Equal parts informative and bittersweet. Dionne, Jr. details how far the Republican Party has strayed from Eisenhower‘s moderate ideals and illustrates how radical many in the party have become (and this was published before 2020).
Equal parts informative and bittersweet. Dionne, Jr. details how far the Republican Party has strayed from Eisenhower‘s moderate ideals and illustrates how radical many in the party have become (and this was published before 2020).
I took a long strange journey through this book, having read about half before the election and then putting it down in the wake of Trumpism. I picked it up again this week to avoid a #DNF. Although even Dionne would admit he got a few of his projections wrong, this is still an interesting and detailed read that can help liberals, conservatives, and independents all a lesson on how we got where we are.
Another busy day of trying to save democracy, clearly.
George Bailey and Rachel Maddow on the same page! Mr. Dionne, you know the way into this liberal heart!
Excited to get started on this! EJ Dionne is always insightful and clear.
Very readable look of the Republican party's evolution from Eisenhower to Trump. Written by a liberal, but very respectful of conservatives. (From my super-liberal POV, though.) I only started being aware of politics during the Clinton administration, and I don't feel like I was fully up on politics until this election, so this book has been very illuminating. Great way to put this election in context for the Republicans.
Visiting my parents the next few days--surviving New England with seasonally inappropriate coffee, a book about politics, and the Olympics.