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Joined August 2022


Originally Published in 1998, Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key won the National book Award. This is a fiction chapter book that follows a young boy who has behavioral problems within the classroom. He often swallows a key that is attached to a string, but on one instance forgets to attach the string. This is a great story to read to children to help open their eyes to the idea of medication and how some students learn best when on medications.

A Bad Case of Stripes | David Shannon

Published in 1998, this fiction story follows a young girl who wakes up very sick. He skin continues to change to different patterns. The young girl is very insecure of her skin being different patterns, but eventually she learns to be happy in her identity. I would read this story to my students because it has a deep meaning, but it is taught through humor to keep the students engaged. This won the 3 apples book award.


Published in 2019, the Proudest Blue is a fiction story that is a Goodreads Choice award Nominee and ALSC notable children's book. This story is about a young girl who wares her Hijab on the first day of school. She overcomes bullies and find strength in herself.

kallikramer This is a great story to read to students to inform them of other students cultures and backgrounds and to show them that we all have differences but are all important in our classroom family. 2y
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Flat Stanley | Jeff Brown

Published in 1964, Flat Stanley is a beginners chapter book that follows a young boy named Stanley after he wakes up one morning completely flat. This fiction book takes you on a journey with him as he lives his life completely flat and goes on different adventures. This would be a great chapter book to read to early elementary students because it is short and funny. It also includes pictures that could be used to help keep the students engaged

kallikramer This is a great story to read to students to inform them of other students cultures and backgrounds and to show them that we all have differences but are all important in our classroom family.
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Charlotte's Web | E. B. White

Published in 1952, Charlottes Web has won the Audie Award for middle grades. This is a classic story that was turned into a movie that many children enjoy and have heard before. Charlottes web is about a spider named Charlotte who writes to her pig friend wilber in her web. This tale follows them on the farm and when they go to the fair. This story is a chapter book, but I feel it is a great book to read aloud to your students in the classroom

The Couch Potato | Jory John

Published in 2020, this story became an immediate New York times best seller. This is a story about a young potato who only enjoys playing video games. When his power goes out he is forced to find something else to entertain him. He goes outside and gets to explore the world and find beauty in little things other than video games. He ends up enjoying it and says that he is going to continue to do this more often.

kallikramer I think this is a great story to read to children because in todays world many students go home and play video games in their free time instead of going out and exploring and playing. I think this story has a great message that all students should hear about how there is so much more to life than just video games. 2y
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Room on the Broom | Julia Donaldson

Published in 2001, Room on the Broom is a great story to read around Halloween. This story would be great to tie into a rhyming lesson. The story has tons of different rhyming words on each page and would be great to read to young children. It is not a very long story and would keep a child's attention throughout it. This is a story about a witch who flies around and picks up many different animals on her broom.

Harris Finds His Feet | Catherine Rayner

Published in 2013, Harris finds his feet won the Kate Greenaway Medal for illustrations. This story is about a hare who has very large feet. Harris at first does not like his large feet but his grandad shows his all the benefits to having his big feet. I like this story because it has great illustrations and also has a good message about how everyone is different but you can still find beauty in the things that you may not like at first.


Published in 2019, this story won the Stonewall Book award. The stonewall book award focuses on the LGBTQ+ community. This is a story about a young transgender boy who gets a little sibling. It talks about Aidans struggle of growing up as a female and figuring out that he wants to be a boy. I would read this story to my children, because I think it can help students to understand the LGBTQ+ community.


Published in 2003, Just a Minute won the Pura Belpre Award along with the golden kite award. This is a story about Grandma Beetle needing to do chores around the house before she is able to go with Senor Calavera. I would read this story to my classroom because it has excellent illustrations and a good message about being patient. It also includes culture that some students may not be familiar with to learn more about.


Published in 2006, This story has won multiple different awards over the years. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a story that follows a china rabbit when he gets lost from his original owner. He goes too many different types of peoples homes and meets tons of new people along the way. I would read this story to young children because I think it is a super cute story about a rabbit and it has a very cute ending.

Pumpkinheads | Rainbow Rowell

Published in 2018, Pumpkinheads won the Whippoorwill award and Goodreads choice award. This is a story about two young children who see what it is like to leave behind a place and a person for the first time. I would read this book to a group of older children because I think it has a very relatable message about leaving things in the past.

I Am Enough | Grace Byers

Published in 2018, this story was a Goodreads choice awards picture book winner. This is a great story about a young girl who discovers that she is enough regardless of her looks and attributes. This story encourages children to show kindness and recognize that everyone is unique in their own ways. I would read this story to my future classroom because it shows students that we are all different but all have so much to offer to the classroom.


