I finished this so fast. Literally couldn‘t put it down. The prose is beautiful and the content is disturbing! Just how I like it!
I finished this so fast. Literally couldn‘t put it down. The prose is beautiful and the content is disturbing! Just how I like it!
Very cozy and perfect for a Sunday reading session!
Spoilers in the comments! I haven‘t read a book this unique since the locked tomb series. This was such an uncomfortable journey and I‘m LIVING for it #horror #scifi
“None of my hands have shaken like this in at least half a century.” #horror #gothic #sciencefiction
“Do you think they ever get the two confused? The devil shows up to a fairy ball, or finds himself mobbed with elven ingénues?” He gave me a look from under his eyebrows. “You shouldn‘t joke about fairies. Sir.” “Oh, very well. As long as I can still joke about the devil.” (37)
“He was not so arrogant as to refer to his own death as The End, just one of billions of ends before The End. Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.”
“…and I know that they don't intend harm, but it is one thing to know something intellectually and quite another to feel it emotionally. Each time they ignore me, I feel invisible. I feel upset. I want to tell them that I am just as human as the man, just as worthy of acknowledgement. These are little things, but sometimes it is the little things that sting the most.” (20-21)
Something about this series spoke directly to me, and I feel like I am in shock from the force of it. I feel like I finally found the series that gave me the truly evil MC I have been looking for. It was honestly so FUN to be in the shoes of the villain and WIN. To get what you want, circumstances be damned. And then this final book - the inevitable end I knew always had to be coming. It was a punch straight to the heart.
This book wasn‘t well written: I was annoyed at how it seemed to just repeat itself in the beginning. But somewhere along the way I became entranced. I have a few more complaints about little stuff (definitely feel like they could have pushed even darker with this one) but I have to rate this well since I‘m so invested in the story that I preordered book 2. “In the end, the monster we feared didn‘t come from Hell. He came from privilege.”
This book is easily now one of my favorites of all time. It has something about it- that little bit of magic that REALLY good books have. I want more than anything to read it for the first time again.
“It's the little things, I expect. Little treasures we find without knowing their origin. And they come when we least expect them. It's beautiful, when you think about it.”
So far this is my favorite panel 😂😂 Mary crab running away 😂 I love this book! #comic
I wish the author wasn‘t a racist because these books are really good 😫
I really loved this book! I haven‘t read the first two books but it didn‘t really matter. I just jumped right in and felt like it worked really well as a stand-alone.
Porkchop and I are enjoying some much needed outside reading time 💕 #pets #quarantinereading
“But he recognized his bottled up laughter for the onset of hysteria, and his cynicism for what it was: a defense mechanism so he wouldn‘t have to think about any of it.” #weirdfiction #quarantinebook
I have so many thoughts about this book. I feel like it doesn‘t fit the “what does it mean to be human” theme that I‘ve been doing lately because it only focuses on the transhuman women briefly. We don‘t get to hear from those women at all. At the same time that is kind of what makes this book so scary. It suggests that those women have no stories to tell.
“They are treating my spilled blood with chemicals because they think it will grow duplicates. It will not. Duplicates are sterile... Drones have no fear of laying eggs.”
The second book is not as good as the first but still pretty damn good.
I highly recommend these books for anyone who likes #weirdfiction
Absolutely loved this even if it is problematic. It‘s immediately creepy and you don‘t have to wait long for the shit to start going down!
I needed to read a romance for my reading challenge this year so I‘m rereading this book from high school. It still makes me uncomfortable 😅 #romance
I finally got all my books in for this semester. I‘m excited to tackle the #bookstack 📚 #schoolbooks
To me, Romie Futch is entirely unlikeable. And it is incredibly hard to get past a slow plot line when you don‘t even like the characters. If I didn‘t have to read this for a class I would have bailed on it because I have too many books to read in my life to wait on a book to get interesting. Plus, the ending wasn‘t even satisfying. I appreciate the writing style but hate the story itself.
I‘m not enjoying this as much as I thought I would 😞
The husband stitch and the resident were my favorites from this collection.
Doing some research 🤔 not really fun reading but interesting nonetheless!
I‘m trying my best to listen to all of his books that are available at my library. 🤷🏼♀️
I love this book. Neil Gaiman‘s voice is perfect for audiobooks too.
Sometimes I get too cold inside so I just have sit on the porch for a little while 💕
So, I‘ve got a question for you readers. Who/what do you think the voice Eve/Ally and Margo hear is? It seems to have a supernatural element to it but also might be a representation of power infecting the mind. I think it‘s kind of supernatural because the voice mentions that it was around in the dark ages and as soon as Ally stands up to it it appears to Margo. I‘m really curious to hear what others think!
On to the next one! I‘ll reach my reading goal in no time!
“It was hard to pour endless love into someone who wouldn‘t love you back. No one could do it forever.”
I‘ve been listening to this book on Libby for the past few days and I‘ve only got about an hour left. I mean the book is interesting and everything but I felt like it could have been pushed farther. It has a black mirror feeling but it doesn‘t disturb me enough- like it‘s ever so slightly in the twilight zone. The only other thing of complaint is that the narrators all sound like robots for some reason? I don‘t know (it might just be me).
I wish I could hide in my house and read all day!
“Change yourself and you will unwittingly change another.” This book has some lists of good resources and suggestions to slowly start living greener!
”Women are the most important part of horror because, by and large, women are the ones the horror happens to. Women have to endure it, fight it, survive it—in the movies and in real life.” Loving this so far. I feel like I‘ve been waiting for this book to come out for years. #femalewriters #horror #biography
I‘m a Pisces. What are you? ♓️
This is a great book for anyone interested in podcasts like Sawbones and Stuff You Should Know, or tv shows like Adam Ruins Everything. I particularly enjoyed the diagrams! The caption on this one was the best 😂 “someone having their bumps felt”
Absolutely loved this read. It felt pretty short on the kindle, and it moved a little fast, but I wasn‘t mad at it. I liked the character development and also how unique they all were from each other. This is a really good read especially for the Halloween season!
I enjoyed this book overall but I felt like it was too slow in the beginning and then all of sudden it was over. Like there was no real apex of the story it just kinda... stopped. And then was done. The details of the possession earned a 10/10 on the GROSS scale.
“Everything else is speculation.” Catherine Bates. I‘m really enjoying this collection of criticisms, even though I‘m reading it specifically for a class. #literarycriticism #poetry
Super stoked to get a copy of the book signed by Travis! I love seeing these goofy guys being successful doing something creative that they love. If you like to listen to podcasts and don‘t already listen to the McElroys, I highly suggest that you try any of their shows! #thezonecast