A mix of the selection and a teen soap opera. I loved it with all my heart.
A mix of the selection and a teen soap opera. I loved it with all my heart.
I finished “Prodigy” on my plane ride home. I am in love with this book. It‘s characters are raw and genuine. You love them for their faults. The author made them human with real human thoughts, as twisted as they are.
Books for all of my ballerina friends💫
Finally finished this series. I loved the first three books and I could finish them all in a week. The last book took me almost a month to get through because it just dragged on for so long! The ending was satisfying and rewarding.
This book was definitely a mix of the selection, game of thrones, and hunger games. There‘s very much a twist when you don‘t expect it. I‘m looking forward to reading the next book of the series.
Just finished the selection series and it was amazing. For sure some of my favorites.
Started “The Selection” on my plane ride and I really love it so far♥️
Met Gala or hunger games? You tell me.
Ahhhh! This book was really well done. Even though four and tris were fighting the whole book, I couldn‘t put it down. I loved all of the characters as well.
Wrapping up my April reading was Divergent. I really loved this book and finished it in one sit-down! I am excited to read the others. #divergent #april
I‘ve almost finished reading the last book in the trilogy on my flight home. It truly is an escape from reality and I‘m trying to read it as slowly as possible as I don‘t want the journey to end. I know I started reading it late but it has quickly taken the place as my all time favorite books. #hungergames