This book was published in 2018 and won the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award. This is a story that touches on different Native American tribes. Many books that were written for Thanksgiving glorify events in history that should not be glorified. This is one of those stories that does not do that and instead speaks the truth about the holiday. I have used this in my classroom as a way to inform my students on the holiday.


Published in 2022, Keepunumuk is a story about thanksgiving that portrays thanksgiving without glorifying the ideas of the settlers. It has a modern twist that takes the perspective of the first people that live in the area instead of the new comers. I would read this story to my students because is tells the students what actually happened during thanksgiving instead of glorifying the new comers stealing land and the killing first peoples.

kallikramer This story has not yet won any awards. 2y
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Published in 2017, Shark Lady is about a young girl who has a fascination with sharks. As she grows up, she becomes more and more interested in sharks. She begins exploring and learning more about sharks and becomes known as the “shark lady“. This won the 2018 best stem book and is a biography of Eugenie Clark.

Esperanza Rising | Pam Muanoz Ryan

Published in 2000, this non-fiction story follows a young girls life after her father is murdered. It is set in Mexico in the 1930's. This story won the Pura Belpre award along with the Jane Addams children's book award. I read this story in school and would recommend it to students within my classroom because it could relatable to some and discusses tough topics in life.

Elijah of Buxton | Christopher Paul Curtis

Published in 2007, Elijah is a non-fiction story about a young boy who is the first born free child in Buxton, Canada. Money was stolen from his friend and he goes on a quest to find the thief. I would recommend this story for my students to read because it is a fictional story that includes pieces of history that the students will enjoy. This story won the Scott O'Dell award along with many other awards.

Pumpkin | Julie Murphy

Published in 2021. This is a fiction chapter book that follows a young openly gay boy in Texas. He plans to graduate and then show his true colors in the life he wants to live. I think this is a great story for older students to read to show them that they can be whoever they want to be at whatever age. This story won the Whipporwill Award.

Rules | Cynthia Lord

This story is about a twelve year old girl who has a brother with autism. This little girl creates rules for her brother to follow throughout his life. As she gets older she starts to question, “What is normal?“. This story was published in 2006. It won the Newberry book award, Schneider Family book Award, and a few others. I would read this story to students because I think it is a great story that talks about how there is no “normal“.

Rescue and Jessica: A Life-Changing Friendship | Patrick Downes, Jessica Kensky

This story was published in 2018 and won the Schneider Family book award in 2019. This is a story about a girl and her service dog. It follows them on their lives adventure and tells what rescue does to help Jessica throughout the day. Rescue and Jessica is a nonfiction story. I would read this book to my students because it shows the positives of having a service dog and it tells a real story.

Owl Moon | Jane Yolen

This story won the Caldecott and many other awards and was published in 1987. Owl Moon is a story about a father and daughter who go out in the woods on a snowy night to find an owl. This story follows them along on their adventure throughout the night. This is a realistic fiction story.


This story is about a little girl who looks at a crayon box and notices black is not in the rainbow. Throughout the story she notices all the beautiful things that are the color black. At the end of the story she uses the quote, “Our color is black“. This is a very powerful book to read to students to represent all children within the classroom. This story won the Jane Aadams Children's book award and was published in 2020.

Miss Rumphius | Barbara Cooney

This is a fictional story published in 1982 that follows a women who dreams to make the world a beautiful place. She does this through planting seeds and after time they grow into beautiful flowers. This story won the National Book Award in 1983.

On Market Street | Arnold Lobel

Published in 1981 this story won the National Book Award. It is a story about someone who buys something that begins with every letter in the Alphabet. This story would be a good book to read to children in the pre-k age range to help them learn the alphabet. This is a fictional story.


This story was published in 2002. This story is about a young girl, Annabelle, who discovers a fairy family in her “garden“. Together Annabelle and the fairy family spend a day doing magical things together. I see why this story won the Kate Greenaway Medal because it has amazing illustrations. The illustrations do a great job of telling the story. This is a fictional story that I would read to my future classroom.

Frindle | Andrew Clements

Frindle is a story about a young boy who battles with his teacher within the classroom. He comes up with different ways to waste class time and avoid doing work. This fiction chapter book has won the Phoenix Award. I would love for my students to read this story because it is a light hearted story about a young boy around their age.


This book is written as a poem following a boy and his haircut. This book won Caldecott Honor, Coretta Scott King author and illustrator awards, and Newbery Honor. I would read this story to my classroom, because it could be relatable to the students in my classroom and tells a great story about this young child's life.

