3.75 ⭐️ There is a lot to digest from this book and it will need another read to understand it better. #2024 #review #nonfiction #feminism #history
3.75 ⭐️ There is a lot to digest from this book and it will need another read to understand it better. #2024 #review #nonfiction #feminism #history
🎧 I finished Ten, which I struggled to read. Quite an immature approach and not a horror at all. Such a let down. I almost DNF it.
#headphones #review #reads #book #readerscommunity #audiobook
This book was a treat. I really enjoyed it from beginning to an end. The ending was a little too sweet or expected but it was fair and believable. Loved the characters, their interactions and the smut was great. I also love when a book makes me laugh out loud. There were many moments throughout the book when I found myself laughing. That‘s a plus.
If you want to give it a listen, it‘s included on audible. 😃🙌🎧📕
#smut #review
LITERALLY this book had me feral. It was SO GOOD!
// I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. // #bookreview #gothicthriller #gothic #review
Now Available 🥳🎉📚
The Midnight Feast- Lucy Foley
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com//the-midnight-feast/
#boleybooks #themidnightfeast #lucyfoley #bookbeast #pubday #review #netgalley #bookbuds
This is a story of a daughter of immigrants and how she navigates the ideals thrust onto her by her family and the world. Written in spoken word, Acevedo touch‘s on many topics many can relate to. I definitely will be recommending this book and am looking forward to reading more by this author. #review
This is some dark poetry.
Very honest and deep. I really enjoyed the truth behind it.
Highly recommended for everyone.
Boy, was Brooklyn Cupid by Lexi Ray such a bait and switch from what I saw on BookTok and what I got when I read it. This was rough to get through. Tension was nonexistent until the last 30%, pacing was stop and start, and character backstories just made no sense. #bookreview #review #romance
Full Review: https://www.recklessreading.com/books/review/brooklyn-cupid-by-lexi-ray/
“Who would have guessed that a gardening book could be such an enjoyable read? Permaculture Gardening for the Absolute Beginner is not only inviting and informative but also genuinely inspiring … the best permaculture/gardening how-to book I‘ve ever read!”
~ C.E. Flores, Reedsy Discovery
BOOK MAIL!!! I received this awesome book to read and review! Love the amazing card that came with, one of the coolest book tie-ins I have ever seen! (Check out my video to see what I am talking about!)
#Books #Mail #BookMail #ARC #Read #Review #Goodies #Love #TheFury #CeladonReads #ReadTheFury
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