelve is midnight, when magic happens, twelve is a dozen of eggs, which I can break, twelve is a number of times that Alice looked at that guy."
The first three or four chapters were quite boring, but when you get trough these chapters, you won't want to put the book down. Some of parts are so intense!
If you liked the first book, I suggest reading this one too. Maybe it's because I'm childish but I loved it.
I totally didn't expect this book to be so good.
The end of the book doesn't really have an end, you have to read the third book to see the ending.
Overall a good book.
Even tho it's not as good as the first book (at least so far...) it's definitely worth reading.
#todayimreading #hollowcity #czech
"Despite all the trouble and danger we found ourselves in, and despite the fact that this
strange new world had started to crumble the moment I‘d discovered it, I was
profoundly glad I was here. Despite everything, this peculiar life was what I‘d always
wanted. Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at
the very same time."
#hollowcity #fantasy #quote #czech #peculiarchildren #peculiar
"I worried the
others would start
believing the hype about
me—or worse yet, I would."
#hollowcity #czech #ransomriggs
Extraordinary book about czech girl who survived holocaust.
Helga Weiss went through so much pain we can't even think about but through this book you can see most of the feelings she had and you can imagine all the struggles she (and her family) went through during the war. Helga Weiss wrote about being in concentration camps and ghetto and she captured all of her feelings it in her diary.
This book is definitely a PICK!
"A person can stand a lot, definitely more, than he think."
"Where did the God remain?
In a child's spirit."
It took me really long time to finish this book.. It's nothing special.
There are way better books which can give you christmas mood but for a long evenings its great book.
Definitely a must read book. I finished the book 3 days ago and I still have to think about it and I don't know how to feel about it.
It's really a book you HAVE to read at least once in your life.
This book is so boring. I have to push myself into reading this.