The time I have to read right now. 😂
El tiempo que tengo ahora para leer. 😂
#time #read #notime #Hullabaloo #watch
The time I have to read right now. 😂
El tiempo que tengo ahora para leer. 😂
#time #read #notime #Hullabaloo #watch
Just read it.
I loved how the character of Edna develops throughout the book. How some of the topics it talks about are still something we have to think about.
Me encantó como se desarrolla el personaje de Esta a través del libro. Como algunos de los temas de los que habla son temas de los que aún tenemos que pensar.
#KateChopin #TheAwakening #Chopin
Now that I have more time after the exams I am ready and willing to start this one.
Ahora que tengo más tiempo después de los exámenes estoy lista e impaciente por empezar este.
#1984 #Orwell #GeorgeOrwell
I was reading this book as part of my End of Studies Paper trying to look for gender issues treated here. I think this one is REALLY showing (ironically) the iceberg theory. Though I really liked how some characters are developed, I prefered "A Farewell to Arms". The part which happens in Spain is funny to read as a Spaniard, how an american see Spain.
P.D.: It's my 1st review, don't be mean! ? + My new glasses!
#TheSunAlsoRises #Hemingway
I've had a few problems trying to upload images, but now it's solved and I'm coming with tons of books!
He tenido problemillas intentando subir imágenes, ¡pero creo que está arreglado y vengo con montones de libros!
#northernlights #philippullman #HeartofDarkness #JosephConrad #Borges #1984 #Kafka #JaneEyre
I just thought the cover was great. (I know the background doesn't match much, but I wanted to show it 😅)
Sólo pensaba que la cubierta es bonita. (Sé que el fondo no pega mucho, pero quería enseñarlo 😅)
#Alice #AliceInWonderland #Wonderland #Carroll #LewisCarroll #AliceLiddle #SpanishLitsy
Currently reading Through the looking glass (and trying to finish all the other books I'm reading 😭)
Leyendo Alicia a través del espejo (e intentando acabar todos lo otros libros que estoy leyendo 😭)
#Alice #Carroll #LewisCarroll #Jabberwocky #Galimatazo #ThroughTheLookingGlass #Wonderland
A couple of days ago I read an article about 2nd hand books and how they affect the book business because we don't pay the real price of the book and none of the profits goes to the author or the industry which makes those books. But at the same time, 2nd hand books have a lot of pros and cons too. What do you think about it?
P.D.: Nice comic by Jacob Andrews. 😂
#SecondHandBooks #SecondHand #2ndHand #UsedBooks #BuyingBooks #JacobAndrews
My mum used to keep flowers in books. But she also forgot them inside. 🌹
Mi madre solía dejar flores dentro de los libros. Pero también se las olvidaba ahí. 🌹
#TheNameOfTheRose #UmbertoEco #ElNombreDeLaRosa #FlowersInBooks #SpanishLitsy #Rose #Rosa
Huge Harry Potter fan. 🙈
Muy fan de Harry Potter. 🙈
#HarryPotter #HP #Rowling #TheySeeMeRowlingTheyHatin #SorryForThatHahaha #SpanishLitsy #Harry #SalamandraEditorial
I don't think myself capable of passing an exam on this. 😭
No me creo capaz de aprobar un examen sobre esto.😭
#Yeats #Poetry #IrishPoetry #WBYeats #Ireland #Irlanda #Poesia #PoesiaIrlandesa #Poems
Trying to finish this one for almost half a year. Having too little time to read lately.
Intentando acabar este desde hace por lo menos medio año. Tengo muy poco tiempo para leer últimamente.
#lotr #lordoftherings #returnoftheking #hobbits #elfs #rohirrims #harpercollins #gandalf #Frodo #Gimli #Legolas #Merry #Pippin #Aragorn #mordor #part3
A couple of years ago. Such a beautiful edition...😍❄
Hace unos años. Esta edición es tan bonita...😍❄
#LaEmperatrizDeLosEtereos #LauraGallegoGarcia #beautifulcover #firstpost