Loved this enough that I carefully posed it with Dessa's whiskey and a quote!
Loved this enough that I carefully posed it with Dessa's whiskey and a quote!
New Nick Harkaway book arriving in the mail from England should justify taking the afternoon off work, right?
Cat and book - the perfect way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon.
"The more people insist that feminism has won, the more they blind themselves to its remaining foes."
I've been looking forward to reading this for so long; I even bought it instead of checking out the Kindle book from the library; it's gotten nothing but rave reviews. And now...it's kind of mediocre? I'm interested to see where the story goes (I'm all of 30 pages in), but the writing is just so insipid. At best, I think this is the kind of YA that's actually just for teenagers and not adults.
And this was true of course, there is a sort of comfort in being with people who think exactly as you do because they've been brought up exactly the same way and share all the same jokes. It's a feeble kind of comfort and doesn't last beyond seeing that you've nothing truly in common except that kind of upbringing and background.
Saturday morning with tea, dog #2, and a modern Holmes adaptation. What could be better!
What, you thought I'd go out and be social on a Friday night? This is much better.
"They'll take their time," said Oesten. "Knock them off one by one."
"Fear and anticipation work in their favor. No one likes to operate in an environment of vague threat. Can you blame the remaining Academes from trying?"
Surrealism rising up against fascist invaders. Appropriate for the current state of the world. Something I never thought I'd say about Miéville...
When the current state of the world is a little too much, the only response is to retreat into Victorian undergarments.
Another busy day of trying to save democracy, clearly.
Tea and knitting and a nice children's book about the dangers of fake news...
In retrospect, this wasn't the right week (month/year) to read a book about Nazi-occupied Holland...
A closet door at the Georgetown public library :)
Gearing myself up for tonight's debate with a new book that has nothing to do with politics...
My #threefictionalcharacters are obviously the book versions (much as I love the movie renditions of Anne and Luna...don't get me started on the need for a good Peter Wimsey movie series!) I made my Facebook friends guess from book quotes, but they're a bit long for Litsy, and I assume you all know the quotes anyways. :)
"I pulled an apple out of my travelsack and handed it to her. They were gorgeous, red as blood, sweet, and crisp. The sort of apples you dream about all year but can only get for a few weeks during the fall."
"You'd be surprised at the sorts of things hidden away in children's songs."
It really doesn't matter how this book turns out, I'm sold based on the title and the first page.
Why choose one bookstore when I could have a whole state of them? Got this wonderful poster of independent bookstores in Minnesota last year - thinking there's a road trip to hit them all somewhere in my future! #getindie
Evening reading, in preparation for a weekend of cooking and putting up food for the fall.
"I wanna sit under my own vine and fig tree
A moment alone in the shade
At home in this nation we‘ve made
One last time"
"What about your family? You are a Roman Catholic, aren't you?"
"This is not an impediment. I have spoken to Father John. She will become a Catholic, and this avoid eternal damnation which she would not like."
That time of year - Anne of Green Gables and noise cancelling headphones for the commute home.
A book that starts with a timeline of presidential candidates is almost as good as a book that starts with a map!
This was an obvious #favauthorcolab for today's #augustphotochallenge. I love both these authors, and @Wandering_Resident and I started so many letter games in high school after reading this! (Did we ever make it past about the 3rd letter?...)
"A swag man sings the there-and-back of his day's journey, a song whose cadence closes at our village square. All journeymen, lighting their way through near distance with a day's tune."
Definitely improves on reading out loud! Also, way cheesier in parts. But helped by snacks and butterbeer!
No, *you're* sobbing through the Battle of Hogwarts while making party signs. #audiobook
Took me a minute to think of my #favsiblings, until I spotted this on the shelf, and there was no question. Meg, Charles Wallace, and the twins are some of my all time favorite people. If you haven't tried Hope Larson's graphic novel, it's very well done - as a skeptic about most adaptations of beloved books, I was very impressed with her work. #augustphotochallenge
Can't think of a better definition of #laidbackbooks than Miss Fisher - preferably with a glass of wine, and a plate of mushrooms on toast. #augustphotochallenge
Impossible to list all my #alltimefavbooks, but these four are the ones I will reread at least once a year, without ever getting tired of them. #augustphotochallenge
"Blue was a fanciful but sensible thing, like a platypus, or one of those sandwiches that had been cut into circles for a fancy tea party."
While certainly not the last, this was the first book that I remember making me laugh out loud, pretty much every other page. I haven't read it in years, but even in high school I could pull it off my shelf and start giggling. Hope it's still in the libraries for children to find today! #augustphotochallenge #booksthatmadeyousmile