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Joined December 2016

I used to get grounded from reading. Those were the darkest of times. www.goodreads.com/user/show/5679290-sarah-isenegger
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I‘ve only read 54 out of my goal of 80 “grownup” books this year, but I‘m incredibly proud that I‘ve read over 20 chapter books with my four year old since June. We‘ve enjoyed Roald Dahl and My Father‘s Dragon, but the family favorite this far is the Junie B. Jones series.

The Lonely Phone Booth | Peter Ackerman, Max Dalton
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I thought a phone booth had appeared in my tiny town and was pleasantly surprised to find our very own little library!

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I‘ve waited my whole life for this moment.

britt_brooke Precious!! 6y
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Home Fire: A Novel | Kamila Shamsie
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Heavy on the female authors in 2018 this far!

Kathrin I have been paying more attention on reading more female authors this year too! 6y
RebelReader I see a fellow Louise Penny fan in your list. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Weaponxgirl That's a good looking list, about to start little fires everywhere. Yay to reading more women 😊 6y
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Sisenegger @RebelReader she‘s amazing. I‘m working on her latest. 6y
Sisenegger @Weaponxgirl did you start it? What do you think so far? 6y
Weaponxgirl Um, I finished it and was in the unpopular opinion minority of not being overly impressed with a lot of the plot. Was a shame as I adored her first book. 6y
Sisenegger @Weaponxgirl I was opposite. I liked little fires everywhere but wasn‘t a fan of the first at all. 6y
Weaponxgirl @Sisenegger it seems to be mostly me, She is still a great writer and will still pick up the next book she writes. 6y
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Beartown: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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I haven‘t had my world completely rocked in a long time. Thank you, Mr. Backman. I want to talk about it, but don‘t know what to say. That was a doozy.

Blood on Snow | Jo Nesbo
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RebelReader Very ambitious reading! Great job! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 7y
Godmotherx5 Great job. I was ambitious in January, but simply could not read fast enough this year. Kudos to you!!! 7y
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Wish me luck, friends. I have read and reread the Harry Potter series, but this will be my first attempt to read one of the books in German. I feel like I should put on the theme song to Rocky to mentally pep myself up. #lifeandlit #hpreread
Ps I‘m already thrown off because Hermione is spelled Hermine instead. What?!?

Kathrin The Harry Potter series were my first English books that I read by choice. Before that was only wa 7y
Kathrin Before that was only whatever was assigned in school. 7y
Sisenegger @Kathrin You can‘t go wrong with Harry Potter! 7y
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Salt to the Sea | Ruta Sepetys
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I picked Salt to the Sea on a whim - I‘d heard nothing about it and it was available on audio so I went for it. I‘m so glad I did. It was haunting and, like most war novels, had some tough scenes, but I came out of the story having learned more than I knew going into it which is always a win in my book. I really enjoyed this one. #lifeandlit

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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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One of my favorite introductions of all time. #reread #litsy

Cars! Cars! Cars! | David A. Carter, Grace Maccarone
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My three year old up past his bedtime with a book and his flashlight. I‘ve never been prouder.

LeahBergen 💕💕 7y
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Brutal Telling | Louise Penny
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I like Inspector Gamache and Three Pines, although I generally don‘t receive the satisfaction I‘m seeking at the end of the books, but Louise Penny sure has some beautiful lines.

Small Island: A Novel | Andrea Levy
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My neighbor gave me this because English isn't her first language and she was struggling with the dialect. I know absolutely nothing about it. I like starting a book that way. Zero expectations!

