Iv had a very magical Christmas thanks to @hannah-leeloo for fitting me the first 3 of the collection as I bought the last 4 for my birthday
May all your days be magical #harry-potter #christmas-spells
Iv had a very magical Christmas thanks to @hannah-leeloo for fitting me the first 3 of the collection as I bought the last 4 for my birthday
May all your days be magical #harry-potter #christmas-spells
I am reading this whole series like 888th time (NOT AN EXAGGERATED STATEMENT).
#harrypotter #harry #hprocks #888
Day 11: Favorite bookish merchandise #juneinbooks18
I don‘t know when I got it, I don‘t know where it came from, but I do know that I absolutely adore my Harry Potter necklace!
#harry Potter #teen #ya #muggles #Hufflepuff #Slytherin #Ravenclaw #Gryffindor #Hogwarts #merch #HP #necklace
Watching my friend Chelsea try Quiddditch for the first time 😍
#sports #hp #harry #quidditch #keeper #mpls #twincities