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Guilt, she says, is both helpful and healthy: “It‘s holding something we‘ve done or failed to do up against our values and feeling psychological discomfort,” she writes. Shame, on the other hand, is “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging—something we‘ve experienced, done, or failed to do makes us unworthy of connection.


It doesn‘t heal all wounds
It doesn‘t erase the pain
What time does is
new pages
to your story
so when you scan the past
there‘s something else to read.

ms.gabourel (The poem is supposed to be in the shape of an hourglass)
I liked the use of this poem and how it was situated in the 2020 updates of the students lives. It relates well to the lawsuit and the settlements. It was interesting to see how everyone involved moved on with their lives but still held onto this incident. It's part of their stories.
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“It was just Charles being Charles.”

And to his eyes, the girls didn‘t seem that upset. They kept their anguish hidden, their faces smiling, and since he‘d never spent much time thinking about the ways their experience of the world differed from his own, he assumed they saw the humor in it, the way his guy friends did. Before he left, they promised they wouldn‘t tell anyone what they had seen, because the account was supposed to be a secret.


I appreciated the section in part 1 titles, “SOME THINGS THAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU‘RE BLACK IN A MOSTLY WHITE SCHOOL.“ I feel like this was a great way to open the book because it illustrates the difficulties that Black girls in predominantly white communities face. This shows the inner turmoil that Andrea and Lolia had to face before they ever had Charles posting racist memes about them.

sarabeth_donaldson YES - I loved reading Slater's work. Everything she wrote was very well-placed. If that title had shown up later on, I don't think it would have been as impactful. The power of structure! 7mo
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One thing that I appreciated about the book was how it examined the role that everyone had on the situation. The book did not solely focus on Charles, the poster of the hateful media, but also the girls who were targeted, the FOLLOWERS of the account, and outsiders. I emphasized followers because I think it is very easy to fall into a space of complicity when viewing hate on the internet. The anonymity of the internet is a danger to accountability


I thought that this book would be a great read for students. I spoke about the permanence of the internet a lot with my students and while they seemed to know, they did not seem to fully understand. The author does a great job at illustrating the whole impact of Charles' account. I found it shocking that the account only had 13 followers, but I think that could really enlighten students on how things can spread well beyond the intended audience.


Something else that I loved about this book was all of the different perspectives that we heard from. Because of the diversity of Slater's participants, this gave the book a very in depth and well rounded feel to me. I heard from a lot of different people who each had different perspectives on the situation and this did a lot for me in terms of being able to conceptualize this situation.

ms.miranda_readsbooks This is exactly how I felt while reading. I feel like all the different perspectives gave the story a very nice, well-rounded quality which I really enjoyed. 8mo
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Something that I really liked about this book was how well the informational elements were disguised. I feel like I walked away from this book knowing way more than I did before, but at no point did I feel the chore of informational reading. It really was so captivating and the author did a wonderful job of employing the youth of these participants instead of trying to suppress it. Slater is the type of writer that can capitalize on any element.

ms.gabourel Yes! This book really teaches through actions. It's not super “preachy“ or dry non-fictional. I think students would appreciate this too, especially ones who are not big on non-fiction. 7mo
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I mentioned this in a reply, but I think that this book could potentially be a great book club book for a group of students. I love the way that the book is formatted and it felt like a very quick read for me because it was so engaging. There are several breaks for dialogue and other interruptions in the text that I think would be a good launch pad to facilitate group discussion.

sarabeth_donaldson I agree with this - I think students could benefit from reading this together. It could bring up some good discussion points. I do believe that it would help to make sure students have established good relationships with the other students in the room, so that they gain comfortability with each other when discussing these topics. 8mo
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This was another book that I wouldn‘t gravitate towards reading, but I am really glad that I did. I feel that I was made aware of many things that I hadn‘t considered before. Alongside that, it will be a beneficial tool in future classrooms that I will be teaching as well