LeahBergen I liked it! 7y
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Kubla Khan | Samuel Coleridge
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Help! I'm on my last letter for this challenge. I read Kubla Khan, a poem set in Xanadu, but I'm not sure if I can count it. I've found one or two other obscure books with an "x" setting, but I'm not willing to pay $10 for a book I'm not really interested in. Any ideas of books set in a place (real or fiction) beginning with X?
#litsyatozchallenge #locationedition

cathysaid A quick search on my library database shows Piers Anthony writes about a place called Xanth. I haven't read since it is SciFi/Fantasy, but maybe you like that genre? 7y
Sisenegger @cathysaid I'm not super into it and I'd noticed that series, but overdrive only has books 39 & 41 (!). I did just see that the first in the series is only $1.10 on Kindle so maybe I'll bite the bullet and give it a whirl. Thanks! (edited) 7y
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Nothing is better than than a cozy blanket, a cup of tea and a great book on a rainy Sunday. I couldn't put Broken Harbor down and feel like French is really finding her stride. I hope I'm not on the hold list for the next Tana French for too long!

JillR Pretty much how I spent my day too :) 7y
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Fitness Junkie: A Novel | Lucy Sykes, Jo Piazza
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Sometimes, you get a book at the perfect moment. This was a much needed break from some heavier books, a quick read, and I really enjoyed how the authors went all in. The obsession with women's bodies and the latest health craze is out of control! Plus, I'm pregnant and nervous that I'll gain like I did with the last one, and this was a good reminder to chill out and enjoy life and the body given to me.

Cinfhen Well said and congrats 💕 7y
Sisenegger @Cinfhen thank you 7y
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Three Sisters, Three Queens | Philippa Gregory
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I have always enjoyed Philippa Gregory novels. They are well researched without being overwhelmed with minute details. Three Sisters, Three Queens runs parallel to the Other Boleyn Girl and is told from the point of view of King Henry's sister Margaret Tudor in Scotland. This was my first Gregory on audio and I loved it. Always a sucker for a British accent.

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Winter's Bone: A Novel | Daniel Woodrell
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Woohoo! I really underestimated myself and I've read some great ones in the bunch. It's been a good year o' reading and I still have a few months to go. #2017readingchallenge

britt_brooke 🙌🏻🙌🏻 7y
immarci Awesome! 📚 7y
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I'm 34 years old and this is my first Agatha Christie? I'm disappointed in myself. The whodunnit style is a breath of fresh air after the recent mysteries I've read that go for the biggest, most gruesome shock factor (although i love those, too!)

I-read-and-eat My mom has shelfs full of Christie books. I never read them either. I always asumed you had to start young with these, but I guess I should just give it a go. 7y
tjwill I only read my first one when I was about 27. I have read at least one a year since then. She is so prolific that I doubt I will ever get to them all! 7y
weird_4life I love Periot 💜 (oh i know i spelled his name wrong) but he's my favorite detective of Agatha Christie's. I have a shelf of just those books 7y
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Sisenegger @weird_4life I'm about to start a shelf! Any specific Christie recommendations? 7y
Sisenegger @I-read-and-eat This one is a quick read so you might as well give it a shot. It's fun so far 7y
Sisenegger @tjwill Any Christie favorites to recommend? 7y
weird_4life @Sisenegger "and then there were none" 7y
weird_4life @Sisenegger "evil under the sun", "death in the cloud", and "ten little Indians"are my favorite 7y
tjwill Don't read anything about it first! I loved trying to figure out 7y
Sisenegger @tjwill thanks! That's next on my list now. 7y
Sisenegger @weird_4life thanks! My tbr list getting longer and longer. 7y
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Would You Rather... | John Burningham
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1. Library. I get too distracted people watching in cafes.
2. Fictional character although I wouldn't say no to walking in JK Rowling's shoes for a day and seeing how that mind works.
3. Cry.
4. Read 1000 pages.
5. Never. I love opening a new book with zero expectations.
Thanks, @Kalalalatja

Kalalalatja Thanks for playing! 👏👏 7y
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Grimm's Fairy Tales | Brothers Grimm
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When I return from my parents' house in the US, it's not my old clothes or knickknacks that I'm bringing back with me....

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Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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I think I'm set for a ten hour flight.... Kite Runner, Homegoing, and a Louise Penny on the ol' Kindle and Night Circus along with a David Sedaris on Audio. I loved reading Night Circus a few years ago so I'm hoping the audio is fab as well.

