Finally got it! #marlonbundo #johnoliver #lastweektonight #picturebook #children
Pretty excited to dig into this! #thepower #naomialderman #women #fiction
I found the book to be a rather quick read, but don't let that fool you into downplaying the intensity of the situations. Jang Jin-Sung takes careful consideration to explain aspects of North Korea through his ordeal, whether in conversation with another or to provide comparative imagery. It is hard to imagine this kind of life, which is why we have people living to tell their tales.
Weekend haul, most of these of out of my norm and I'm pretty excited!
#Bookhaul #weekend #thepower #sometimesilie #thegeographyofthought #themadnessoflordmackenzie #romance #thriller #nonfiction #sciencefiction #deweysreadathon
The author presents a more personal look at China's version of milennials, the post-90s generation growing up in their country's fast-paced lifestyle. It's clear that many struggle combining the traditional expectations of their elders as well as finding their personal freedom. While the author's mission is not clear beyond personal interest, his research and efforts are clearly noted. Anybody with an interest in modern China will enjoy this book.
Sarah Andersen continues to tackle realities of an artist's work life as well as some modern issues. While the comics are short and sweet, there is a harshness behind the cartoon eyes that dictates how life can be challenging and stressful as an adult. Included, an illustrated essay that encourages readers of all ages to continue making things, regardless of your skill and regardless of evil that lurks on the Internet, just keeping making things.
If you're familiar with Nichijou, then this will have the same quirkiness and goofball manner. CITY is a little bit more grounded and stars young adult characters instead of high schoolers. While there is no real story, it is a look at a poor, 20-something girl living in the city with no ambitions for the real world. Good for people looking for light-hearted comedy with people closer to her age, but not for readers who enjoy a concrete plot.
The cover is fuzzy!! #sarahandersen #herdingcats #comics #funny #purple
I'm about halfway through this book and while it is certainly "thought-provoking" (ha), it's certainly a lot to take in. The method of thinking has very deep historical, sometimes religious, and often parental ties that continue to shape and evolve. However, the differences between Westerners and Asians is quite striking, where Nisbett, through countless studies and research, starts to discover why. #thoughtful #socialscience #asians #westerners
Intense read! The horror is subtle, creeping through the words with a mix of detailed imagery. While the "monster" is an unexpected choice, almost a touch of Stephen King, it presents a wondeful story of hidden horror where you least expect it.
So far, it's great. The writer is young, but has a lot of positive comments to make. He appears genuinely interested in sharing his newfound love for China with the world.
#china # youngpeople #nonfiction #narrativenonfiction #socialscience #family #marriage