Well, this happened today. 😫 Now I‘ll have to take a personal day from work tomorrow to get this fixed. I have zero luck with tires.
Well, this happened today. 😫 Now I‘ll have to take a personal day from work tomorrow to get this fixed. I have zero luck with tires.
A good but very hard read
Sometimes a lazy day is a great day.
On this world book day and recently passed Earth day is my attempt at a creative bookish post featuring my favorite bookish series and a tree in my backyard. What are your favorite books about books?
I find myself going in and out of being able to focus on books. My reading lately has been happening in small chunks throughout the day. Better than no reading at all I suppose.
This book is having me laugh so hard. It is much needed after a couple terrible reading days.
Perhaps it was the slow pace of the book or perhaps the current environment of the world, but I couldn‘t focus on this book. The synopsis looked promising and the cover is absolutely stunning, but, alas, it was a no go for me. I‘m shelving and maybe one day I‘ll try again.
During these crazy times the world is going through, I am so thankful I can still indulge in some book shopping. Reading is my therapy, my sanity, and my pleasure.
Staying in as much as possible is really not that bad
Both book club picks from my two different book clubs were disappointing for me. 😕
I really didn‘t want to read this, but my book club picked it...
So far, it‘s....fun.
Not a good start to the year. This book had so much potential but I just think it fell flat.
For the number of POVs, I found it slow moving. Or perhaps I‘ve read enough Nazi Germany era novels centered around women that I‘m bored with this sub-genre. I don‘t know how else or how many times you can describe the horrors of these years before one goes “I‘ve got it now”. But these books still serve as a lesson in today‘s political environment. I just don‘t need to read a dozen of them. 3 or 4 years ago I may have been raving about it.
I first read this book in 2010. The audio version was on sale one day with Audible so I decided to explore it again.
My goodness, the audio version was far better than the print. The author herself narrated it and you can feel the emotion right in your own bones. This was a story of how a rescue horse shattered the wall Susan built up around her heart.
First read of the year/decade. I immensely enjoyed it.
My final library haul of the decade is a small one. Wild Game will likely be my last read of the decade and I‘ll start the new one attempting to tackle a classic I should‘ve read a long time ago. My only reading/bookish goals for 2020 is read less super hyped up books and patronize and read more random books from my local indie.
Some severe weather came in, canceling our lunch plans, so in we stay.
I can't believe how many negative reviews there are for this. I thought it was fascinating. Yes, the plot is a bit contrived and illogical, but so are pretty much all the dystopian future America novels/stories regarding women. It ended on a positive note, which I haven't seen before in the others. Perhaps that's why it was rated so low?
I listened to it on audio and the narrator did an amazing job. Perhaps that's the route to take in this story.
Nerd girl is a happy girl
Judge Jeanine makes a fair argument against the obvious liberal bias in Congress and news and social media, but it reads as if it was written in a hurry over a week. But then again, that is how the Judge speaks in general.
I‘m glad to see someone has the gall to speak up about the absurdity in Congress.
Lack of compromise amongst both parties puts politics before the people.
I‘ve been bad at updating. I was preparing for my trip to the Grand Canyon.
It was wonderful. I hiked the Bright Angel Trail. The most mentally and physically challenging thing I‘ve ever done.
Other than Gentry, I found all the characters bland or annoying.
I found the writing poor compared to Bryn's other novels.
Another wonderful adventure! Highly researched and magically fits in with Jamie and Claire‘s story. I‘m looking forward to the continuation of Brianna and Roger as well.
This book was an adventure! As the books progress, Diana's writing improves.
Season 3 of the show was brilliant, but the book, of course, is far more detailed.
I'm completely invested in these characters now. The second book, by far, has been the hardest to get through but if you can complete that challenge I have a feeling the rest of the books will be amazing.
3 down. 5 to go!
While this book was slower paced than the first, it was still an enjoyable adventure.
I admit though I enjoyed the pacing of the second season of the show better than the book.
Now...on towards Voyager.
This one is a bit slower paced than the first novel, but I‘m still enjoying it. Perhaps it gets faster as Claire and Jamie get deeper in their goal?