Aleida You're going to have a great flight! Enjoy your trip. 7y
Sisenegger @Aleida Thank you! I think I'm set- book wise, at least 7y
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Winter | Marissa Meyer
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I seem to be in the minority's here.... I wasn't a fan of Cinder at all, but after hearing so many people say that the series gets better and better, I decided to give it a try again. Scarlet and Cress were all right, but this fourth installment dragged. And dragged. And dragged. And then there's another battle. And then a few "could he really love me?" moments. Then, back to dragging. It just wasn't for me.

The Hate U Give | Angie Thomas
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I feel like an ass for having an opinion, for thinking I understood the police violence, the riots and the Black Lives Matter movement. For thinking I could try to empathize with what it's like to have to behave differently in different situations because of nothing more than skin color. I will never truly get it. This book is so important.

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1. Currently Stansstad, Switzerland. Originally and forever a Colorado girl.
2. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
3. Harry Potter. No question.
4. Remember the Titans
5. Gilmore Girls
6. Eric Clapton
7. Yellow. That could change at any moment.
8. Historical Fiction. That could also change anytime.
9. Currently stay at home with my three year old.
10. No, but I hope to soon!


maich My friend live in Zig😊 7y
Pelican71 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is one of my all time favorites too. 7y
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Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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My timing in reading The Handmaid's Tale has nothing to do with buzz of the series and everything to do with my library waitlist. As a result, I'm not sure if I was in the right mindset to really fall into the story as I believe I would have if read at a different moment in life. I need time to process. On another note, #litsyatoz #locationedition is coming along nicely. I'm trying to be very precise. #rforrepublicofgilead

christineandbooks What a cool way to do this challenge! 7y
christineandbooks Also you've got some excellent books on here! I've read a bunch of them. Reading The Girl Who Chased the Moon right now, in fact, and really liking it so far. 7y
Sisenegger Thank you! I'm pleasantly surprised how many places I've discovered. I love Sarah Addison Allen. I'll read anything she writes. 7y
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In the Woods | Tana French
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It took me a while, but I found my stride with this one. While I figured out whodunnit quite early, what really captivated me was how French relentlessly beat the crap out of her characters. I'm not sure if I can say I liked it, but I'm intrigued enough by French's style and unique character development to try the next in the series. #litsyreadingchallenge

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In the Woods | Tana French
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I'm about 20% into In The Woods which is around the point I gave up on it last time. Everything I hear about it screams Sarah but I just can't get into it. Please tell me the book gains momentum. Please.

Cinfhen My daughter who loves thrillers also could not get into this book. I think she ultimately bailed 😟 7y
DGRachel I struggled with this one, too. I did finish it, but I'm finding it difficult to convince myself to try more of her work. 7y
Sisenegger @DGRachel @Cinfhen I was hoping to hear that it would become unputdownable soon and I would ignore my child for hours to finish it! 7y
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DGRachel Sorry. A lot of other people love it, so maybe you'll hit a turning point in the story and have that unputdownable experience. 🤞🏻 7y
Sydsavvy I can tell you the audio was amazing. But sometimes that is different from the book. And I love the accents. 7y
Sisenegger @DGRachel It did improve and, while I'm not sure how much I liked it, I didn't want to put it down. 7y
Sisenegger @Sydsavvy I have learned that I enjoy books more when read in a gorgeous accent. 7y
Sydsavvy Lol SO true. The accent makes it! 7y
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I knew nothing about this book. My world was rocked. After the initial feelings (so many of them!) washed over me, I was able to see that it's definitely not historically accurate, but the perspective was so new to me that I didn't care. I need a moment.

CouronneDhiver The movie was really emotional too... great review! 7y
Laura317 This book and movie gutted me, but they were sooo good. 7y
TrishB A brilliant author 😀 7y
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Nothing beats a cup of tea, a glass of cold orange juice, and a good book when one's stuck with a terrible cold on a rainy day.

Zelma Yuck, hope you feel better soon! 7y
Cinfhen Feel better 💚 7y
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Shantaram: A Novel | Gregory David Roberts
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My #aprilbookshowers #shelfie. I was only able to bring a few favorites when I moved overseas and now I'm building up my library again bit by bit. The clock itself is always wonky, but I don't care. I love it.