Julian Is a Mermaid | Jessica Love

Published in 2018. Julian is a Mermaid is about a young boy who decides that he wants to be a mermaid. The young boy goes and participates in the Coney Island mermaid parade. I would read this book to students because it allows students to realize that they do not have to do things that are stereotyped as “male and female“. It encourages students to do things they love. This is a fiction book that won the Stonewall Book Award.

All Because You Matter | Tami Charles

Published in 2020. This story is about young children and how everything they do in life matters. It talks about how everyone matters in their own ways and is seen. This book is a fiction book that won the Golden Kite Award.

kallikramer I would read this to children because it makes good points about how you matter in life and that you are seen. 3y
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Published in 2013. The Day the Crayons Quit is about a crayon box that writes letters to their owner telling him they want to be used more. Each crayon comes up with arguments about why they should be used. In the end the owner uses every crayon in one coloring photo and gets an A+ from the teacher. I would love to use this book in my classroom because it is super funny and could be used to teach a lesson about working together.

kallikramer This is a fiction book that won the E.B. White Read Aloud. 3y
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Mother Bruce | Ryan T. Higgins

Published in 2015. Mother Bruce is about a bear who likes to be alone. He stumbles across a flock of geese babies. The geese convince him to raise them and the all end up migrating to the beach together. I would read this story to my class because its a funny story that talks about an unusual type of family. Students will be able to relate to this story as well and talk about how all families are different.

kallikramer This is a fiction story that won the E.B. White Read aloud. 3y
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Millions of Cats | Wanda Gag

Published in 1928. Millions of cats won a Newberry honor in 1929. Millions of Cats is a fictional story about an old man and old women who could not be happy because they were lonely. The old man goes and chooses all the cats off a hill and brings them home. They argue about who the prettiest cat is and get in an argument. One little cat does not chime in and fight and that cat becomes the cat for the old man and women.

kallikramer I would read this story in my classroom because I think the students would find it very funny. It also teaches a lesson about beauty and happiness. 3y
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Goodnight Moon | Margaret Wise Brown

Published in 1947. Goodnight Moon is a children's book about saying goodnight to everything in your home. This is a classic story that has been around for many years to help children fall asleep at night. I wouldn't use this in my classroom because saying goodnight is not something that you would do in the classroom, but I would recommend it to a students is who struggling to go to bed at night to read.

kallikramer This book has won the 1998 Parents' Choice Gold Award and a 1999 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award. 3y
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Coming on Home Soon | Jacqueline Woodson

Published in 2004. This story takes place during a time of war. A young girl's mother has to leave her to go work in Chicago. The young girl is living with her grandma and missing her mother. She has very hard days, but eventually a cat shows up at her door and becomes friends with the young girl. This story won the Caldecott award. I would recommend this story because it teaches history but still is easy to follow and understand for students


Published in 1971. Sunshine on my Shoulders is about focusing on the things that are around you. This story stresses the importance of sunshine in your life. This story has won no awards. I would recommend this book to read in class when something happens in a child's life or to the class as a whole.


This is the Rope is a story about a young girl who finds a rope under a tree and later finds out that the piece of rope is a part of her family's history. The story goes through her ancestors' life and describes how the rope was relevant in each of her family members lives as they grew up.

kallikramer I would read this story to children as an introduction to culture and how every family is different. It is a great introduction to talk about everyones pasts and heritage. This is the Rope was published in 2013. This book won the Newberry honor. 3y
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Published in 2019. When Sadness is at Your Door turns the emotion of sadness into a person. Sadness follows a young child around and causes the child to feel overwhelmed and try to hid it. The young child does everything to have sadness brighten up. The end of the story talks about how you may wake up without the sadness and to remember that everyday is a new day.

kallikramer I would read this story to children because it shows that all children will have days when they are sad but eventually the days get better. This story won the Klaus Flugge Prize 2020. This is a fictional story. 3y
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Jabari Jumps | Gaia Cornwall

Published in 2020. Jabari Jumps is about a young boy who works up the courage to jump off of the high dive at the pool. His father is there to encourage him as he builds up the courage to take the jump. This story focuses on overcoming fears and having supports in life. I would recommend this book for young children to hear or read because I feel it does a good job of showing that all children have fears that can be overcome.

kallikramer This book won the ALSC Notable Children's Books, Charlotte Zolotow Award. and the Junior Library Guild Selections. This is a fiction story. 3y
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Me & Mama | Cozbi A. Cabrera

Published in 2020. Cozbi's book follows a young girl as she goes through her day with her mother. They do everything together and the young girl describes how her mothers things look compared to her own. I would not recommend this book to read in the classroom because multiple children in your room may not have a mother that they can follow around throughout the day. This book won the Caldecott award.