Reviews are all accurate. This is on Prime Reading for free which is the only reason you should read it, but I wouldn‘t recommend. Read Mystic River instead
Reviews are all accurate. This is on Prime Reading for free which is the only reason you should read it, but I wouldn‘t recommend. Read Mystic River instead
Wow. I enabled Prime Reading and this was the first book I chose. If only all books you choose on a lark could be this good. I could not put this down and will be recommending it widely - 5 stars
I‘m really really enjoying this book. I like the characters and the devices the writer uses. Psychological thriller-lite about the aftermath of a French vacation gone wrong. It‘s keeping me interested and not wanting to finish the last 10%
So not what I expected! This was my first Scottoline and I was “in” from the very first page. Read like an action movie, but one I‘d actually watch ☺️
To get her young girls to “eat as the French do” is a lot more work than she bargains for. The French adhere to strict meal times for one. Lunch at the public school, the children‘s table and the “no snacking”; she definitely had a lot to deal with.
She breaks down her strategies and gives good tips for getting kids to expand their food repertoire. The writing is sometimes repetitive and twee but still enjoyable and gave me a lot to think about.
This is such a fast, slick read - no spoilers, I‘m only 65% done but I HAVE to ask:
Does anyone ever feed the cat??? Poor Punch 😾
See my review and marked highlights on goodreads. Loved this one!
A tight, twisty, satisfying mystery by one of my all time favorite authors. I love the amount of research that goes into each of his books. The way he then takes all those facts and expands them into a fluid, believable, character driven story amazes me every time. His sense of place is second to none.
3 of my @OverDrive books came in this week! Completely hooked on this one from page 1. So relieved after the slog of my last read 😅 76 pages in and have been gutted at least twice... think this is going to be one to remember 🤞🏻🤞🏻
(1/2) Knoll‘s first novel was one of my favorite debuts from 2015 so I was excited to get my hands on this one. Unfortunately it turned out to be too problematic to enjoy, which is a shame because a lot of the elements are there. Looking back, I can appreciate the technicality of the story; the unreliable narrators, the fractured timeline and the fully fleshed our characters...
This book writes is it‘s own best review! see picture for the quote that best sums up the book, the writing, the case, and Michelle as a writer
“Prejudice, a dirty word and faith, a clean one, have something in common. They both begin where reason ends.”
This was my first ever audiobook and it was a great choice for that. Reese Witherspoon really makes the whole thing come together 🎀
The writing is disjointed and not much really happens but there are some great moments and quotes to think about.
April ‘18 reads - definitely recommend the Lisa Genova to everyone. She can do no wrong! My Dear Hamilton and Long Way Down were the other two five star books for me this month.
March ‘18 reads. I struggled this month and picked up and put away 3 other books that I didn‘t end up finishing. Luckily, I spent Spring Break at my mom‘s and was able to read and complete 2 books while I was there for a total of 6. White Fur was definitely the best of the bunch with the Strayed in second.
I struggle to rate this book so I will settle on just north of average with a 3.5.
The butterfly effect has been examined so many times but in this instance, it is the personal connections and disconnections that are examined from one, random incident.
One you get acquainted with the large cast of characters, the story moves along amusingly and surprisingly. The omniscient narrator adds a humorous touch to the story‘s proceedings.
This was my first David Bell and it was definitely gripping right from the start and I read it quickly. The story of a missing 12 year old girl that takes place 4 years later and is told from the perspective of her father. When the girl is picked up on the side of the road one night, her parents have several reactions, some of which are unexpected even to them. Sort of a pat ending but worth the ride.
Like nothing I‘ve ever read! Jardine‘s observations and descriptions are so precise that you wonder how she even slowed her brain down enough to see them, and at the same time wrote them so fast to capture them on the page. It‘s like a beautiful trick of the brain. Read this! 💝
Ive kind of always thought she's an interesting person when Ive seen her in interviews and read articles about her. Her history, stance on women‘s health issues and her foodie/homecook status made me hope for the best with this one.
Unfortunately, I could only find her interesting for about 40 pages before her writing just really turned me off. Sorry, Padma.
Feb ‘18 reads. A very enjoyable month for reading! My favorites of these were Girl at War and The Hate U Give
120 pages in and...BAM
3.5 Stars - liked this book but kept having to remind myself to read it. It wasn‘t the type of book I couldn‘t keep my hands off of, which is sort of ironic considering the author. If you‘ve read Perrotta, you know what you‘re getting here. Not to say there aren‘t a lot good things. The characters are strong, especially Eve; and I found her recent empty-nest experience to ring very true. Lots of good gender commentary too. Perfect for a book club.