LeahBergen That's awesome! 😍 7y
Simona I want it 😔 It's beautiful❣️ 7y
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zsuzsanna_reads Brilliant clock! 7y
tpixie Love it!! 😍 7y
MayJasper Shelf envy💚 7y
aa_guer2021 Beautiful shelf 💙 7y
Zelma That is such a cool shelf! 😍 7y
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And I'm spent. I took a big risk and decided listen rather than read To Kill A Mockingbird for my very first time. Sissy Spacek's narration was fantastic. The book lived up to the highest of expectations and I'm even thinking about reading a hard copy now. My son enjoyed it, too, because I plopped him in front of a movie with a chocolate egg for company while I finished my book. #motheroftheyear #litsyreadingchallenge

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The Girl Who Chased the Moon | Sarah Addison Allen
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My guilty pleasure: Sarah Addison Allen. Her books just miss the mark, but they're so sweet and whimsical. I love them.

Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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I'm do believe I'll add this to my all time favorites list. Part of me naively wants to sell my belongings, pack up my family, and move to Africa to donate my time and energy to saving all the hungry people. The other side of me knows that many problems there exist because of foreigners like me throughout history thinking they can come in and save the day, if only they can push their beliefs/ideals/etc. I'll never understand.

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Finished #mmdchallenge #readingforfun a few days ago. I have three to go to finish my #readingforgrowth challenge. I love these things.

Cinfhen Congrats 💕🎉 7y
christineandbooks That's a great list of books! Do you work through one list at a time or just read books for any challenge and this one just happened to fill up already? 7y
Sisenegger @christineandbooks I just read what I feel and then go through my challenges afterwards. I'm sure I'll have to get more selective as the challenges progress. Sometimes, I'll search for my next read based on one category (set in Africa, written 150 years ago, etc) and go from there. 7y
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Poisonwood Bible | Barbara Kingsolver
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Knee deep in this gem right now. The four sisters' perspectives are so unique and interesting. I generally prefer one character's perspective over others in stories told from multiple points of view, but not this tale! #siblings #aprilbookshowers


christineandbooks Really would love to reread this someday... 7y
Sisenegger @christineandbooks This is my first time and I'm loving it. I can't believe I waited so long. 7y
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The Wonder | Emma Donoghue
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I love Emma Donoghue's ability to create such unlikeable characters. #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

bookwrm526 I definitely wanted to punch a few of them in the face! 7y
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I can't imagine how it feels to be Sue Klebold, to find a way to mourn her son's suicide while living with the pain of knowing he murdered other students before shooting himself. She has questioned every single decision made as a parent. She devotes her time now to suicide prevention and understanding depression and the importance of mental health. My heart goes out to her. It was a difficult, but good read.

CouronneDhiver Loved this book! Such a beautiful display of dignity and compassion in such a brutal situation. 7y
Zelma A little bit of a different tack but you might enjoy the following book as well. It's YA fiction about the best friend of a school shooter, the year after the violence, and how she deals with her emotions and her link to his notoriety. So so good. 7y
Sisenegger @Zelma Thank You! I'm on the hunt for it today. 7y
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My ambitious #apriltbr (and this isn't counting eBooks)! I have a couple of goals - I would like to set my Kindle aside and read more actual books, and I want to finally read To Kill A Mockingbird. It sounds like everything I love in a book rolled into a neat package, plus I already own it! What the heck, me?
#aprilbookshowers #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

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I stumbled into Not My Father's Son entirely by accident (thanks to Litsy). I enjoyed the story, but the real shinning star was the audiobook itself. Alan Cumming narrates with his lilting Scottish accent and his colorful ability to tell his tale. Audio is the way to go with this one. #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

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Few things in the world make me happier than moments like this.

