My new novel. Very proud. :)
My new novel. Very proud. :)
Finally got around to reading this. A little dismayed that the author dropped a major spoiler in his intro. Other than that, I had a good time.
I'm getting some insanely great reviews for this book and I couldn't be happier. This moment was a long time coming.
Working my way through these guys. It's like felling a tree. Also reading RELICS by Tim Lebbon (great) and LIFE by Keith Richards.
I don't entirely approve of the male pronoun, but I read these few sentences and just had to buy the book.
A recent reread. Absolutely terrific. My third favorite King novel, full of horror, power, and maniacal fan-love. A classic. Read this one if you haven't already (and you probably have).
My current read. Mesmerizing, entirely bizarre. Reads like "Strawberry Fields Forever" sounds. I'm loving it.
I'm so often awed by the impact this little book has made on its readers. I received an e-mail yesterday from a lady who told me she takes a copy wherever she goes, to remain positive during times of struggle. I tell you ... moments like that make all the hard work worthwhile.
Happy Father's Day to me!
Counting the individual "books" of Joe Hill's THE FIREMAN is like counting the rings of a wonderful, storied old tree. (Seriously, you have to read this - it's terrific.)
Reading this to my daughter. Her first proper novel. Dame Slap is now called Dame Snap, and that's a good thing.
Talking of Joe ... THE FIREMAN hits bookstores tomorrow. The reviews have been universally fantastic. Trust me, friends, you need this book. Buy it, cherish it, thank me later.
I recently read a novella by Joe Hill - "Snapshot, 1988" - that blew me out of my socks. It'll be published in an upcoming issue of Cemetery Dance Magazine. I can't link to the magazine, so I'll link to Joe's short story collection, which is also bloody terrific!
"A Holden Caulfield analogue dropped into an old horror movie with a soundtrack by Warren Zevon." -- Kirkus Reviews.
MONGRELS is available now. Go buy it.
A great collection of superhero-themed short stories, edited by Owen King and John McNally. Lookie ... mine's colorfully signed by Owen, and also by contributor (and totally amazing writer) Kelly Braffet.
The Subterranean Press limited edition of Stephen King's THE GREEN MILE has a section at the back listing "Those Who Walked the Green Mile." And lookie-lookie who had a date with Old Sparky.
My signed edition of CHE GUEVARA: A REVOLUTIONARY LIFE. I had drinks with Jon Lee Anderson after discovering he lives in my old hometown in England. Nice man. Had some great stories to tell.
Rereading this right now. I'd forgotten just how intoxicating the language is. This book is - in many wonderful ways - full of magic.
An older novel set in the Bronx in the 1960s. No doubt realistic, but I found it a tad vulgar in places. Heck, maybe I'm getting old. Also, the Kindle conversion is a minefield of typos. Enjoyed it on the whole, but wouldn't recommend it to my granny.
What we're currently reading in the Youers household.
Loved this so much. I'd read many of the stories before, but having them together in one place felt like a gathering of close friends.
A trippy house that defies the laws of physics; wicked, soul-sucking twins; beautifully crafted scenes and characters. Cripes ... what's not to love?
So ... what next? I'll let *you* decide.
A short, knife-sharp read, packed with chills. You could almost believe the first draft was written in blood. Compelling, engrossing, brilliant. A modern classic.
Next up ... a gift from the very generous Owen King.
I loved this book. Every page. It was full of character, quirk, and it had its share of creepy moments. Highly recommended.
This collection is gonna fly to the summit of my TBR mountain like it was stapled to Superman's cape.
An electrifying thriller from Tim. Pretty much balls to the wall, end-to-end action. Good stuff!
Birthday presents. Happy, indeed!