Just completed the reread of Sapphire Flame. I am now prepared to dive into this.
Just completed the reread of Sapphire Flame. I am now prepared to dive into this.
These two together make my heat sing. Adam and Mercy...sigh 🥰
Finally think my heart is ready to read this... I was able to avoid all spoilers. Wish me luck...here I go. #endofaseries #icansurvive
Another laugh out loud Penny Reid story. I love this series. This is surprising as I am not a fan of “real world” romance. I think the comedy and slight unbelievable actions in this series makes it perfect for me. (Need to get home fast...use this jet! ....again) but i love them. Soooo looking forward to Kat‘s book.
What a sweet ending to the story. This was a perfect end to Simon and Meg. I know people were looking for hot romance, but this ending really stayed true to the character. Not saying I won‘t be happy if we learn more about them in future books though!!
Ready to start this one...been stalling not sure why. Currently on a work trip so perfect time to dive in!!
Awwwww, loved it. Light, easy read that has you laughing out loud and sighing with the zany family drama. A great book when you want something entertaining but don‘t have to think too hard. The characters are sweet and likable. Everything wraps up pretty easy in a nice bow but sometimes you need that! Was a Little worried since I didn‘t have the chance to read book 1 in the series but it was just fine as a stand-alone.
Second in the series. Can be read as a stand alone, but the first book helps you make connections in this one. I love the way Meljean Brook‘s writes steampunk. This world is awesome and her female characters are bada$$ but still with a soft side. Yasmeen is the Captain of her airship and her world changes once she allows Archimedes on board. Their romance is sweet. The action is fun to read. Great book, looking forward to book 3.
The beginning had me a little confused. The world building wasn‘t strong and I felt like I was swimming. However about 150 pages in the story it took a turn for the better.
Interesting story with magic, discrimination, a little predictable mystery and love.
Set up to have a second in the series. I feel like the writing was strong enough that I will be picking up the next one.
Was excited to win this in the Goodreads giveaway!
Super excited to get started on this historical fantasy. Won it in a GoodReads Giveaway.
Ooooooo I LoVeD ❤️ 💕 Valentin & Silver. After so many in this series, they just keep getting better. So fun to see where this is going.
Second book in the series...not sure why it took me so long to get to this one. Half way through and I am really enjoying it. Logan is fun!
This is my favorite of the Elder Races universe. I loved it. Sid is the perfect match for Morgan and the story is fabulous. Ms. Harrison knows how to write. This could be read as a stand alone, but it‘s richer with the other stories to supplement information.
I experienced something I never have before with a Nalini Singh book, I struggled with the beginning. I didn‘t like Holly. Her banter with Venom really turned me off. I love Ms. Singh‘s writing so I stayed the course and expected greatness. I got really goodness. The ending was too quick. I wanted to enjoy the romance and it felt rushed. The overall story was good and since I love this series, looking forward to the next.
My Thanksgiving plans. In-laws don‘t arrive until Friday!!!!
Ben and Tenzin are at it again. Love them and their partnership. This was a great. The banter between the two is fun with just enough tension. Additional characters help to fill in that romantic bit and were as equally enjoying. I just love Ms. Hunter‘s work. Now if she could just write faster!!!
Library pick up. Been a bit since I delved into some steampunk. I hope it‘s a win!
I love Claire and Liam. Great addition to this series. Hopefully sales are good and there is a #4 (she only contracted for 3 thus far) Ms. Neill‘s writing is the perfect read when you want to get away. She takes you away and leaves you wanting more...I hate turning that last page.
Went into this one a little leery, mixed reviews had me concerned I wouldn't like it and I really liked the first one. But, I like it!! Cat's inner dialog has me laughing out loud when I read (usually during lunch... usually in my office where the whole office can here me Gah!). I enjoy the twist on Greek mythology that is blended in and the side characters are great (Can't wait for more on Flynn and Jocasta and Kato oh what is in store for you??)
12 days. It took me 12 days to read this. I savored it... I took moments to reread sections to be sure I was clear. I paused to pet the book and sigh lovingly. And now it is over. I have read the spoiler blog, I am caught up on all the gossip of future possible books... and I feel... just empty.
It. Was. That. Good.
