My signed first edition of Darkdawn just came in the mail and THERE'S A MISTER KINDLY DOODLE IN IT!!!
#artdamnit_reads #JayKristoff #Darkdawn #MrKindly
My signed first edition of Darkdawn just came in the mail and THERE'S A MISTER KINDLY DOODLE IN IT!!!
#artdamnit_reads #JayKristoff #Darkdawn #MrKindly
Currently reading
#artdamnit_reads #CurrentlyReading #Nevernight #JayKristoff
Currently reading!!
#artdamnit_reads #currentlyreading
Omg i loved this book. Miles and Tristan are adorable, the magic system is interesting and the bad guys are deplorable. Loved it.
Getting some rooftop reading done!!
#artdamnit_reads #CurrentlyReading #Witchmark
I almost bailed on this book. I was really hoping that this book would pick up and that The Girl in the Tower was just the usual second book struggles - but nope. This one just seemed sooooo booorrring. I think by this point in the story all the magic was lost for me and i just got so bored with all the characters.
#artdamnit_reads #TheWinterOfTheWitch #BookReview #Review
Starting this today!! 🎉
#artdamnit_reads #CurrentlyReading #Witchmark #CLPolk
Just finished re-reading this and I enjoyed it just as much as I did in highschool when i first read it. #StephenKing is my absolute favorite when it comes to portraying madness and a character slowly losing their mind.
#artdamnit_reads #Christine #58PlymothFury #BookReview #Review
My bookshelf lives in the darkest part of my apartment....
#artdamnit_reads #shelfie #Bookshelf #books
Lololol I love that #StephenKing's description of having ones balls squeezed is basically period cramps 😂
I...did not like this second book to The Bear and the Nightingale. Honestly? I think the first book would have made an excellent stand alone book. I enjoyed it enough to keep reading it, but it wasn't a "omg i need to read this right now" kind of book. It was very easy to put down. #artdamnitReads #BookReview
Absolutely loved this book! I loved all the folklore as well as the conflicts of all the characters. The characters were relatable and I just loved how the author dealt with the struggles of being a woman who didn't fit into the simple mold of what was expected of her.
If being a kid is about learning to live, then being a grown-up is about learning how to die.