christineandbooks That is the best! 7y
Zelma Can't argue as that looks pretty fantastic! 7y
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Columbine | Dave Cullen
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As a high schooler in Colorado at the time of the massacre, I remember being bombarded with information for months until eventually I just stopped following the story and believed the last "truth" I heard from the media. Dave Cullen's Columbine was a fantastic read, so thoroughly researched and well written. Much of what I remember proved false. I'm following it up with Sue Klebold's book now. #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

mom2bugnbee This just came in for me on Overdrive. I'm very "excited" (for lack of a better word) to read it. 7y
CouronneDhiver I read Sue's book earlier this year and it's so good... 7y
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Do you think I went a little overboard buying cookbooks these past couple? Darn you, Amazon, and your free shipping on books to Switzerland!! Not many things make me happier than receiving a book every day in the post, whether it be a cookbook, a book for my child, or the latest greatest novel. #marchintoreading

LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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You guys... When she called him "Granddad?" Oh, my goodness. I LOVED this one and it's quirky cast of characters. #mmdchallenge #aroundtheworld #litsyreadingchallenge #marchintoreading

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I love those books that keep you up late and get you up early, excited to continue the story. I am not a super emotional reader, but The Sun Is Also A Star really got to me. I enjoyed it immensely.

Sydsavvy I really liked it, too. 7y
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Angel's Game | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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583 on my To-Read List and this is just my top tier!?!?! Plus, some authors had too many to list so I gave them their own category. The fact that I'll never run out of good books is a source of comfort, but the idea I'll never read them all stinks! Angel's Game is up next...I think. #marchintoreading #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

JazzFeathers There are too many good books in this world. This is kind of Heaven... and kind of Hell at the same time 7y
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My February reads numbered about half of January's, but I had a couple that took me longer to read, namely American Gods and The Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad wasn't a book that I could just sneak in a couple pages here and there before bed. It was tough stuff, a commitment for me, but I'm happy I read it. #mmdchallenge #litsyreadingchallenge

Cinfhen Great reads! How was 7y
Sisenegger I also loved (edited) 7y
Sisenegger I didn't love All the Missing Girls, but I did listen to it on audio. Perhaps it would have been better for me to read the print version 7y
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Solitude Creek | Jeffery Deaver
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I've been listening to Deaver's Solitude Creek and enjoying it, but nothing special. My family visited the town of Bellinzona for a quiet day exploring castles and found ourselves in the midst of a huge Carnivale celebration, complete with a parade. I realized in this moment how terrifying it would be if something happened to create chaos like in Solitude Creek, the crush of people and pure panic that would ensue. I'm invested in the story now!

Cinfhen This book sounds intriguing and I'm always hesitant in a large crowd how quickly chaos can ensue ~ I'm a HORRIBLE worrier, thanks Mom 😝 7y
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Krtek a zaj?ek | Zden?k Miler
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Since my son was born, I have picked up a children's book for him in each place we visit. I love the little multilingual library we've collected thus far. I chose a Krtek book in Prague last week after spotting the little mole character everywhere.

Cinfhen That's such an awesome 💡 Maybe I'll start that tradition when I have grandkids 🙄 7y
Sisenegger @Cinfhen That's a grand idea. It's an easy and inexpensive way to bring some of the language and culture back. 7y
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All the Missing Girls | Megan Miranda

Not my fave. I didn't like the main character, but didn't dislike her enough to make it interesting. I listened to the audiobook so perhaps the print version would been a better choice for me. Eh. I have heard it's interesting to reread it from end to beginning (day 1-15) but I'm just not that into it.

gibblr I started listening to this audio and didn't get very far before giving up! 7y
Sisenegger @gibblr Do you usually enjoy audiobooks? I'm not sure if I just choose the wrong books to listen to or if audiobooks aren't for me. 7y
gibblr @Sisenegger I do enjoy most audiobooks I listen to. There's only been a few I haven't been able to get into and this was one! I say try a few more before giving up. 👍🏼 Maybe try a funny one like Furiously Happy if you haven't already read it. 7y
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My two-year-old went to pick out a bedtime book and was kind enough to bring one for each of us. German-English dictionaries all around! #kidswhoread

BookishMarginalia 😂😂😂 7y
LeahBergen Those will help you all nod off! 😴 7y
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