I‘ve heard great things about this. I‘m diving in. With snacks.
I‘ve heard great things about this. I‘m diving in. With snacks.
This is always the book I grab when I need comfort.
I don‘t know what age this was meant for but it‘s comforting in my hands, and it‘s a super fast read. It‘s my dentist appt book.
Why did I wait so long to read this book? Because the tone is exactly what I need right now. AJ may not believe in fate, but perhaps I do. Uncomplicated prose makes for an easy read, rich with thought and meaning. 🖤📚
Reading in the rain is a terrific luxury
God forbid two adults have a conversation about what scents they prefer. Just say something! Btw this book is soooooo good. Beautiful prose. Interesting characters and a perfect setting (Civil War era asylum where men can have their wives locked away for any fabricated reason). Enjoying this one. But this character comes out with some wild ideas. Civil War era masculinity.
I love a handicraft novel. This one has a little extra charm. All the required trappings, HEA, wish fulfillment, steamy love scenes, etc, but it‘s not a vanilla, sanitary story, which can often be the case with craft related stories. Newsflash: knitters/quilters/etc aren‘t all elderly & many of us make questionable choices & say fuck, shit & damn. 🤷🏻♀️🖤 This author gets it. Get print or ebook. The audiobook narrator ruins it completely imho
I couldn‘t resist that cover. Here‘s my haul from round one of Book Sale Season 2020
Oh, I can‘t wait to dive into this. Purely, and delightfully scandalous on every page! 😂
Here and Now and Then is my favourite book this month. A book a day keeps the blahs away. #abookaday #readallthebooks
Picked up some graphic novels for a change of pace.
Catching up on some classics and this line made me laugh.
Oh my shit this book was amazing. I can‘t wait to read more from this author!
Oh, I have a feeling I‘m going to love this book. #iwannabeawitch
I‘m filling in those gaps in my reading of the classics. Steinbeck‘s prose is succinct yet beautiful and descriptive. I can‘t believe I‘ve gone my whole life so far without reading his work. What a waste. I am so glad I picked this up.
What a striking description. I can imagine exactly how that scene looks.
Yep. I‘m in love with Mira Grant. I‘m excited that this is a trilogy! Solid writer.
My face after reading this AMAZING work of fiction in one sitting. Perfect story! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This fits well into the Weird Fiction genre.
Best book so far this year, and I have a feeling it will stay in my top five
I love this idea of a secret being too big to fit in your head and spilling out. If you‘re a horror fan, add this to your TBR immediately. #fantasticwriting
I couldn‘t decide what to read, so I did a random shelf pull. Hmm, Salem witches? Yes please! #decklededges #prettybooks
I don‘t know where this is going yet, but I‘m here for it. Thanks to the hosts of #booksinthefreezer podcast for the rec
This author is an auto read for me. I‘ll snatch up everything she writes. Masterful story construction and interesting, multilayered characters keep the story moving at a great pace. This book did not disappoint.
I loved this cozy-ish murder mystery set in a swampy Louisiana small town. The main character is sassy, plucky, and delightful. She always manages to get herself into a mess. Trouble just follows her like the muddy stench of the bayou on a summer day. It‘s a fast read; easily consumed in an evening or two. I‘m looking forward to the rest of the series. #ReadAlike if you like the Stephanie Plum series, you‘ll love this. This is better in my opinion
Any friends out there who‘ve read the Dutch version? After reading the acknowledgements I need to know how that one ended?! This book absolutely rocked me. I felt the townspeople‘s madness seeping from the pages, infecting my mind with fear. It was amazing.
A tidy, cozy mystery, with a slightly overused trope but thoroughly enjoyable.
I may have to add Paula Daly‘s entire backlist to my TBR. This is the second title by this author that I‘ve loved. It‘s building to what I hope is a great ending.
Oy. I‘m not sure I would have picked this up had I realised the heavy religious tones involved. I thought I was in for mind bending horror. The skewed biblical tones in this story are so on the nose you can‘t even call it allegory. It‘s like watching a twelve hour long episode of Supernatural. (Not one of the good episodes either)
Omfg I can‘t sleep until I finish this book and I may die from this
In the mood for a good spook. I hope this delivers. The narrator for the audiobook version is 👍🏼
I could not put this book down! I read the first half in one sitting, and finished the rest in another. I love volcanoes so maybe this is just super in my wheelhouse. It‘s action packed, nonstop, yet tender and sweet too. It‘s everything I want in a post apocalyptic story! Highly recommend
I love disaster or apocalypse stories. This one is not disappointing me so far! Fast paced, and engrossing. An enjoyable and fast YA read.
I‘m so mad. I could see the other possibility and thought to myself, “Nah, that‘s not how this is going because that‘s too much. Too stupid.” And I‘ll be damned if the author didn‘t take the stupid trope route. I should have trusted my DNF radar and bailed on this while I had the chance. Lesson learned. Trust your instincts.
The premise is intriguing but cringey lines like this may put this firmly in the dnf zone if it continues.
Oh my lanta. Just when you‘ve patted yourself on the back for having it all figured out, this book reaches out and snags you by the throat. Not predictable as I first thought.
I traveled all the way to WA to sit in this lovely library and read a book about my home town murder. 😂
Firstly, read this in one sitting. Set aside two hours and just knock it out all at once. The claustrophobic suspense builds very well if you don‘t put this one down. The prose is staccato, helping to build that tone of unknown fear. And I never wanted to put it down! Now, I need several friends to go read this and talk about it because I‘m shooketh. I need to know what you think, maybe that will help me figure out what I think 🧐🤓 #bookhangover
I am enjoying this book immensely. It‘s about a young woman in 1930‘s Kentucky, who happens to be the last of her kind. A blue woman. I‘m fascinated by Appalachia and the blue people of Kentucky, so it‘s an interesting character study. The fact that she‘s a pack horse librarian riding her mule through the hillside to deliver reading materials and other necessities to other hill folk only makes this better. Definitely a book for Book Lovers!
This will be me all day. In bed, reading Sula by Toni Morrison. I‘m aiming for a silent day. No music. No podcasts. Just me and this book and the rain outside.