For those who lack voice...
Any recommendations of other books (fiction or not) about postcolonial literature in Mozambique and Angola?
Obesessed with this book! Really looking forward to reading all Chiziane‘s work! In English the title is The First Wife.
Any literary theory / cultural studies fans around here? Getting ready for my Breadth Exam...
"If Freud turns to literature to describe traumatic experience, it is because literature, like psychoanalysis, is interested in the complex relation between knowing and not knowing, and it is at this specific point at which knowing and not knowing intersect that the psychoanalytic theory of traumatic experience and the language of literature meet."
The Bowie Book Club - Goodreads
April reading: White Noise, by Don DeLillo
Join our current reading and catch up with the previous ones!
Sign up to Goodreads and look for The Bowie Book Club in groups!
The Bowie Book Club in Goodreads will be starting November 1st.
Join us reading The Man Who Fell to Earth!
Catching up with my reading...
Who else likes to read while listening to music? I tend to choose a specific artist to be the soundtrack of each book I read...
Soundtrack: Joy Division
Join The Bowie Book Club on Goodreads...
The poll to choose the October reading is almost closed... Join now and you can still vote!
And the #helpmepick winner for #nextreading is All the Light We cannot See!
Started two hours ago and I just can't stop...
Help me pick my next reading! The nominees are:
1- All the Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr
2- Abarat (book one) - Clive Barker
3- Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
4- The Secret History of Costaguana - Juan Gabriel Vásquez
5- The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
#helpmepick #nextreading
"May we always remember..."
Fantastic is not enough to describe this book! I was wrong when I thought Americanah was a masterpiece! Half of a Yellow Sun is even better!
Looking forward to reading the entire work of Ngozi Adichie! Such a spectacular author!
Come and join The Bowie Book Club, on Goodreads...
July book: Madame Bovary
#bookclub #davidbowie
"Richard wanted to ask why God had allowed the war to happen in the first place. Yet their faith moved him. If God could make them care so genuinely, God was a worth concept."
I didn't expect this book to be better than Americanah... Well, so far it is!!!
About 4 years ago, I bought "Killing Bono" because I like Neil McCormick. But I had never opened the book til today. I thought: "Should I give it a try?". So, I decided to open on a random page. This was exactly where I opened! Any doubts I will be reading it right away?! #Bowieforever
Help me choose: which one to read next?! #nextbook
"Then I noticed, in all my pain and sickness, what music it was that crackled and boomed on the soundtrack, and it was Ludwig van, the last movement of the Fifth Symphony..."
There are so many great reviews out there for this book... But I just don't feel connected to it... Does it start slow and then gets better or it goes on the same pace until the end?!
Rereading this classic... Its violence is bothering me way more than it did the first time I read it! "Still the night was still very young." #thebowiebookclub