Cannot put it down! I didn‘t even know what this book was about. I follow Reese Whitherspoon‘s book club and that is how I came across this book.
Cannot put it down! I didn‘t even know what this book was about. I follow Reese Whitherspoon‘s book club and that is how I came across this book.
I wasn‘t doing the fundamental thing a woman needs to do and that is take care of herself!!!
Preach sister! As a wife and a mother I tend to put others before myself. This book is speaking right to me
I have been dealing with medical issues and I just needed a solid kick in the butt to get back on the wagon of life! Only on chapter 1 and already love Rachel!
Sometimes you and a book just come together! This was that book for me. I downloaded it for my kindle and I could not put it down. I was led through this fascinating life of a boy with red eyes. Brilliant story!
Loving this book and the inside fictional view of a catholic school upbringing
I love starting a new book! This one has captured me right from the beginning ❤️
I love starting a new book! This one has captured me right from the beginning ❤️
This for me was an easy read. I do not know much about the art world so some of the terms were lost on me. However I feel the author did a great job with the story line. I felt the ending was a little lackluster and lost me but this was after the mystery had been solved in the book. Recommend but not a must read.
I am in a 50 sample challenge for the month of August! I am trying to get 50 people to take the #colorstreetchallenge Here is how it works: (1) go to Facebook and join the group Playful Polish click link to there https://m.facebook.com/groups/460148677763470 (2)comment below I will send you a free sample to use as an accent nail! Then you wait and see which outlast 💅💪🏻 bonus points if you can match your current read!
This book makes me want to go to Cuba! I have a whole list of places to visit!!!
When you start to fall in love and you know you are going against your family
Totally obsessed with Reese Witherspoon‘s hello sunshine book club! I just found out about it. I am ready her July 2018 pick and I am already in love and less than 10 pages in 😍#read #readeveryday #bookworm #reesewitherspoon #hellosunshine #lawyer #immigration #kindle #readalong #bookclub #escape #happytime #lawyerlife #attorney #cuba #havana #sunshine #july2018
Read this! A love story with a dark under twist!!!!! I couldn‘t put this down. I devoured it in 3 days with a full work load.
“I want you to be apart of it.”
I am such a sucker for a good love ❤️ story
Super fan of the butterfly garden. Not so much this book. Didn‘t not feel the character development and was easy to figure out what will happen
I just want to cry for Pino! Some people just do not get the life they deserve. What he experienced and the heart ache he will never recover from. A must read book, but do so when your heart is ready - this one is awe shocking, will make you mad, and make you cry 😭
Will never look at food the same way again
It‘s like the setting sun ☀️ wishing it wasn‘t so beautiful 💗
When you are trying to read and be a Mom at the same time 😂🙌🏻💗📖
It seemed like it would be a tragic read since the first line, but it was amazing
I found this story to be all over the place that it was hard to follow along. The ending was in shocking to me and it still didn‘t seem to all come together for me
A love story with some twist. This was translated from French and I feel some of it was lost a little (story went off track in some spots). However even with that this was a cute story
This book is so crazy I can‘t put it down. It‘s about a girl who grew up with a father that was a hoarder 😳. Her descriptions are insane. You connect when she talks about her discovery that other friends houses were so clean. A quick read in my book!
He is famous for a reason! This is my first Stephen King book and he did not disappoint!!!! It was fantastic with excellent character development!
I‘ve never read a Stephen King book. I invested in the audiobook and I can‘t stop listening!!!!!!
Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, what app do you love? I‘m using audible and playster (but playster never seems to work right)
Great concept! Will adapt some of these things into my life
So I am a little behind with my BOTM picks, but I finished this in 3 days! What a fantastic read and totally took a twist that I didn‘t expect!
I got a little lost in the science, but a fantastic read that is outside of the normal genre that I read
This one got me! I suspected the wrong person all along. Great book
Read it!!!!!
I honestly can‘t put this book down! What a great, funny, heart felt read. I think it is going to be a movie or already is =)
I love Ove! I can‘t stop reading this and picturing him in my mind!!!! Simple writing, but a fantastic and fun concept
A great first book to start 2018! A must read - a love story!!!
What a great book to read right at the end of the year!!! It‘s given me a wonderful New Year‘s Resolution to look at the world differently!!!! Totally recommend
I really tried to power through with this book. It was a difficult read, but it was on my #rorygilmorereadingchallenge so I finished it. I suggest knowing the background for those book to really appreciate it when you read it
A true could not put it down book! Fascinating to read her story and get an inside scoop on the Playboy mansion!! It was eye opening especially after being an avid watcher of the girls next door
I honestly can‘t put this book down