Really enjoyed this story set in the world of the Elder Races. No need to have read the Elder Race series but does help with a little understanding of the different races. I loved Sophie and her spunk. I was nice to have a heroine that already knew her magic, herself and really didn't need anyone else. Fun read. Looking forward to the next one.
Great read!
About mid way Cat's "i can't..." (like him, let them know who I am, accept people in my life) mantra was a little over done but I loved the world and the story was good. The Beta Team ❤️❤️ is awesome and Griffin is too good to be true- swoon. Stepping out to the bookstore today for the next one!
Next up! Now...start reading at 11pm and hope I have the willpower to end at just a few chapters or wait until tomorrow. Decisions, decisions.
Stayed up late more than one night to get more reading time. Less than 60 days until book 3 comes out and I am biting at the bit. So good. Can't wait to find out how Nevada and Rogan's relationship grows. Loved the extra steam in this too. Perfect amount. Not over done. Sigh.... the Andrews never disappoint.
Fantastic. This series is just.....no words. Love it 😍
FINALLY!!! The wait is over!! If you need me I will be hiding in as many places as I can to read. This. Book!
Sometimes A series hits this point where we know it needs to be over. I feel like the Chicagoland vampires was about to head that way so I'm not saddened by the ending. This was an amazing ending to a great series. Ethan and Merit finally act as the couple they were meant to be. Super swoon worthy moments, yummy Chocolate dreams, major kick butt moments and a little snark for fun.
As the final book in the series, I am disappointed. Was it #5 I'd be ok. I didn't feel anything final in the story. Too many loose ends dangling. The writing was good and the hint of Vlad that we knew and loved from the NH series was great but over all just ok.
Pre-gaming! Got my coffee on now in preparation for my lunch read!
Took me a while to warm up to Makeda. Many times I felt it a little one sided. But characters grow in their time and when she grew I loved her. The visits from old friend was fabulous. I smiled for the last 1/4 of the book. End of this story arc, can't wait for what's next!
Starting an Elizabeth Hunter book is always bittersweet. I know it will be fantastic but it eventually it has to be over waaaa! 😭
As a Serial read on the author's website we get to see the story unfold and wait w/baited breathe for the next installment. It's fun to see how the process works, how events or comments find their way into the book. serial reads have a risk of it feeling... off, choppy. I know I'll need to buy the book after, but that's part of the fun. How will it change, will I catch the changes? This was wonderful! The few tweaks & fixes really made the story.❤
A good start to a series. A few ends I wish would have been tied up and a couple questionable characters but overall an action packed, fun read. Would have been a Pick, but the sexy time thoughts in scenes that were not appropriate took me out of the story too much. Others love the later books so I'll keep with it.
Kills me to so-so this one!! I love Ethan & Merit but something in this one was just ...off. The banter was good, the couple was good but it was missing that punch that made me grab on and beg for more at the end. Still love the series and will pick up the next. My expectations may be lowered in the future so I'm not so disappointed.
"She looks fierce," Ethan said, "because she is."
Insecurity was not a trait Ethan was familiar with." Oh I ❤Ethan & Merit.
"Elena, did you just throw a bread roll at the Archangel of New York?" ❤️?❤️? #archangelsheart #nalinisingh
I became distracted by another book, then couldn't remember if I actually finished Throne of Glass. Later realized I did not. Had about 4 chapters left but already gave it back to library. Meh, Kick butt assassin was really a little girl that loved to whine and everyone snuck up on her...I mean really?!
Another fun read. Jax's evolution is fun to follow and I love March. Would have liked more of him so here's hoping he's in the next one.
I struggle with this book. If I were to forget the majority of the story, just go w/the romance, it is quite sweet. However, the rest of the story left me feeling...odd. I understand this is a YA book but even keeping that in mind I struggled to sync with the heroine. The language used was shocking, I get Ms. Mead may have wanted to match terms from colonizing America but I felt uncomfortable..and They were Selling girls. Prob not getting book 2
Love that I will hide away in any possible hiding spot- the janitorial closet, the bathroom, your office, "stuck in traffic"- to read book. But I HATE when it is over. Nothing else sounds good to read!! Ugh!! Darn you Author Lords!!!
This. I was busted reading at work because of this. How can you not LOL.