Just read this! Amazing book! 100% should read!!!
Just read this! Amazing book! 100% should read!!!
Starting to read this bad boy! Anyone has read it before? What you thought about it?
It has literally all the words and it‘s meaning. You should definitely read it
Okay, I‘m not going to talk about Oxford, sorry it just didn‘t not let me choose a book. But I have a question I would like to ask. I‘m currently at the University and I‘m studying Arts, more specifically writing, is my dream to be a writer, anyway none of my families are reader so I was wondering, would it be okay if I posted some books ideas and you guys tell me if you like it or not? I don‘t know who else to ask.
My favorite book of all time, with this book I learned how to love, I lost, I laughed and I my trust broke.
I am a very big fan of Snape I love what J.K. Rowling did with the characters (and even though is not in the book the way that Alan Rickman owned the character and gave him life ) was amazing, so deep he was not just Voldemort follower and he didn‘t just hated Harry and he wasn‘t just angry all the Time.
Read this book in School and it‘s one of my most time favorite, it is a play, but is so good and makes you think about your life and decision in so many way. Also has the best paragraph of all time.
Dante‘s finally in heaven, third and final book of The “Divine Comedy” saga. Really good out of the Saga I believe this is my favorite. Must read definitely
A really good book to read. I read it about 3 years ago, love it! Fantasy Christianity all together. This is the following book (sequel if you must) of inferno, right after Dante leave Inferno he makes a stop to the purgatory.
“There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness”
Do not be afraid; our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift
Loved this book. Has adventure, maths, love. A young adult novel.
A hound adult series, about love and lost and magic and mystical creatures, and fallen angel. I completely recommend this if you fantasy.
Good book. Adventure and mystery a little suspense is directed for the young audience, teenager young adult. A love story
Best book for a starter reader and kids, for you if you like adventure and magic.