A very pleasant surprise. Told in 5 parts from 5 participants in Jane‘s journey through her scandal and post-scandal life. Such different voices throughout the book, each was wonderful (🌟🌟🌟🌟 and a half)
January ‘18 reads.
Loved Halsey Street the most - discovering debut authors is my favorite thing
Started out so strong went quickly down the easy path. Amber‘s story was much more interesting that Daphne‘s. Part 1 had a great set up and plenty of little tidbits dropped for later. Once Part 2 started, I lost patience. Daphne telling us how she had outsmarted them both. I think a stronger presentation would have been to reboot. Half-heartedly refuting the entire first half and reducing it to simplest terms just didn‘t cut it for me. Bummed
No one can do contemporary YA like Jenny Han. Her approach is so unique in its almost wholesomeness that you get swept up again in Lara Jean‘s life. The original love triangle has expanded and Lara Jean begins to realize that having your heart broken may be worth it after all.
Messages about gender roles, following your gut vs taking risks, love, social media and family. So realistically written, you can imagine the family living right next door.
I should have just continued not-reading this book but I gave in and finally did. Now I‘m annoyed. Books that try to be sad don‘t work for me. So, in the annoying announcement style of TBT:
***One thing I loved and one thing I hated about this book:***
All the descriptive language and imagery.
Narration by Death who thinks s/he is so clever but literally (literally) gives away every plot point.
November 2017 ✔️ Some ups and downs but still no better way to spend my free time!
This book. Is SO good. I can‘t even. I‘m already ready to buy the next one. Read it ☺️
Help. I‘ve started to care less and less. 60% in.
11 books read in October! This might be a personal best. 👏🏻🎉
I posted a version of this on IG yesterday and the comment I got was “11 books? that‘s insane!” (Which I took as not exactly a compliment considering the commenter)
Personally I find people who “don‘t have time” to read are way more inclined to be “insane” 😜
Next up: The Bear and the Nightingale - love it so far
Reading during a softball game break. Thankfully the rain and wind is holding off until tomorrow. Beautiful day ☀️🍂📖
This has got to be my favorite dedication ever
A particularly relevant passage in this disturbing book. Re-reading along with my 9th grader for her Pre-AP English class this quarter. I wish I was there to hear the discussions
Ol' Cornrows say bring self, pencil, and notebook. I got self, pencil, and notebook. Can I get a witness! I'm outta here!
(For just a moment this passage made me smile so big! - Precious is off to (alternative) school)
I love/hate getting to the last quarter of a book this good. Dying to spend more time with Nikhil/Gogol but dreading saying goodbye. Anyone know if the movie is any good?
I was afraid that the basic plot: secret letters get revealed, fake relationship occurs to counteract effects of letters - was going to land this in the DNF pile, and quick. But, Jenny Han is smart and capable enough to take a familiar concept and give it just enough of a twist and then top it off with major ♥️
Her Lara Jean is so layered and real - I was impressed with the depth and growth and 🎉 it's being made into a movie!
After many many friends recommending, I finally opened this book and spent a week with Ove, Rune, Parvenah, and all the other characters that make up this world.
Parts of it, I really loved: Ove as a young man, Ove as a young married, Ove as a grieving widower (particularly well done), Ove as curmudgeonly neighbor (also excellent). Some other parts dragged a bit for me but overall - it's a great place to spend a week.
Beach reading is the best reading - also I really like this passage
I appreciate Doerr's style of writing. It's very precise and deep. I haven't read All the Light We Cannot See but from what people have told me the extended, lyrical passages are one of his hallmarks. The story of a hydrologist working though the past and future and the loneliness and guilt of losing, then finding a family. This is a book that I wasn't able to read as quickly as I usually do. Worth a read if you're in the mood to think and learn.
Vacation sometimes means sharing a bed and a booklight with a kid!
Just enjoying the dappled light and lower temperatures on the front porch today. I live for summer days like this 🌥📖
😂😂I feel this way about a lot of words - this is a good example!
This book is definitely intriguing. I haven't quite figured out if I'm loving it as much as Bernadette yet.
If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces. 👸🏼🤴🏼🐭🏰